Try my aftershave recipes you won't be sorry or disappointed, it's cheaper and easier to make and saves you money buying more aftershave bottles.
T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Thanks @SpeedyPC will start sourcing ingredients.
You are spot on mate. I looked into both options, however the US companies I supply to are also interested in the aftershaves, therefore I would need to make sure they don't have any alcohol in them.
There is the option of going with a Witch Hazel formula, but it would need to be the non alcoholic Witch Hazel rather than the T.N. Dickenson Witch Hazel. Still an option but it more than likely would not give that burn feel that traditional aftershave achieves.
Try some Murphy & McNeil Alcohol Free aftershaves they don't burn as much as alcohol but still a refreshing citrus and menthol sting
In more than one way I agree with your statement but it is difficult to send any aftershave with alcohol in it, including Witch Hazel. By doing a balm I am able to offer my product worldwide rather than just within Australia.
Many people are unaware that steam-distilled witch hazel extract IS alcohol (13-15% v/v) so any such product claiming to be alcohol-free is by definition inaccurately labelled in its most charitable interpretation.
I am in that group. Didn't realise witch hazel has alcohol