Hi all,
Obligatory intro thread.
Long time shaver, first time poster.
The usual story, many years using carts, got tired of the "quality" vs cost, decided to dive into DE razors as I had one sitting around from another life, decided to upgrade the unknown twist unit I've had sitting around for 30 some years after noting it seems a little kinked just below the head, probably dropped or knocked in storage.
Lurked a little here and elsewhere, and ended up grabbing the following after reading a few reviews/best threads.
1 × Muhle R89 razor.
1 × Muhle R41 head.
1 × 60 piece variety pack of blades.
1 ×pissstick Arko shave stick.
1 × Generic razor/brush stand.
I already have a couple of brushes that came accompanied the twist unit, so I'll stick with those for now.
I've also got 1 stick of Mennen (non tallow as nest I can tell, Aus made) and have now come to learn not only is it a hens tooth, but it's quite a world more pleasant than the Arko, also the smell I remember and love... much sads.
I mostly shave my head with only minimal face/neck trimming, and until starting with the kit mentioned above, I'd not used anythingmore than hot water for as long as I can remember.
Suffice to say, learning the new unit has been a little more challenging than 'throw razor ar scalp + brute force = job done' which has been the norm for quite a while.
I've also opted to use the R41 over the R89 as I started with the 89 (recieved it first, R41 head a couple of days later) and wanted to see just how different they were (and how much damage I could do with the R41) and found it gave the nicer shave, albeit with a few apprentice marks on the backside. Around 4 shaves in now and I'm down to 'maybe a nick if I rush', which is on par with the carts I used prior.
{Insert good outro here.}
Obligatory intro thread.
Long time shaver, first time poster.
The usual story, many years using carts, got tired of the "quality" vs cost, decided to dive into DE razors as I had one sitting around from another life, decided to upgrade the unknown twist unit I've had sitting around for 30 some years after noting it seems a little kinked just below the head, probably dropped or knocked in storage.
Lurked a little here and elsewhere, and ended up grabbing the following after reading a few reviews/best threads.
1 × Muhle R89 razor.
1 × Muhle R41 head.
1 × 60 piece variety pack of blades.
1 ×
1 × Generic razor/brush stand.
I already have a couple of brushes that came accompanied the twist unit, so I'll stick with those for now.
I've also got 1 stick of Mennen (non tallow as nest I can tell, Aus made) and have now come to learn not only is it a hens tooth, but it's quite a world more pleasant than the Arko, also the smell I remember and love... much sads.
I mostly shave my head with only minimal face/neck trimming, and until starting with the kit mentioned above, I'd not used anythingmore than hot water for as long as I can remember.
Suffice to say, learning the new unit has been a little more challenging than 'throw razor ar scalp + brute force = job done' which has been the norm for quite a while.
I've also opted to use the R41 over the R89 as I started with the 89 (recieved it first, R41 head a couple of days later) and wanted to see just how different they were (and how much damage I could do with the R41) and found it gave the nicer shave, albeit with a few apprentice marks on the backside. Around 4 shaves in now and I'm down to 'maybe a nick if I rush', which is on par with the carts I used prior.
{Insert good outro here.}