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Dud shave with derby blade


never had a problem with these blades but after 3 shaves with a blade and suffering some bad razor burn and cuts I inspected the blade.Never seen this on a blade but the edge looked in part like a serated knife. Any one had similar experience with blades. Switched to a red persona and will be inspecting each blade prior to every shave.
It's quite normal for dud blades to slip through QC occasionally. Derby have somewhat of a bad rep in this area, although the blades themselves are generally OK as a whole.

Could it be that your facial hair is made of stainless steel?
Can not say I have and advise you to contact Derby about it.
That's no good igbran!

I have championed Derby in the past but a serrated edge sounds like a QC failure.

In general I find Derby to be a rougher than top shelf shave but very good end result and no irritation. It is also an instructive blade on shave angle. Just not sharp enough to get it done with a crook angle!! Sometimes I am spoiled with the good blades and get a bit lazy on that front
In regards to the good blades can you drop some names.
I am happy with red persona blades and was looking to get 100 of these along with the derby blades but now no so sure
Always found Derby blunt and draggy.

Reds are better
Astra sharper
Super Iridiums are worth a go
Feathers are sharpest.
Will wait til I exhaust my supply. Can get all online locally except the super iridiums. First blades were bicchrome platinum and not overly impressed . The dorco blades were worse still. Matter of trial and error I guess. Will be interesting to try variety of blades in my gillette slim adjustable when it arrives and see if it delivers.will have to bite the Bullet and give the feathers a whirl as well
If you are buying a reasonable amount, then best to be sure you like them.

I think the best blade going is the PermaSharp Super @ USD$20 per 100 blades via BestShave. Smooth, sharp blades and they just work. There is a link in the footer of every page.

You can also get Astra SP and also Derby from there at less than $10 per 100 blades. As long as you get over USD$50 worth of product, postage is free.

If you want a sampler, just ask. I have sent out quite a few very decent packages, and there are others around with a number of various loose blades lying around that they are happy to throw in an envelope for you.
wow wasn't expecting that . No need but thanks for the generous offer. I'll get some of the ones listed above and keep persevering. Bit like using my gillette tech . First few shaves with it we're absolute crap and now most enjoyable. was using razor blades online via ebay for first purchases but happy to try elsewhere
wow wasn't expecting that . No need but thanks for the generous offer. I'll get some of the ones listed above and keep persevering. Bit like using my gillette tech . First few shaves with it we're absolute crap and now most enjoyable. was using razor blades online via ebay for first purchases but happy to try elsewhere

We just want your postal address so @nicktheknife can send you immodest pictures of himself!

Seriously I would take up Monsters offer. You will get to try some blades that are hard to come by :)

The perma sharp @ best shave are really good. I am thinking about getting some more myself!
Do what they say mate, we need more members hooked on vintage blades ....
Blades produced yesteryear, in factories and with standards that no longer exist.
Some would give their first born for a lifetime supply of their favourite discontinued/vintage blade, just like others would for their favourite soap/cream.

For example, post a thread in FS with the title "SIM + 74 stash for sale" and enjoy what ensues, and this is a relative backwater shave community wise ;)
Honestly @Igbran , buying 100 and trying one blade at a time is a fools errand that many of us fools tried in the early days. It will be far more cost effective to get a sampler (especially the value that @Monsta_AU tends to give) so that you can try a wide range of current blades, and work out what is best for you and your shaving technique.
Thanks for the clarification and the offers. Will try Connaught shaving and best shave for the best of the ones listed above. Prices are much the same.
Will wait til I exhaust my supply. Can get all online locally except the super iridiums. First blades were bicchrome platinum and not overly impressed . The dorco blades were worse still. Matter of trial and error I guess. Will be interesting to try variety of blades in my gillette slim adjustable when it arrives and see if it delivers.will have to bite the Bullet and give the feathers a whirl as well

For $20 or so I wouldn't stick with Meh blades.

Mensbiz sell Supers
Perma sharps are very good. I'm sure someone would flick you some to try.
I think what we are getting at is that most blade samplers are at least 50% junk that they couldn't sell to an established wet shaver in a fit. Getting a few samples from us will ensure you get sent blades that are average at worst and you'll no doubt get a couple of absolute crackers to try.

Just watch out for @Mark1966 hell send you a butt load of sharks. Some sort of bizzare tribute to our board owner I am sure!!
Just watch out for @Mark1966 hell send you a butt load of sharks. Some sort of bizzare tribute to our board owner I am sure!!

I have a heap of Sharks too, don't care for them funnily enough!

I've probably got 1000 blades in the Personna Red (aka Personna Platinum Chrome), Shark & Lord brands which I do not really like. I doubt I will ever use them.
I have a heap of Sharks too, don't care for them funnily enough!

I've probably got 1000 blades in the Personna Red (aka Personna Platinum Chrome), Shark & Lord brands which I do not really like. I doubt I will ever use them.
Best hang onto them @Monsta_AU for when the good ones start to run out (sometime late in the 24th Century I suspect).
Not in any hurry .have about 60 blades Persona reds, some dorco thingies,derby enough for 12 months?
Not that I'd know given that I've relatively new to this. The missus informs me that over the past 3 months not a week gOrs by and I'm buying something.
So down the track if I'm after some how is it done ? Purchased through PayPal.