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Been offered a trade for some GBE's....


...can I interest you in some vintage blades?
Staff member
Forum Administrator
Grand Society
Got a PM over YKW.

Bloke from Yankeeland loves GBE's. He has seen my stash and is obviously interested.

Of all the blades and razor combinations I've tried I found that the old GBE's and Merkur Futur are as perfect for me as I'll ever get. So, of course, I'm trying to find a reasonable stash.

I found your post and while you don't wish to sell I looked in my "for trade" box and found that I have 50 Spoilers and 50 Personna Tungston 74's I could work with. I also have a bunch of Personna 74 single edge injector cartridges, a 2011 Muhle r41 and r41 Grande.

Now I would dearly LOVE some '74s and yes I know what they are worth! Never had the pleasure of shaving with them so I must admit that I am tempted. I am also looking for Spoilers, so 50 would be a nice start.

Just not sure what to offer for them? Would happily offer 2:1 on the spoilers, and was thinking 3:1 on the '74's which puts me at ~250 GBE's for his 100 blades.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
Well, isn't that exactly why you got such a huge stash of the things in the first place? You and your great great grand children can't possibly hope to use all of them so go for it. Don't know how the exchange works from a financial perspective but you're not short of a lot of blades you like and if you're exchanging a relatively small amount to get some rare blades you really want why not. And, as he's contacted you, you're in an ideal "take it or leave it, it's no skin off my back" bargaining postition.
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It was more a question if you think I was being relatively fair on the amount I was going to offer.
It was more a question if you think I was being relatively fair on the amount I was going to offer.

Sorry, can't help you there. You know more about how much they're worth than most. Still, 100 blades you really want for 250 out of a stash of 4000 or whatever it is. I wouldn't hesitate for an exchange that doesn't cost any money other than postage and results in some desirable shaving gear. But then I'm not a collecter and not a blade dude.
Do it.

Otherwise, if you don't, I'm gonna get every single "oh I wish I had traded" post moderated.

Seriously why wouldn't you?
I've offered 2:1 GBE:Spoiler, and at least 3:1 GBE to P74, indicating I have room to move. I'd probably go to 4:1 on the '74s without hesitation.

Also mentioned that I have a tuck of Dark/Maltese Platinums, and also a pack of the White Platinums (aka Cardboard Swedes) to help sweeten if he is interested. Will wait and see what the reaction is.
Meh, he found someone else who gave him 5:1 on the P74's.

He is a happy camper now.