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Hyaluronic Acid after you shave.


The guy from over the ditch
No, not that sort of 'acid'. No snorting allowed!
After you have shaved I did read on another forum about using Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate your skin again.
You can just pinch the 'Thin Lizzy' serum off the Missus or get your own more manly stuff.
Some of us 'slightly' older guys need a bit of a plump up for the skin. In my case it would also make me more ruggedly handsome than now (yes I know...hard to believe).
I'm also looking at (OK...I've already ordered them) some Hyaluronic capsules that 'may' help get some needed 'lubrication' back into my damaged neck muscles. My massage guy damn near ripped my head off today, but certainly tore some bound up muscle fibre apart. He approves of the capsule use so I'm hoping for more flexibility one day.
Hurt lots...but I didn't cry. Just the odd wince now and then as pain level went past 10 on the 0-10 scale of hurt.
Good thing I'm so tough.
I haven't been able to bend my neck sideways (ear towards the shoulder sort of thing) for over 30 years but already I can get some movement. Yay!
So anyway, your thoughts on the Hyaluronic Acid (for internal or external use)?
Just to be clear...I'm not intending to drink any Thin Lizzy stuff.
I probably wouldn't swallow HA, but it's popular as a moisturiser ingredient because it appears to work. I think there was some research on injecting HA into joints and tissues, but as far as I know, results are inconclusive. The good news is that as it's a compound that's synthesised (and degraded) in our bodies in some quantity (mostly as hyaluronan) it's unlikely to be harmful.

It probably won't give you the skin of a 16-year-old, but if it makes you feel good, then go for your life. It's also worth bearing in mind that for treating your creaky neck, it's probably a long shot when applied topically, but it shouldn't hurt to try.

Good luck :)

Edit: I'm a chemist (of sorts) not a doctor, so ingest anything I say with sodium chloride...
Thanks @Gargravarr I don't intend to do anything silly. I'm looking at proper capsules with Hyaluronic Acid plus Collagen to see if that helps the creaky neck joints.
The HA might help Synovial Fluid get around all the muscle fibres that are jammed up at the moment.
The massage guy is really tearing some knotted muscle tissue apart to allow it to move as it should.
As for the external use, I'm hoping to get a smoother skin mainly under the chin/jawline...got a few wrinkles there that the razor skips over.
I think that years of warm shower (and washing face), then straight into a shave with using more soap on the face depletes the natural oils in the skin.
I could just bung on some sort of lotion (Nivea?) to address this, but thought the HA may be worth trying.
@Blackie I've been using Wholly Kaw's toners for two years during the winter months right after a shave then post serum/balm or moisturiser over the top.
Personally think it makes a difference as I feel that my skin feels nicer and more moisturised especially after you let it soak in and dry before applying anything else over the top.
Not sure how it would go in reducing wrinkles in the short term.
Plenty of great scents from Wholly Kaw and maggard's today if you get in early has half international shipping.
Thanks @Gargravarr
As for the external use, I'm hoping to get a smoother skin mainly under the chin/jawline...got a few wrinkles there that the razor skips over.
I think that years of warm shower (and washing face), then straight into a shave with using more soap on the face depletes the natural oils in the skin.
I could just bung on some sort of lotion (Nivea?) to address this, but thought the HA may be worth trying.

Just a basic balm at the end of a shave suited to your skin and environmental conditions is all that's required. As good as some aftershave products are, most dry too quickly to be effective long term. Balms and moisturisers tend to attract moisture and stay active on the skin longer. Even those with oily skin, its beneficial to moisturise as long as you use the correct product suited to your skin type and environment.
In the harsh winter months, my skin dries up to a crisp and no matter which shave products I use, it's never comfortable nor close!!

I have tried many products at nighttime and also pre shave...

Cetaphil lotion was the best at moisturizing but for some reason is caused skin dullness and I hated the greasy feel.

A week ago, I grabbed my wife's serum: hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and retinol (not retinoid!).

Used 4 drops at night and 2 drops mixed in to my aftershave balm.

This has made an incredible difference!!
My skin is hydrated, plump and bright!
I'm a convert for sure!

The best outcome is that my shaves are once again close and comfortable!
@nav1 yes that's the same sort of comment I get from other wet shavers (and why I asked you guys).
My bottle of HA arrived this morning...and the Missus promptly grabbed it and bunged some on her face.
I was allowed a turn at it then!
Yes to the hydration. Looking forward to the plump and bright too. My old skin needs that.
Well...it works for me. Face is 'plumper' and hydrated. Might even have some of that 'bright and shiny' too...but nothing 'girly' though!
Daughter arrived for a visit the other day and she said that my face looked 'smoother'.
Some of my 'turkey neck' wrinkles have diminished too.
It's a win, win and pleased I tried it.
The shaves feel 'nicer' and I'm using the Karve #F plate as a daily driver.
After I've shaved, rinsed, and dried I bung on a few drops of the HA (while face is still slightly damp).
Nice soothing balm, and I reckon it's fine for my gnarly old skin.
Have a few sunshine/sunburn caused spots on my face/forehead and I give them a rub over after the shave area is done.
They have certainly become softer too.
Probably if I had just used a decent balm or aftershave cream years ago I would have had the same effect.
Anyway...it's not too dear to buy this stuff and you only need a few drops at a time.
I bought 'Purito' Pure Hyaluronic Acid 90 Serum. It's made in Korea (don't know that I would buy anything made in China though).
Hang on @bernie01 !

@Blackie just sent me a photo so I can recognise him at the airport (since he has to stay at mine for a while) -


You might want to reconsider long term use ...
I've been using a cheap HA serum I bought off ebay for about 2 weeks I think... I use it then apply a balm and I can say it helps a lot... took about a week to notice a difference though.

Skin integrity is improved and softer... need to skin stretch during shaving a little more due to softness in a good way though as my skin is better than ever. For me it has helped so much that I will continue to use it, normally I just drop things if I don't see results but it was pretty quick for this.