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Troy Tools Custom Brush Handles


Hey @TroyTools , how much for handle only and is that the same for 24mm and 26mm? Have you any photos of 24mm handles available?

For specifics, better to PM me, but for some starting points, I'll be asking $100 + postage for the 24 & 26 mm handles, and some "slender" 28mm handle shapes in single or simple 2 colours. These are cut from the small moulds.
Multicoloured, and wider diameter 28mm shapes, and certainly 30mm handles $105 due to larger mould requiring more resin / higher consumables usage.
The 28mm knots into these small moulds requires some caution and creativity with the shape around the knot, as it's getting thin in the wall thickness near the undercut.

Please remember that these handles are one off custom poured, turned and polished in Australia by my hand, and not by machine in a far off country using CNC machines spitting them out cheaply at a thousand an hour from bar stock that are all the same.

I've been doing more casting than turning this week (hence the need for more resin) so I do have a number of blanks already cast and ready to turn to requested shapes for 24 & 26 & 28mm knot hole specs.
Handle turning recommences next week while I wait for resin order.

The bottom photo is the custom poured blanks I have that you've seen before from TF Customs, like Phantom Nebula, Sand and Waves, Rainbow Falls, Lava Demons, Berrylisious, Dark Ninja, Ice Fusion (last one), Candy Apple (last one), Tigers Fury, Dark Blood, Malachite etc. Due to their initial outlay cost, these will be $110 handle only + postage. These blanks are not for sale in raw state.

(I have many knots too BTW)

Apologies if this is hijacking Molika's thread. Admins can move if deemed appropriate of course.




Custom poured blanks
There are some nice blanks in there.
Hmmmm. Put a hold on top row blank number 4 for me.:)
That photo is a few weeks old, but yes, that blue one was spectacular. Hope the new owner is enjoying it!
It is the only one not available.
Lucky it has a twin!

As for the green ones, it must be an illusion created by the white resin in that blank. It didn't glow in the dark after a hit with the UV torch either.
That photo is a few weeks old, but yes, that blue one was spectacular. Hope the new owner is enjoying it!
It is the only one not available.
Lucky it has a twin!

As for the green ones, it must be an illusion created by the white resin in that blank. It didn't glow in the dark after a hit with the UV torch either.
What did the final product look like for that blue one?
Are you naming your brushes? Malibu Wave would be a perfect one for that handle. Beautiful.
I never really got the naming of brushes before, until I started making them. Seeing the colours reveal in the polishing stage is truly inspiring, and then the names just sort of come to you. Not sure if if I've got enough imagination and creativity to name them all though, especially as the years roll on. I do have some ideas for future versions that will be named, just need the time to do them. Who would have thought there wouldn't be enough time in a day hey?
Top row, 4th and 5th from the left.
Size and more detailed pic's possible?
Top row, 4th and 5th from the left.
Size and more detailed pic's possible?

Hi Borked, apologies but the 4th blank top row from left is sold already (photo of finished handle above)
The other blue one 5th from the left is still available. I'll post some close ups later today. (going out for mothers day now)
New photo with that blank removed is below.
