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Troy Tools Custom Brush Handles


Another one of Troy's amazing handles goes into the den with a 30mm YAQI G4 knot.

I thought I had a Oumo G5 to go in it but I confused my spare knots and I only had a boar knot in that size. It just didn't look right so I ordered this knot to suit.

Another one of Troy's amazing handles goes into the den with a 30mm YAQI G4 knot.

I thought I had a Oumo G5 to go in it but I confused my spare knots and I only had a boar knot in that size. It just didn't look right so I ordered this knot to suit.
Awesome score and I look forward to reading your thoughts on the knot as I also have a spare and am waiting for the right handle to pair with it. (y)
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Another one of Troy's amazing handles goes into the den with a 30mm YAQI G4 knot.

I thought I had a Oumo G5 to go in it but I confused my spare knots and I only had a boar knot in that size. It just didn't look right so I ordered this knot to suit.
Very nice, reminds me of a nice chunk of azurite malachite that I have sitting on a bench here waiting for me to do something with it...


This one, in fact... :unsure:
Hey @Holiday , tell 'em about your solid brass handle!

A picture says a 1000 words but yes over 250g of beautiful brass badger goodness and not too heavy.
Obviously extra careful not to drop it because would break tiles or toes but wouldn't want to drop any shaving gear.
The 258g is not a problem and easily manageable

A picture says a 1000 words but yes over 250g of beautiful brass badger goodness and not too heavy.
Obviously extra careful not to drop it because would break tiles or toes but wouldn't want to drop any shaving gear.
The 258g is not a problem and easily manageable

Yeah my Alpha Betahive Cu brush is a whopping 13 ounces in weight so it rarely gets used as fearful I'd break my foot or tiles if I ever dropped it!

It has its place on display and I gave it a light polish with wax as I didn't really like the dark patina.

beautiful work @TroyTools (y)

how's the burl coming along?
The burl's are good as far as I can tell. The real test will be next month when I crack open the stabilizing resin tank and weigh all the pieces to see if they weigh more now than when they started the process back in March.
Then I'll bake them to set the resin, and the stabilizing process will be complete.
Then we get creative! :love::love::love: