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New Brush No Lathe

Errol and his trusted Dremel back at it again. The Thater Premium Two Band was ordered in February but thanks to CovidPost arrived last week. I've had the buffalo horn blank roughed out for a while and just needed some inspiration to get started.

Errol and his trusted Dremel back at it again. The Thater Premium Two Band was ordered in February but thanks to CovidPost arrived last week. I've had the buffalo horn blank roughed out for a while and just needed some inspiration to get started.

I like it.(y):D
Errol and his trusted Dremel back at it again. The Thater Premium Two Band was ordered in February but thanks to CovidPost arrived last week. I've had the buffalo horn blank roughed out for a while and just needed some inspiration to get started.

I like it.(y):D


You’re killing both of my seriously enabler kidneys
Wow...looks wonderful (y)

Don't want to imagine, what you could achieve with an actual lathe...but maybe you should get one ; )
Resin Handle – My First

This resin stuff always seemed like magic to me. I know many have mastered mixing colour combinations to produce some fantastic shades and swirls resulting is magical finished pieces. Up to now, I’ve stuck with natural substances, wood and because I have a small supply of them buffalo horn; love the feel of a buffalo horn shave brush handle. While talking with my sister, she mentioned she was fashioning items in resin but not shave brush handles. Great, I’m in the Territory and she’s down south. While visiting recently, I was pleasantly surprised when I dropped in to find her dressed in work cloths, gloved up with moulds everywhere pouring resin and generally playing around with a mix.

Would you like a go? There was some resin left over so she went looking for a mould. I explained that I thought conduit was what the ‘professionals’ used; at that time I spotted a paper cup and there was enough resin left over to fill it, that would be my mould. What colour do you want? A red, blue, green and a yellow would do because I didn’t have time to think about what I wanted; let alone how I was going to achieve it. She reached into her box of goodies and come up with eight or ten different colours, then produced some thumb sized cups. How much colour powder do I need? Enough to get the colour you want. If I had any idea what I was doing, the whole process would have been so much easier. A bit of resin in the thumb size cups, a sprinkle of powder, mix and I end up with about eight different colours. I poured a bit of two colours into my mould and Sister looked and advised that I should give it a bit more time. OK, start pouring; in with a bit of this colour, that colour, another colour till I have my mould full. Sister looks at the conglomeration of resins I have poured and informs me that they can sometimes blend together, certainly looks like they have blended into one another to me. I’m only looking at the top of the pour but there are some areas where a more solid colour is visible, maybe I’ll get some interesting colour out of this mess I’ve made – my first resin blank.

It's been a while since I made a brush handle but the knot I was going to use was never in doubt. In the very first brush handle I made I used a Golden Nib 27mm Boar; it is still being used and I just love it. Out with the Dremel, how I wish I had a lathe.

I’m reasonably happy with my new creation, but what did I learn:
  • There is a lot to learn about resins.
  • Don’t use too many colours
  • Go light on the colours and don’t oversaturate all the colours
  • Pour at the right time
  • Experiment
Lookout tomorrow, here comes Errol with his new piggy.
Resin Handle – My First

This resin stuff always seemed like magic to me. I know many have mastered mixing colour combinations to produce some fantastic shades and swirls resulting is magical finished pieces. Up to now, I’ve stuck with natural substances, wood and because I have a small supply of them buffalo horn; love the feel of a buffalo horn shave brush handle. While talking with my sister, she mentioned she was fashioning items in resin but not shave brush handles. Great, I’m in the Territory and she’s down south. While visiting recently, I was pleasantly surprised when I dropped in to find her dressed in work cloths, gloved up with moulds everywhere pouring resin and generally playing around with a mix.

Would you like a go? There was some resin left over so she went looking for a mould. I explained that I thought conduit was what the ‘professionals’ used; at that time I spotted a paper cup and there was enough resin left over to fill it, that would be my mould. What colour do you want? A red, blue, green and a yellow would do because I didn’t have time to think about what I wanted; let alone how I was going to achieve it. She reached into her box of goodies and come up with eight or ten different colours, then produced some thumb sized cups. How much colour powder do I need? Enough to get the colour you want. If I had any idea what I was doing, the whole process would have been so much easier. A bit of resin in the thumb size cups, a sprinkle of powder, mix and I end up with about eight different colours. I poured a bit of two colours into my mould and Sister looked and advised that I should give it a bit more time. OK, start pouring; in with a bit of this colour, that colour, another colour till I have my mould full. Sister looks at the conglomeration of resins I have poured and informs me that they can sometimes blend together, certainly looks like they have blended into one another to me. I’m only looking at the top of the pour but there are some areas where a more solid colour is visible, maybe I’ll get some interesting colour out of this mess I’ve made – my first resin blank.

