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Lets drink a beer

I was at a Mexican joint last night and tried some Bohemia, an imported Mexican drop.

It was a little like Budweiser, the same kind of flavour and a nice earthy beer.

I don't think I could drink more than two or three though.

Minorci, what did we have when you were over here - Hoegaardens?
We had some hoegaarden which is the normal version not the grand cru.

Also the dark scottish ale by Grand Ridge Brewery in Gippsland VIC
Rekorderlig Winter Cider

It's waay exxy, but better than any cider thats produced in Australia. It's a swedish one. They also do apple, pear and some berry mix. They are very sweet though.
Ah yeah that's the one that you were suprised to find?

The bride and I were talking about it last night.

Very decent cider indeed.
Probably get drummed out of the forum, but having grown up over the water, I have a fondness for a couple of NZ beers - Steinlager was my standard until I discovered Monteiths Brewery. In particular the Golden Lager is very easy to slide down in the warmth of summer - they also do a Black a Pilsner and even a cider. Also a very nice single source beer where the bottle has the GPS settings for the field the Hops and Barley came from.

Must admit I don't indulga as much as I used to but still enjoy the odd drop.
Following on from my last post on this, I picked up a case - yes, a case - of Weinstaphener Kristal from the West Leedy beer shop. $50 for 20 500ml bottles.

Usually around $80. THey're out of date by a month or so, but nothing wrong with that.

There was still some left last week, so I got a case of Hefe's too.

Beer heaven.
I bought a lovely pair of Melbourne Bitter longnecks the other day, went down a treat..
Probably get drummed out of the forum, but having grown up over the water, I have a fondness for a couple of NZ beers - Steinlager was my standard until I discovered Monteiths Brewery. In particular the Golden Lager is very easy to slide down in the warmth of summer - they also do a Black a Pilsner and even a cider. Also a very nice single source beer where the bottle has the GPS settings for the field the Hops and Barley came from.

Must admit I don't indulga as much as I used to but still enjoy the odd drop.
I love monteiths. Before squires was around with their porter, monteiths black was the best 'light' dark ale when I didn't feel like a stout.

Steinlager is terible though, as is melbourne bitter, or anything with "bitter" in it's name that is a actually weak lager. People that like 'bitters', the real ale, get offended.
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In your dreams Minorci!

I have a wine drinker mate who tells me that Carlton Crown is probably just Mid in a more expensive bottle.

Never a fan of the drys - they all seem to lack taste IMO.

Then there's low carb beer, what a load of marketing bollox. All beer is relatively low in carbs, but it can fluctuate between 7-12g depending on the beer, which correlates to alcohol content, as that's where the sugars are.

Given there's no benchmark for what is 'regular' carb content anyway, shaving a few % off to imply some sort of health claim (which is exactly what they're doing) is crap. Especially as most of them have equal alc to regular beer.
I have a wine drinker mate who tells me that Carlton Crown is probably just Mid in a more expensive bottle.

Never a fan of the drys - they all seem to lack taste IMO.

Then there's low carb beer, what a load of marketing bollox. All beer is relatively low in carbs, but it can fluctuate between 7-12g depending on the beer, which correlates to alcohol content, as that's where the sugars are.

Given there's no benchmark for what is 'regular' carb content anyway, shaving a few % off to imply some sort of health claim (which is exactly what they're doing) is crap. Especially as most of them have equal alc to regular beer.

If you can't see through a beer it's undrinkable in my opinion. Along the same lines some red wine drinkers claim that if you can see through a red it's undrinkable. Which is a bit unfair on Rose, some of which can be really nice on a hot summers day. I've been liking Sol lately. Cheap and very similar to my other dry favourite, Corona.
If you can see through a beer it's undrinkable in my opinion.


Weinstapher Kristall is a notable exception. I usually drink Lowenbrau, so there's good clear beers around, and I've never been known to knock any back. Except VB. But while for the short time the Weiners are the same price for more beer...
If you want a clear beer, you may as well drink cheap scotch mixed with dry or soda.
Beer should be something more than watery alcohol.
If you want a clear beer, you may as well drink cheap scotch mixed with dry or soda.
Beer should be something more than watery alcohol.

I agree. Beer should have flavour, aroma & mouthfeel too. The tinned wind that's synthesised by Fosters, Anheuser-Busch, Interbrew, Coors, etc. is all tasteless, fizzy, coloured water to me. It doesn't need to be chilled to 1C (to mask the lack of flavour) either, although of course there are times when that's welcome :)
No one here drinks fosters. That's why we export it. Most American beer is shite in my opinion as well.
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No one here drinks fosters. That's why we export it. Most American beer is shite in my opinion as well.

It's not just American beer - it's any "big" beer. I can't think the last time I had a pint of enjoyable "big" beer of any style, rather have a decent beer from a smaller brewery (reminds me I need to drop in and refill my beer rack)
.....Beer should have flavour, aroma & mouthfeel too. The tinned wind that's synthesised by Fosters, Anheuser-Busch, Interbrew, Coors, etc.


I just released a huge, flavoursome, aromatic bit of wind in response to that.

Mouthfeel? That's something that happens after the dentist's aneasthetic wears off.

I just released a huge, flavoursome, aromatic bit of wind in response to that.

Mouthfeel? That's something that happens after the dentist's aneasthetic wears off.

Don't diss the real beer drinkers. Corona is dunked with lemon isn't it - you know why they do that, to jam some fuckin taste into it.

A good beer is every bit the experience of a decent wine. Try a Weinstapher Korbinian, Fuller 1805 or ESB, and in comparison, Corona is just fizzy mass marketed cack, like most of the local stuff we've grown used to.

But when it comes down to the choice of Corona and a VB at the bottom of the BBQ bucket, the mexican piss water will get popped every time. But considering the company, that's not much of a compliment.

I may be a beer snob, but I'm not dumb.
Don't diss the real beer drinkers. Corona is dunked with lemon isn't it - you know why they do that, to jam some fuckin taste into it........

Why not! Having lived in Europe for a long period of time I've tried all of them. Drank ales/stouts in independant "real beer" pubs in England. Drank most Belgian beers from the tap in Belgian pubs. Have tried most German beers, some in Germany from the tap, others where available in Holland. Also home brewed all kinds of stuff for a while. And guess what! Almost all of them taste like dishwater mixed with tarmac. Beer to me has got to be light and refreshing. If I want taste I'll throw a lump of steak on the barbie.

I'll say it again if you can't see through a beer it's undrinkable. And I never put lemon in Corona. Makes it taste like "real beer"......shit.

The beer you're referring to is actually called Weihenstephaner. I tried it from tap here in Australia. I thought I liked it but then I got a carton ($80) of one of their range and it sat in my fridge for four months and was only dragged out when the other "non-real beers" ran out.
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