If you are trying them all in the same razor, odds are some will just not work, some 'meh' some perfect.
I did buy a heap of blades when first starting out. Heaps of sampler packs, and a few in bulk.
After trying a lot I bought in bulk the red pack personnas, the astras, feathers and israeli super platinum personnas/crystals.
The red pack personnas aren't the sharpest, they are smooth though. They need a bit of weight and effort behind them, perfect for the vintage gillette adjustable, not bad in a red tip super speed. Should be OK in a mdedium to light aggressive razor with some weight behind them. I never expect a BBS shave from them, just a quick, cut free rushed morning shave before work.
The israelis wouldn't work in anything but a vintage open comb, but they work awesome in that case, maybe the best combo ever.
Feathers I only use in mild solid safety bar razors, open comb would be a disaster IMO, but a vintage tech, regular superspeed, aristocrat or a mild modern razor would suit them well if you have tough skin and a wiry beard.
The astras impressed me the most and work in nearly everything. For the price and availability you can't go wrong. I haven't tried every blade, but I've tried every modern gillette available (some good, some bad, but price and availability puts me of even the good ones). Don't like dorco or derby. BICs are OK, but not cheap enough to care about them. KAIs are OK, but like feathers, don't use the mild solid safety bar razor enough to want heaps of them. Tried an iridium, wasn't that impressed. Tried german WS, not impressed for the price.
I haven't tried the multitudes of indian/asian/flavour of the month medical blades though, and I feel I don't need to.
I base my purchases on price and easy availability, there's not point hunting further.
If you have a heavy razor with medium aggressiveness, try the red pack personna
If you have an open comb, give the israeli platinum/crystal a shot
If you are using a non aggressive razor like a solid safety bar TTO or vintage Gillette Tech or clone, try feather and KAI./ Gillette Yellows are about as good, but even harder to buy than these, but is a smoother blade and almost as sharp. edit: I'd say the astras are about here, a budget gillette yellow I think they are made in the same factory?
If you have a medium razor (for weight/aggressiveness) Astra are the best bet (some might be better, like some gillettes, but they cost more and aren't as readily available)
That's just my experience based on razors alone, on top of that everyones own preference is different! But at the end of the day, best to stick with what you can easily, cheaply, and quickly just order or buy anyway, rather than sample every blade out there that may have stocks drying up, pricing going up, have to order from overseas or ebay only etc.