It's been a while since I made a brush handle but the knot I was going to use was never in doubt. In the very first brush handle I made I used a Golden Nib 27mm Boar; it is still being used and I just love it. Out with the Dremel, how I wish I had a lathe.

I’m reasonably happy with my new creation, but what did I learn:
  • There is a lot to learn about resins.
  • Don’t use too many colours
  • Go light on the colours and don’t oversaturate all the colours
  • Pour at the right time
  • Experiment
Lookout tomorrow, here comes Errol with his new piggy.
Looks great, very impressive you can achieve that uniform shape without using a lathe. Look forward to others if you make more.
how I wish I had a lathe.
Well done Errol, excellent effort. (y) :love:

Be careful what you wish for regarding a lathe. The lathe itself is only part of the equation.
Believe me, there is so much more expense for tooling / sharpening required before you can do anything at all with a lathe.
Its good fun though, but gets expensive real fast.
Well done Errol, excellent effort. (y) :love:

Be careful what you wish for regarding a lathe. The lathe itself is only part of the equation.
Believe me, there is so much more expense for tooling / sharpening required before you can do anything at all with a lathe.
Its good fun though, but gets expensive real fast.
I was wondering when you might chime in. :) Lathes (even in their simplest forms) are wonderful things, but things can go amiss very quickly. I've met several dedicated woodturners with missing fingers. And I've read your posts about workpieces flying apart. But @Errol's effort is very impressive. Cutting a uniformly circular socket and profile without a lathe is no mean feat.
Resin Handle – My First

This resin stuff always seemed like magic to me. I know many have mastered mixing colour combinations to produce some fantastic shades and swirls resulting is magical finished pieces. Up to now, I’ve stuck with natural substances, wood and because I have a small supply of them buffalo horn; love the feel of a buffalo horn shave brush handle. While talking with my sister, she mentioned she was fashioning items in resin but not shave brush handles. Great, I’m in the Territory and she’s down south. While visiting recently, I was pleasantly surprised when I dropped in to find her dressed in work cloths, gloved up with moulds everywhere pouring resin and generally playing around with a mix.

Would you like a go? There was some resin left over so she went looking for a mould. I explained that I thought conduit was what the ‘professionals’ used; at that time I spotted a paper cup and there was enough resin left over to fill it, that would be my mould. What colour do you want? A red, blue, green and a yellow would do because I didn’t have time to think about what I wanted; let alone how I was going to achieve it. She reached into her box of goodies and come up with eight or ten different colours, then produced some thumb sized cups. How much colour powder do I need? Enough to get the colour you want. If I had any idea what I was doing, the whole process would have been so much easier. A bit of resin in the thumb size cups, a sprinkle of powder, mix and I end up with about eight different colours. I poured a bit of two colours into my mould and Sister looked and advised that I should give it a bit more time. OK, start pouring; in with a bit of this colour, that colour, another colour till I have my mould full. Sister looks at the conglomeration of resins I have poured and informs me that they can sometimes blend together, certainly looks like they have blended into one another to me. I’m only looking at the top of the pour but there are some areas where a more solid colour is visible, maybe I’ll get some interesting colour out of this mess I’ve made – my first resin blank.

It's been a while since I made a brush handle but the knot I was going to use was never in doubt. In the very first brush handle I made I used a Golden Nib 27mm Boar; it is still being used and I just love it. Out with the Dremel, how I wish I had a lathe.

