"Abandon all money, ye who enter here."
Anyone into computer flight sims?
I'm into IL-2 and DCS mainly as well as Elite Dangerous as I find commercial flying a little boring, however I think I might try out the new Microsoft Flight Sim 2024 once it's released.
I'm still adding to mine so I ask you to forgive the mess of cables. I have a Monza force Feedback base on the way once it's released for sale in Australia this month, and will order a Virpil VPC #3 control panel shortly to replace the Logitech throttle quadrants on the right hand side.
I'm into IL-2 and DCS mainly as well as Elite Dangerous as I find commercial flying a little boring, however I think I might try out the new Microsoft Flight Sim 2024 once it's released.
I'm still adding to mine so I ask you to forgive the mess of cables. I have a Monza force Feedback base on the way once it's released for sale in Australia this month, and will order a Virpil VPC #3 control panel shortly to replace the Logitech throttle quadrants on the right hand side.