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Nicked has entered the chat


Hi all,

Obligatory intro thread.

Long time shaver, first time poster.

The usual story, many years using carts, got tired of the "quality" vs cost, decided to dive into DE razors as I had one sitting around from another life, decided to upgrade the unknown twist unit I've had sitting around for 30 some years after noting it seems a little kinked just below the head, probably dropped or knocked in storage.

Lurked a little here and elsewhere, and ended up grabbing the following after reading a few reviews/best threads.

1 × Muhle R89 razor.
1 × Muhle R41 head.
1 × 60 piece variety pack of blades.
1 × pissstick Arko shave stick.
1 × Generic razor/brush stand.

I already have a couple of brushes that came accompanied the twist unit, so I'll stick with those for now.

I've also got 1 stick of Mennen (non tallow as nest I can tell, Aus made) and have now come to learn not only is it a hens tooth, but it's quite a world more pleasant than the Arko, also the smell I remember and love... much sads.

I mostly shave my head with only minimal face/neck trimming, and until starting with the kit mentioned above, I'd not used anythingmore than hot water for as long as I can remember.
Suffice to say, learning the new unit has been a little more challenging than 'throw razor ar scalp + brute force = job done' which has been the norm for quite a while.
I've also opted to use the R41 over the R89 as I started with the 89 (recieved it first, R41 head a couple of days later) and wanted to see just how different they were (and how much damage I could do with the R41) and found it gave the nicer shave, albeit with a few apprentice marks on the backside. Around 4 shaves in now and I'm down to 'maybe a nick if I rush', which is on par with the carts I used prior.

{Insert good outro here.}

Welcome aboard mate, open that wallet for the spiralling wabbit hole you’ve entered :)
It's all coming back to me....


I already have a list of more than likely from Vshod, was holding off on that trigger until I got few questions in first.
Welcome aboard @Nicked, I nearly said it's good to have some new blood around here, then realised that might not be wise... :facepalm: I've come to think of the R41 as a great training razor. It's as aggressive as any human should need, and as such you'll probably outgrow it in time, but it's a great way to get your DE technique down. (y)

... And then there's all those interesting SE razors to play with. It won't be long before the str8 crowd start banging on your door to convert you, but rest assured, that's not a great way to shave your melon.
Welcome aboard @Nicked, I nearly said it's good to have some new blood around here, then realised that might not be wise... :facepalm: I've come to think of the R41 as a great training razor. It's as aggressive as any human should need, and as such you'll probably outgrow it in time, but it's a great way to get your DE technique down. (y)

... And then there's all those interesting SE razors to play with. It won't be long before the str8 crowd start banging on your door to convert you, but rest assured, that's not a great way to shave your melon.
Don't worry, there was a few warning shots from both the 89 and 41, nothing too deep, but the scalp does ham it up when it's nicked. 🤕
Granted it was from the second shave on that I tried it, the R41 is my preferred of the two, just feels better and the open comb makes it easier to rinse off while I get the lathering thing down.

As for the SE squad, I think I'd be hard pressed to get on that train, I was always taught never to trust anyone, not even yourself 100%. That's just asking for that ambulance cover to double..