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Lets drink a beer


Lets drink it here,
it's the one thing that is clear.

Everything I say seems to get me in trouble
I only feel better when I'm seeing double
Now there's someone else I think that we can resolve it tonight
It's going to be alright

Let's drink a beer, let's drink it here, 'cause tonight is all that's here
Let's drink a beer, let's drink it here, it's the one thing that is clear
Let's drink a beer, let's drink it here, to you I send my only friend

Let's drink a beer, let's drink it here, to anaesthetise my fear
Let's drink a beer, let's drink it here, destroy your fear

Gone so long the days for thinking, hear that final call for drinking
I know there's been a lot of problems, not too many ways to solve them
Seems hopeless what can be done yet, I feel the need for icy comfort.

Time for some stouts right now.
Had my first coopers stout in months last night, good stuff.
I'm going to get the 3 fermenters going to brew my own to drink in a month or two. Coopers homebrew works out all right with a bit of malt (just a bit) instead of 100% table sugar, and with a tastier yeast strain, just like the real thing.

In the meantime, going to get a bottle or two each of youngs double chocolate, southwarks, guinness stout, guinness export, and maybe try some others (cascade wasn't bad from memory) on the weekends.
Mmmm, want to find a nice double bocks too... Inchant brewery in Guildford made an awesome bock before they shut down. Had plenty on tap at the Guildford hotel (before that burnt down).

Anyone know of some other decent breweries that make a decent stout, bock or dark dark ale?
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I love Guinness, and Pablo I may fall in love with you if you keep talking like this.

I brewed for years back in Darwin. I started off on Coopers and went on to make mostly ginger beers, albeit around 12%-15% so they had a healthy kick.

I live out near Swan Valley so I am going to do a brewery tour first week of July when I am on leave, got some mates coming down to visit.

I'm told Duckstein is pretty good and so is Iron Pig brewery.

Actually had a countery at the Herdsman last week and they have Guinness on tap. Bugger it was a lunch meal on a work day I think I could have done two or three pints.
Weinstaphenen make some great darks. Used to only be at the Beer shop in West Leedy, but now BWS have hoed into that segment.

The Korbinian is a big beer, very much one for the dark connoisseur. Their bocks are pretty good too. Bugger it, I'd only drink their stuff if I could afford it.

My regular quencher is Lowenbrau, but partial to Coopers sparkling/pale. Not a fan of the mild. Their light is good for a light, but I can't find anywhere that has it.
The international beer shop is no more?
Weinstaphenen (Mmm, banana and citrus), and coopers pale/sparkling are my go to summer beers.
I didn't think much the weinstephaner dark beer though.


Squires makes a nice Porter!

You Know what beer I would drink all the time if I could afford it? Theakston's Old Peculier.
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I love Guinness, and Pablo I may fall in love with you if you keep talking like this.

I brewed for years back in Darwin. I started off on Coopers and went on to make mostly ginger beers, albeit around 12%-15% so they had a healthy kick.

I live out near Swan Valley so I am going to do a brewery tour first week of July when I am on leave, got some mates coming down to visit.

I'm told Duckstein is pretty good and so is Iron Pig brewery.

Actually had a countery at the Herdsman last week and they have Guinness on tap. Bugger it was a lunch meal on a work day I think I could have done two or three pints.
Iron Pig?
There's a place called Iron Bark on Benara Rd that's pretty good. Maybe the same place? I haven't been there for years. Is Feral brewery still alive and kicking in the same place it was 5 years ago?
Iron Pig?
There's a place called Iron Bark on Benara Rd that's pretty good. Maybe the same place? I haven't been there for years. Is Feral brewery still alive and kicking in the same place it was 5 years ago?

LOL I am confusing myself.

I have combined the two places and made up my own name.

I drive past Iron Bark every day; and I remember the Feral Brewery and concocted the fictitious Iron Pig Brewery.
No they're still there...just that BWS are starting to sell a lot of stuff they used to have an exclusive on.

I petty partial to the Fullers ESB, 1754 and Directors.

Yeah the fullers ESB is a nice drop. Is it them that makes "london pride" or something?
Good stuff, but never seen those rarer top shelf beers at a BWS. I tell you what though, Knox liquor in midland, (I think they are 'first choice' now), Use to have bloody everything, every import beer from the UK, every popular but not yet otherwise at the time imported spirit. Back in the 90s, that was the only place to get rarer euro beers, and bourbons like markers mark and george dickel, wild turkey 101 etc.
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Well, I'm as boring as bat shit when it comes to beer. If you can't see through it I can't drink it. For me it's pure unadulterated crystal clear lager. Generally if the name's got more than three syllables I'm suspicious. Had a carton of Weihenstephaner (I think that's how it's spelt) in the fridge for Christmas. It's still there I think.
LOL I am confusing myself.

