Brotherhood of Fanbois
Coopers Stout is possibly the best Aussie mass market beer IMO. Makes me look forward to winter 
The Cascade stout has been growing on me recently though. I recommend giving it a crack if you like the stouts.
Beer is a rip off these days
I have tried the Sail and Anchor DRAUGHT a few times now. It's pretty good for what it is and on the lower side of the stupid prices for a sessionable beer. There is a Sail and Anchor LAGER (I think) which is godawful so be careful if you decide to check it out.

The Cascade stout has been growing on me recently though. I recommend giving it a crack if you like the stouts.
Beer is a rip off these days

I have tried the Sail and Anchor DRAUGHT a few times now. It's pretty good for what it is and on the lower side of the stupid prices for a sessionable beer. There is a Sail and Anchor LAGER (I think) which is godawful so be careful if you decide to check it out.