Foolish Possums are not Grand Poobahs
2018 Sabbatical
2019 Charity Auction Winner
2020 Charity Auction Winner
as we all know derby are a very prominent blade in wet shaving, often recommended to beginners in the hopes of scaring them off so we can keep the good blades for ourselves.just kidding.
Over the years I've found myself always having a few tucks of derby around as I find them to be a suprisingly serviceable blade and not just at the price point (which is crazy low BTW) but the just work for me for some reason.
How many of you have derbys around?
Would you try them again?
Over the years I've found myself always having a few tucks of derby around as I find them to be a suprisingly serviceable blade and not just at the price point (which is crazy low BTW) but the just work for me for some reason.
How many of you have derbys around?
Would you try them again?