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Lets drink a beer

The guinness export stout (yellow label I think) is the only strong stout made in ireland, and it's about 6.5+% and I've never even seen it here, though the int beer shop should have it (I still have never been there...).

They do, I've seen it.

Been back. bought a bottle. It's called Foreign Export and all the blurb is written in French, must have been labelled for that market. My schoolboy French tells me it was brewed at St James' Gate though.

It's 7.5% and you can taste it. A very nice beer, but probably a bit too much of everything - flavour and alc. Regular Export, or Coopers in probably a better bet, especially for value.
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They do, I've seen it.

Been back. bought a bottle. It's called Foreign Export and all the blurb is written in French, must have been labelled for that market. My schoolboy French tells me it was brewed at St James' Gate though.

It's 7.5% and you can taste it. A very nice beer, but probably a bit too much of everything - flavour and alc. Regular Export, or Coopers in probably a better bet, especially for value.
Actually the only place I bought that irish guinness stout was in Paris, but the label was all in english, but that was 1998. But it was an export brew from st james gate, serial numbered with brewer etc. But I agree, coopers is the best bet unless you want to try cascade or other aussie brews.
My local shops are useless, I mentioned one over priced shop before, but even the local BWS you may as well rename "lagerland", they had local guinness and coopers, and crappy ales, but nothing else as nearly everying is a lager and it's getting worse with ciders getting pushed heavily. No porters or dark ales, much like anything else nearby even places I can buy coopers extra or local guinness extra stout has no porters, just ciders or wine.
I guess you have to adapt, like I did when swan stout was deleted, or when I moved into a crappy lagerland area
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I've got a horrible feeling I've been converted. Still not too keen on seriously hoppy 7% stouts or ales but there's a wealth of amazing ones in between that and your average shitty lager. My mate runs a specialist beer bar here in Amsterdam so I've been spoiled. There's no way that any of them are available in Perth or anywhere else in Australia so I'll have to become a wine drinker. Can't even drink Heineken which has been brewed just down the road.
Europe really has it made when it comes to lagers and beer. There must be thousands of breweries throughout the mainland.

It's something Australia has struggled with as the main 4-5 breweries have had such a stranglehold over the entire industry. And they have concentrated on brewing beers that taste the same no matter where you drink them rather than embracing local variation.

Until fairly recently I gravitated to Euro lagers whenever I found myself in a bottleshop as they had flavour that just wasn't found in Aussie beers and were far less gassy. But I am now drinking some Aussie beers again.

I can see where Pablo is coming from when he says that too many of the micro-brewed beers are trying to do the same thing, and most of them are very sweet.

It is a mistake a lot of the Shiraz winemakers made when they all started to try and make the same tasting wine instead of rejoicing in the variation between vineyards.

It's not a completely bad thing though, I would still rather drink one of these newer beers than almost anything from CUB, XXXX, Tooheys breweries etc.
Tap vs bottle/can is another issue.
I love tooheys New on tap. I love coopers pale on tap. Bottle or can and I'm not too worried, if I'm at a place with little choice I would drink it, but tap flavour beats anything else.

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My old boy used to work for a company that sold a system for cleaning the beer lines at pubs. Basically a foam bullet that gets fired through under pressure.

Seriously makes you not want to drink beer at the pub when you see what comes out. If the beer is coming out flat and shitty tasting, trust your taster and go to the next pub.
Maybe i dont drink enough beer anymore - just had 2 Tiger's and a wine with lunch and now i need a nap for a few hours....
Got stuck into a batch of homebrew last night.its a berliner Weiss with shiraz grapes. Came out like a bright acidic rose. Going to be excellent for the hot summer days.was a simple beer with 50/50 pils and wheat and 5 ibu of hallertaur.kettle soured down to 3.5 ph and fermented with us05 before the secondary with the grapes.split the batch with 1 keg of the fruited version and the other keg kept plain except for a dose of Brett b.
Got stuck into a batch of homebrew last night.its a berliner Weiss with shiraz grapes. Came out like a bright acidic rose. Going to be excellent for the hot summer days.was a simple beer with 50/50 pils and wheat and 5 ibu of hallertaur.kettle soured down to 3.5 ph and fermented with us05 before the secondary with the grapes.split the batch with 1 keg of the fruited version and the other keg kept plain except for a dose of Brett b.

nice work mate.. sounds like u know what your doing there. I am a bit of a home brewer myself, not the instant can mix stuff but making from scratch from grains and hops + proper yeast

my favourite home made is copies of Little creatures pale ale and James squire golden ale

oh and a nice Chocolate Stout i once made
Stout and porter are some of my favourite styles to drink but after 10 years brewing I'm yet to make one I'm happy with.my favourite keg filler is of all things an aussie lager type beer.cheap to make and nothing challenging about drinking it at all just clean dry and satisfying.
Homebrewer here. All grain of 10 yrs +. I have a keggerator that holds 5 kegs with four perlick taps. 3 vessel gravity fed all electric urn system. Styles we have made is endless. Need another brew day soon to top up our house wheat beer tap.
Homebrewer here. All grain of 10 yrs +. I have a keggerator that holds 5 kegs with four perlick taps. 3 vessel gravity fed all electric urn system. Styles we have made is endless. Need another brew day soon to top up our house wheat beer tap.
What style of wheat is it? I personally like to make an American wheat sorta thing. 50/50 wheat pils with just a touch of a fruity hop at the end and ferment with coopers yeast to give some nice pear and light banana esters. Very nice on a hot day.also like to make traditional hefes and wits occasionally but not often at all.
What style of wheat is it? I personally like to make an American wheat sorta thing. 50/50 wheat pils with just a touch of a fruity hop at the end and ferment with coopers yeast to give some nice pear and light banana esters. Very nice on a hot day.also like to make traditional hefes and wits occasionally but not often at all.

No its the Belgian wyeast strain. We do ours with lemon peel , crushed coriander and ferment at the late teens to get some esters but not banana bubblegum beer. Its a house beer at the 4.5% range tl knock back on sunny days.
Had these delivered today for the sub.

Newcastle Brown Ale 4.7%, Birra Moretti 4.8%, Cruzcampo Gran Reserva 6.4%, Amstel 5%, Tiger 4.8%

Kicking this back into life as I've just poured myself a cold one after working outside all day...

Death From Above :)


Demus favorem amori - ‘we choose to stand for love’. DFA, a surprising blend of flavours marrying mango, Vietnamese mint, lime and chilli with the high citrus hit of Centennial, Amarillo and Citra hops. A crisp 7.5%

Cheers! :)
I'm all for necrobumping threads, it's efficient and sensible. (y) With that in mind, this is my current lunchtime festive favourite...


Jeff Goodieson was one of several great people who made us welcome when we moved over from WA to SA, where we were strangers in a strange land. His brewery had not been going long at the time, and it's great to see it's still going strong.