I’m reasonably happy with my new creation, but what did I learn:
  • There is a lot to learn about resins.
  • Don’t use too many colours
  • Go light on the colours and don’t oversaturate all the colours
  • Pour at the right time
  • Experiment
Lookout tomorrow, here comes Errol with his new piggy.
Errol, this is fantastic. Psychedelic my friend, I had no idea you could craft these...WOW
Resin Handle – My First

This resin stuff always seemed like magic to me. I know many have mastered mixing colour combinations to produce some fantastic shades and swirls resulting is magical finished pieces. Up to now, I’ve stuck with natural substances, wood and because I have a small supply of them buffalo horn; love the feel of a buffalo horn shave brush handle. While talking with my sister, she mentioned she was fashioning items in resin but not shave brush handles. Great, I’m in the Territory and she’s down south. While visiting recently, I was pleasantly surprised when I dropped in to find her dressed in work cloths, gloved up with moulds everywhere pouring resin and generally playing around with a mix.

Would you like a go? There was some resin left over so she went looking for a mould. I explained that I thought conduit was what the ‘professionals’ used; at that time I spotted a paper cup and there was enough resin left over to fill it, that would be my mould. What colour do you want? A red, blue, green and a yellow would do because I didn’t have time to think about what I wanted; let alone how I was going to achieve it. She reached into her box of goodies and come up with eight or ten different colours, then produced some thumb sized cups. How much colour powder do I need? Enough to get the colour you want. If I had any idea what I was doing, the whole process would have been so much easier. A bit of resin in the thumb size cups, a sprinkle of powder, mix and I end up with about eight different colours. I poured a bit of two colours into my mould and Sister looked and advised that I should give it a bit more time. OK, start pouring; in with a bit of this colour, that colour, another colour till I have my mould full. Sister looks at the conglomeration of resins I have poured and informs me that they can sometimes blend together, certainly looks like they have blended into one another to me. I’m only looking at the top of the pour but there are some areas where a more solid colour is visible, maybe I’ll get some interesting colour out of this mess I’ve made – my first resin blank.

It's been a while since I made a brush handle but the knot I was going to use was never in doubt. In the very first brush handle I made I used a Golden Nib 27mm Boar; it is still being used and I just love it. Out with the Dremel, how I wish I had a lathe.

I’m reasonably happy with my new creation, but what did I learn:
  • There is a lot to learn about resins.
  • Don’t use too many colours
  • Go light on the colours and don’t oversaturate all the colours
  • Pour at the right time
  • Experiment
Lookout tomorrow, here comes Errol with his new piggy.
You've got to be kidding me. I don't know how you end up with something so uniform. Nice work!
Errol, this is fantastic. Psychedelic my friend, I had no idea you could craft these...WOW

You've got to be kidding me. I don't know how you end up with something so uniform. Nice work!
Just lucky I guess. In practice I never use any measuring instrument while I’m carving away, not even when it was finished, relying totally on my eye to keep things the way I want. Of course I have it use emery paper to finish off and polish with metal polish. Without the knot, the handle passed the roll test with barely a wobble. Now that I’ve used it a few times I’m starting to better appreciate what I have.
Maggie’s Blank No 1

My sister is the artistic one in the family so I asked her to pour me a blank to make a brush handle from. She had seen how I filled a small paper cup with resin previously and knew exactly what I wanted. Trouble is my sister can’t count, and I now have five blanks. First things first and there has to be No 1 and this is it.

When I started out using shave brushes I was advised to use badger and that biggest is best so all my early brushes have 30mm knots. Over the years I have found that I prefer piggies but there is one badger brush that I keep coming back to and that is one I made for myself with a buffalo handle and a 26mm Thater 2 band knot. What would happen if I went down to a 24mm knot. I’m about to find out because I purchased a 24mm Bulb Knot from The Razor Company to use in this handle. I also purchased a 26mm one but that is for a later handle.

Out with the trusted Dremel and this is the result. The epoxy hasn’t set yet so I can’t tell you if the 24mm knot worked or not.

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Maggie’s Blank No 1

My sister is the artistic one in the family so I asked her to pour me a blank to make a brush handle from. She had seen how I filled a small paper cup with resin previously and knew exactly what I wanted. Trouble is my sister can’t count, and I now have five blanks. First things first and there has to be No 1 and this is it.

When I started out using shave brushes I was advised to use badger and that biggest is best so all my early brushes have 30mm knots. Over the years I have found that I prefer piggies but there is one badger brush that I keep coming back to and that is one I made for myself with a buffalo handle and a 26mm Thater 2 band knot. What would happen if I went down to a 24mm knot. I’m about to find out because I purchased a 24mm Bulb Knot from The Razor Company to use in this handle. I also purchased a 26mm one but that is for a later handle.