I have combined the two places and made up my own name.

I drive past Iron Bark every day; and I remember the Feral Brewery and concocted the fictitious Iron Pig Brewery.

Go with it, if you don't, when I start a brewery, it will be called the iron pig! Logo will be a pig in armor, maybe it's snout in a trough of barley and oats, or operating some type of brewing machinery.

Well, I'm as boring as bat shit when it comes to beer. If you can't see through it I can't drink it. For me it's pure unadulterated crystal clear lager. Generally if the name's got more than three syllables I'm suspicious. Had a carton of Weihenstephaner (I think that's how it's spelt) in the fridge for Christmas. It's still there I think.

I'll be round to pick it up tomorrow
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I ended up at the Lowenbrau last night to warm up after walking around in the cold looking at the Sydney lights. 1.5 L of Stiegl later and I was well and truly warm.
I had my first Belgian Beer Garden experience a few months ago.

Had some lovely chocolate beer, Trappest? I'm not sure of the name to be honest, but it was absolutely gorgeous.

It really makes me wonder how in Australia we call ourselves "good beer drinkers".

Well we are good in our ability to drink beer.

But do we drink "good" beer? No. We drink shit.

I know this is probably not a patriotic thing to say but growing up drinking Tooheys, Resch's, Boags and Coopers does not give you a good understanding of quality beer.

Well Coopers is the closest made in this country (mass produced) to quality beer.

I can't wait to go back to the Belgian Beer place and try some more quality beer.
I was just about to jump down your throat until you gave Coopers a pass :P
Good beer drinkers here? No, more like just frequent beer drinkers.
Problem with beer is lager, we are a lager drinking nation. Anything made here or abroad that is an ale, is the good stuff (and that includes coopers ;) )
Our lagers are shite, as are most mass produced lagers worldwide.
I am heavily into bourbon but beer is my first love.

House standard is the coopers pale as the wife likes it too.

With the cooler weather the darker beers are starting to get a look in. Coopers and Cascade stouts are both pretty nice.

If I want to treat myself I usually drink Belgian and/or trappist brews. The Leffe Radieuse has been a standout of late for me. Tuart Hill Liquor has a pretty mean range of imported beers if anyone is NOR.

The English beers I find real hit and miss. The only label I find consistently good is the Sam Smith range. Pablo if you spot the Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout anywhere pick this up it is a gem! Just make sure to drink it at an English type temperature. Too cold loses a lot of flavour. I will try a Fullers ESB as that is one I haven't got to yet.

On the swan valley breweries...

Can't say I'm a big fan. Most of them make one OK beer and some disgusting ones. Duckstein is a shocker IMO. I haven't tried one beer there that was good to my palate :mad:
Was at the Barvarian Bier Bar in Sydney last weekend for dinner. It's right across the road from the Client's building, and it was open.

Had a couple of beers. Started on a Hofbräu Original which I really love, wonderfully crisp and cleansing. Finished on the Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier Dunkel which has a very coffee/mocha flavour.

I tend to just grab the Löwenbräu original 6-packs from most places. I drink about 3 a week. It's an enjoyment rather than a get pissed exercise.
I bloody love my beer. Not much Aussie stuff piques my interest however.

Some nice beers for people to try:

Chimay blue - tripel
Hoegaarden Grand Cru
Leffe Brune

Aussie beers
Fat yak
Grand ridge brewery moonshine - dark Scottish ale
I bloody love my beer. Not much Aussie stuff piques my interest however.

Fat yak

Yep, definitely second this. If you find a pub or club with it on tap and fresh, it is possibly one of the best local beers to grab which is very full in flavour but not overtly bitter unlike something like XXXX or even Melbourne Bitter. I don't think VB is as bitter as it is disgusting.

I tend to gravitate to the imported Germanic and Austrian beers, but I am quite happy to try anything once. Local mass-market beers I don't mind are both the Boags and Cascade premium, and anything by Squires - especially the Golden Ale.
I don't mind schoeferhoffer which is German I think. Spelling might be off. Easy beer to drink. The list I put down are all Belgians.

Blue Tongue is another decent Aussie beer.

Ooo and a decent cost saver for those who like asahi super dry. Just buy the Hahn super drys. About 30 dollars a carton difference and the same taste.