Ok next up is the interesting Polsilver Stainless blades, which may either originate from Poland or P&G's St Pete plant - differing views on this but I think it's a case that they used to be made in Poland but ended up getting moved to St Pete - the giveaway being the gluespots (dunno why folks always complain so much about these - yes they're a lil annoying but hardly a deal breaker, some folks make out like they're asbestos!)
Here's some interesting background I found posted over at YKW regarding these blades which seem to be surrounded by a lil mystery due to the recent acquisition of them by P& G, the original Super Iridiums and also the new 'Polsilver Super Iridiums'....where these sit in this grand scheme is anyone's guess:
Due to all this and generally very good to excellent reports on their performance PLUS the fact they've been discontinued (which in shaving seems to be an instant guarantee of a product going from average to legend status overnight & having it's going price treble!) these have become quite sought after lately. Not uncommon for these to be selling for up to 40c per blade, before postage! Thats getting towards elite price but does the performance meet the price?
I should flag that my first 2 shaves with these was with LESS than ideal lathers (using Mike's Natural Soaps) and was also with a Gillette Slim (first pass @5, 2nd@3). Haha so much for consistency to ensure results eh. ;-)
Sharpness of Blade/Closeness of shave: 8/10, felt pretty damn sharp. Got some nice audio feedback as it went through the hairs. Definitely one of the sharper blades I've recently used.....not quite at the Feather level but a very good edge on these.
Smoothness of Shave/Comfort of Shave: 7.5+/10, this grade has been given a plus as I think that it was significantly undermined by the horrible lather I was working with. I did feel to have a very good level of smoothness to it. I'll have to get another few shaves out to be more certain about this.
Post-shave irritation/cuts: First time I shaves I got a couple of little weepers....I generally don't get these - instead more often getting 'cuts' from going too fast. But I took it that these were a testimony to the sharpness of the blade itself. Otherwise no post shave problems albeit again the lather wasn't ideal but the blade definitely held up its end.
Overall score for blade 7.5+/10, again a plus score as I think this blade has upside that my first 2 uses didn't get to showcase due to the underperformance of the lather. Due to its sharpness I'd think this would do well in my slant - might give that a try next
Comments: As mentioned its a very nice blade.....its early days in the reviews and I can already see that short of reviewing the blades back to back in a single shave (changing in and out after a few strokes) it's VERY hard to be truly subjective and accurate in giving feedback on them. Just SO many variables that pertain to every shave which could make the difference between a good shave and a sub-par one.
That all said I'm 100% confident that these are above average blades which should happily sit within almost anyone's stash and give solid results in any razor within your rotation - I don't think they're ELITE level blades e.g RM's GBEs - but they're definitely in the next tier down from these based on my usage so far. As stated with prices on the rise these will get harder to get but they can be found for as little as 16c/blade posted! Check my earlier posts for details on these. And at that price they may well rival the best value superior blades available. Grab a pack or two whilst you still can.
Ok next up is the interesting Polsilver Stainless blades, which may either originate from Poland or P&G's St Pete plant - differing views on this but I think it's a case that they used to be made in Poland but ended up getting moved to St Pete - the giveaway being the gluespots (dunno why folks always complain so much about these - yes they're a lil annoying but hardly a deal breaker, some folks make out like they're asbestos!)
Here's some interesting background I found posted over at YKW regarding these blades which seem to be surrounded by a lil mystery due to the recent acquisition of them by P& G, the original Super Iridiums and also the new 'Polsilver Super Iridiums'....where these sit in this grand scheme is anyone's guess:
Petersburg Products is 65% owned by Gillette/P&G, and the rest by the Russian government. That's the deal they could cut in the early '90's to get their foot in the door. The plant back then was in a rundown waterfront/warehouse district of St. Petersburg, making Sputniks, Astras, and other such blades. I believe a new plant has since been built on the outskirts of St. Petrsburg.
At about the same time in the early '90's, Gillette purchased Wizamet S.A. in Lodz, Poland They continued making Iridiums, Polsilvers, and "Swedes" there until 2005, when P&G decided to move all DE blade production to St. Petersburg. The Lodz plant was converted to making Mach3's and Fusions. The "W" on Iridium and Polsilver wrappers is the Wizamet logo.
The four large wax/glue spots under the wrapper are a trademark of any blade made in the St. Petersburg plant. They are a deal breaker for me. I'll use up what blades I have from there, but won't be buying more."
I prefer the Polsilver to the Iridium because it's smoother even if not quite as sharp or long-lasting. It's a moot point because once the 16-17 Polsilvers I have are gone, there will be no more. The Polsilvers were cancelled because they weren't as popular, and the fact that eight or more brands/models of blade were being made in the St. Petersburg plant. The complexity led to confusion and quality problems, like Polsilvers showing up in Iridium wrappers.
Due to all this and generally very good to excellent reports on their performance PLUS the fact they've been discontinued (which in shaving seems to be an instant guarantee of a product going from average to legend status overnight & having it's going price treble!) these have become quite sought after lately. Not uncommon for these to be selling for up to 40c per blade, before postage! Thats getting towards elite price but does the performance meet the price?
I should flag that my first 2 shaves with these was with LESS than ideal lathers (using Mike's Natural Soaps) and was also with a Gillette Slim (first pass @5, 2nd@3). Haha so much for consistency to ensure results eh. ;-)
Sharpness of Blade/Closeness of shave: 8/10, felt pretty damn sharp. Got some nice audio feedback as it went through the hairs. Definitely one of the sharper blades I've recently used.....not quite at the Feather level but a very good edge on these.
Smoothness of Shave/Comfort of Shave: 7.5+/10, this grade has been given a plus as I think that it was significantly undermined by the horrible lather I was working with. I did feel to have a very good level of smoothness to it. I'll have to get another few shaves out to be more certain about this.
Post-shave irritation/cuts: First time I shaves I got a couple of little weepers....I generally don't get these - instead more often getting 'cuts' from going too fast. But I took it that these were a testimony to the sharpness of the blade itself. Otherwise no post shave problems albeit again the lather wasn't ideal but the blade definitely held up its end.
Overall score for blade 7.5+/10, again a plus score as I think this blade has upside that my first 2 uses didn't get to showcase due to the underperformance of the lather. Due to its sharpness I'd think this would do well in my slant - might give that a try next
Comments: As mentioned its a very nice blade.....its early days in the reviews and I can already see that short of reviewing the blades back to back in a single shave (changing in and out after a few strokes) it's VERY hard to be truly subjective and accurate in giving feedback on them. Just SO many variables that pertain to every shave which could make the difference between a good shave and a sub-par one.
That all said I'm 100% confident that these are above average blades which should happily sit within almost anyone's stash and give solid results in any razor within your rotation - I don't think they're ELITE level blades e.g RM's GBEs - but they're definitely in the next tier down from these based on my usage so far. As stated with prices on the rise these will get harder to get but they can be found for as little as 16c/blade posted! Check my earlier posts for details on these. And at that price they may well rival the best value superior blades available. Grab a pack or two whilst you still can.