Hi all,
New to wet shaving here, as I love retro and old stuff, I just had to buy myself a Fatboy and I got a Slim for good measure and just through luck it turned out to be my birth razor too. Gorgeous looking pieces of kit if you ask me. I've been using the Fatboy set on 5 and found that to be as aggressive as I need to get a good shave. I decided to give the Slim a go on the weekend thinking the longer handle and thinner head would give better "feel" for want of a better word. Anyway I set the Slim to 5 and found I was not getting any cut. I loosened it off and cranked it up to 9 and still wasn't satisfied so I finished the shave with the Fatboy. Later comparing the gaps between the two, the gap appeared the same with the Fatboy on 5 and the Slim on 9 both the razors have Feathers in them. I'm wondering if anyone can say that the Slim is a less aggressive razor or is something wrong with mine? They both appear to be in excellent condition.
New to wet shaving here, as I love retro and old stuff, I just had to buy myself a Fatboy and I got a Slim for good measure and just through luck it turned out to be my birth razor too. Gorgeous looking pieces of kit if you ask me. I've been using the Fatboy set on 5 and found that to be as aggressive as I need to get a good shave. I decided to give the Slim a go on the weekend thinking the longer handle and thinner head would give better "feel" for want of a better word. Anyway I set the Slim to 5 and found I was not getting any cut. I loosened it off and cranked it up to 9 and still wasn't satisfied so I finished the shave with the Fatboy. Later comparing the gaps between the two, the gap appeared the same with the Fatboy on 5 and the Slim on 9 both the razors have Feathers in them. I'm wondering if anyone can say that the Slim is a less aggressive razor or is something wrong with mine? They both appear to be in excellent condition.