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Shave of the Day - 2025

Thursday Afternoon 13/03/25

  • Razor : Yaqi Ghost TI 90 DC. (safety bar/open comb) "open comb side"
  • Blade : Feather Hi-Stainless.(1)
  • Brush : Yaqi Caramel Cat Whiskers synthetic.
  • Soap : Noble Otter Orbit.
  • Balm : T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel.
  • Razor weight : 58 grams.
Hi all,
Good after work shave yesterday and the first meaningful rain this year.
I shaved with the Ghost TI 90 on the open comb side and in my opinion I like it better on the
safety bar side.
Just to be clear the previous shave was 2 days growth yesterday was 3 days growth.
I felt the razor didn't shave as efficiently with the open comb side, sometimes it can take a few shaves
to dial in the angle on an open comb.
The hybrid plate design was the main reason I wanted to add this razor to my small modern razor line up.
1 pass WTG/ATG and a few touch ups done.

I really enjoyed the Noble Otter Orbit the scent is very nice as was the fresh feeling after the shave a little like
Proraso green on the face but the scent has more going on.

I hope you all enjoy the coming weekend the footy is back! (AFL) for me. 🥳