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P&C Census: How many blades do you own?

How many blades do you currently own?

  • Total voters

Nick the Knife

Krill Enabler
Grand Society

Quick and simple, through a series of similar polls I hope to shed light, raise discussion & pull back the curtains on the items members of P&C have.

For the blades section of this the only clarifications are:
  • DE, SE and shavette blades are all ACCEPTABLE.
  • Only new/unused blades count
  • To be eligible you must be the legal owner of the blades e.g. a just ordered pallet of blades thats still in the post/transit to you from the backwaters of the former USSR is ACCEPTABLE. That unsold listing of a bulk lot of vintage blades on Ebay Latvia that you are sure you'll outbid Borked for (as surely he hasn't seen it!!!) is NOT.
So how many do you have?
I'm not counting but guessing - some questions you just don't want to know the answer to ...
No takers here...
Is this the equivalent of stating how much ammunition you have stockpiled for the zombie plague about to hit?!??
So how many do you have?
I'm thinking that here at P&C there would be be many, many blades per person on average.

I have (approx):
90 Feather
180 Voshkod
100 Personna Platinum Chrome/IPs
80 Personna Supers/Lab Blues
200 Gillette Bleue Extras
Several handfuls of packets of vintage blades (Wilkies, etc)
Many handfuls of packets of random modern blades (O'Clocks, Bics, Polsilvers, etc)

So approx 500-600 blades. Definitely enough for a few years...
About 90 Astra SPs
About 90 Personna Lab blue
50 PolSilver SIs coming from @borked

Probably 20-30 other random ones.
More than 500 and less than 1000. Most of them vintage which last 8-10 shaves a pop. Easily enough for 20 odd years of shaving. If for some reason I get a hormone imbalance which turns me in to the wolfman and I have to start shaving twice a day I might consider purchasing a few more.
5,250 blades. Looking at getting more if Monsta_Au decides to sell some of his ...
Gee, you dark horse you! Here I was thinking only The Big Kahuna and maybe Borked would crack the 5k and rm71 storms through as well.

Whats the very rough breakdown of what you have or the main holdings?

PS If as I suspect you've bought more than 1000 of a single type of blade at once you too can lobby for this stylish Grand Society sash. 6 out of 10 Uzbek Llamas find holders more attractive!
100 Feathers
100 Astra
100 Perm Sharps
100 PolSilvs
100 Voskhod (want to sell)
100 Gillett plats
100 misc

Gee, you dark horse you! Here I was thinking only The Big Kahuna and maybe Borked would crack the 5k and rm71 storms through as well.

Whats the very rough breakdown of what you have or the main holdings?

599 Shark
641 Red IP
326 Indian Wilk
140 German Wilk
715 Astra SS
581 7O'Clock
485 Astra SP
190 Derby
35 Dorco
495 Supermax SP
177 Supermax Plat
86 Rapira SS
163 SharpEdge
295 Permasharp
88 Personna Labs
236 Other

Thinking of getting say 100 Rapira Platinum Lux. are they any good??
A bit less than 4,500 vintage Polsilver browns
About 1,200 Polsilver SI's
About 600 Made in Holland Schicks
The rest are vintage in various guises and total about 700

So I guesstimate about 7k

@rm71 no Polsilver SI's ?

PS OP, as for that 'auction' in Latvia... ;)
641Red IP
326Indian Wilk
140German Wilk
715Astra SS
5817 O'clock
485Astra SP
495Supermax SP
177Supermax Plat
86Rapira SS
88Personna Labs

Thinking of getting say 100 Rapira Platinum Lux. are they any good??
My word, thats a very efficiently administered shaving operation you're running!

I have used the Lux's, courtesy of Monsta and IIRC found them nothing spesh, perhaps a lil above average but well below the better production blades.
My word, thats a very efficiently administered shaving operation you're running!

I have used the Lux's, courtesy of Monsta and IIRC found them nothing spesh, perhaps a lil above average but well below the better production blades.

I tried the Lux for the first time this morning. I will reseve judgement until my third shave, but at this stage good.
I've had 4 great shaves with the Rapira Platinum Lux. Glad I bought a 100 of them.
So that's 5,350 blades now...
Your nose must be hitting the ceiling with a stash like that under your bed. [emoji6]