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Israeli Reds a 'gone burger'?


The guy from over the ditch
Read this on another forum. Original source was from Paul (Connaught Shaving).
"Energiser / Edgewell have decided to close their Israel factory. This means that Mühle, Super+Platinum/Crystal, Personna Platinum Chrome & Boots/Tesco blades will switch to Solingen made ones in the near future".
So the Israeli Reds will be made at Solingen factory in the future. Will they be made quite as well as the originals though?
Doesn't bother me as I didn't like them much.
The same thread mentioned Lab Blues too.
"Accutec raised the price 60%, I can't get them at a decent rate anymore. Anyone still selling them for a good price has older stocks, I would pick them up while you can".
So, if that's right then Lab Blues are going to get quite dear to buy. I just bought another 100 just to be safe!
Oh well, there are always Gillette St.P blades to carry on with.
Any of you heard anything?
Interesting @Blackie - so where to buy "Lab Blues" at a decent price - or have I got *enough* blades ...
Interesting @Blackie - so where to buy "Lab Blues" at a decent price - or have I got *enough* blades ...
I buy mine from razorbladesclub. Can't get them that cheap here in NZ. Free shipping too when you buy 100 or more blades (you can buy various blades to make up the 100 blades).
Edit: No @Mark1966 you can never have 'enough' blades. This may be the start of the dreaded bladepocalypse. One must be prepared. Lab Blues are about $24AU per 100 delivered. Is that OK or are they cheaper in Australia? The free shipping works for me, but you may get better deal over there?
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The Personna platinums are still $18 aud dlvd and are essentially reds rebadged.
The Personna platinums are still $18 aud dlvd and are essentially reds rebadged.

Not even 'rebadged'. Exactly the same, wrapped the same. Just packaged in plastic dispensers of 10 for the Euro market, instead of cardboard packs of 5 for the Americas.
Not even 'rebadged'. Exactly the same, wrapped the same. Just packaged in plastic dispensers of 10 for the Euro market, instead of cardboard packs of 5 for the Americas.
So if they are now going to be made in Solingen, then it's the same blade but not made in Israel anymore anyway? Doesn't matter what you call it, or how it's packaged it will be made in Solingen in future?
These Personna Lab Blue below are made in USA

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These Personna blades below are made in Israel factory

Yes @SpeedyPC , so the Lab Blues (USA) are going up by 60%. Actually it may be that any of the Accutec USA blades will go up by 60%.
The Israeli Reds (and versions of them) are now going to be made in Solingen...so won't be 'Israeli' Reds anymore. Will be German Reds? Euro Reds? Reds under the beds? What next?
Are they actually the same blades? I wish I knew this before ordering a stack of the reds online...
Yes mate, as @SpeedyPC shows in his photo. The red wrapped (cardboard box) jobbies are the same as the blades in the white plastic dispenser. The ones in the dispenser have the 'Personna' name printed in red too (a visual guide I guess).
The Lab Blues are a different blade (they are not an Israeli Red).
So if they are now going to be made in Solingen, then it's the same blade but not made in Israel anymore anyway? Doesn't matter what you call it, or how it's packaged it will be made in Solingen in future?

That's what it looks like. Mind you we were talking about this exact move a couple of years back.
When you've a few thousand vintage blades or so, I guess modern blades are irrelevant in the greater picture, as you've no need for them!