Out with the trusted Dremel and this is the result. The epoxy hasn’t set yet so I can’t tell you if the 24mm knot worked or not.

Well done @Errol , it looks beautiful:love::love::love:
Maggie’s Blank No 1

My sister is the artistic one in the family so I asked her to pour me a blank to make a brush handle from. She had seen how I filled a small paper cup with resin previously and knew exactly what I wanted. Trouble is my sister can’t count, and I now have five blanks. First things first and there has to be No 1 and this is it.

When I started out using shave brushes I was advised to use badger and that biggest is best so all my early brushes have 30mm knots. Over the years I have found that I prefer piggies but there is one badger brush that I keep coming back to and that is one I made for myself with a buffalo handle and a 26mm Thater 2 band knot. What would happen if I went down to a 24mm knot. I’m about to find out because I purchased a 24mm Bulb Knot from The Razor Company to use in this handle. I also purchased a 26mm one but that is for a later handle.

Out with the trusted Dremel and this is the result. The epoxy hasn’t set yet so I can’t tell you if the 24mm knot worked or not.

Wow, that's a brilliant effort, well done :love: and congratulations to Maggie too (y)
Maggie’s Blank No 1

My sister is the artistic one in the family so I asked her to pour me a blank to make a brush handle from. She had seen how I filled a small paper cup with resin previously and knew exactly what I wanted. Trouble is my sister can’t count, and I now have five blanks. First things first and there has to be No 1 and this is it.

When I started out using shave brushes I was advised to use badger and that biggest is best so all my early brushes have 30mm knots. Over the years I have found that I prefer piggies but there is one badger brush that I keep coming back to and that is one I made for myself with a buffalo handle and a 26mm Thater 2 band knot. What would happen if I went down to a 24mm knot. I’m about to find out because I purchased a 24mm Bulb Knot from The Razor Company to use in this handle. I also purchased a 26mm one but that is for a later handle.

Out with the trusted Dremel and this is the result. The epoxy hasn’t set yet so I can’t tell you if the 24mm knot worked or not.

Dear Maggie's visualization and your hands to craft this beauty. I absolutely love this resin pour, Psychedelic in a calm yet alive manner, top notch creation by the Weber Siblings. :love::love::love::love::love::love:
Maggie's Blank No 2

These little beauties arrived early last week so the future of Errol's brush making is looking bright. When I rang Maggie to thank her for the blanks, her response was something along the line of 'Hope you liked them, there's more coming'. She then went on to advise that each one was different, and she had no idea of what to expect, how the bloody hell am I going to know till I finish the handle. Admittedly I do get some idea of the color during the carving process but it's not till the final sanding is done, and it is washed under water that the beauty of the pour is revealed. The metal polish I use to finish the process then permanently brings out the full beauty of the handle.

The blank with the deep blue top and gold edge (right front) appealed and was selected for this exercise. Into my box of knots and there was a couple of 25mm Whipped Dog boar knots sitting there, there's one less now. It took no time at all to Dremel out the shape I was looking for and it probably took longer sanding it down. When the carving was completed, I was covered head to toe in white resin chips and resin dust; a call to my wife and she had the blower started, leaving me standing in a resin dust storm, but rid of the majority of residue. It will probably be Tuesday before I try out the little piggy.

Maggie's Blank No 2

These little beauties arrived early last week so the future of Errol's brush making is looking bright. When I rang Maggie to thank her for the blanks, her response was something along the line of 'Hope you liked them, there's more coming'. She then went on to advise that each one was different, and she had no idea of what to expect, how the bloody hell am I going to know till I finish the handle. Admittedly I do get some idea of the color during the carving process but it's not till the final sanding is done, and it is washed under water that the beauty of the pour is revealed. The metal polish I use to finish the process then permanently brings out the full beauty of the handle.

The blank with the deep blue top and gold edge (right front) appealed and was selected for this exercise. Into my box of knots and there was a couple of 25mm Whipped Dog boar knots sitting there, there's one less now. It took no time at all to Dremel out the shape I was looking for and it probably took longer sanding it down. When the carving was completed, I was covered head to toe in white resin chips and resin dust; a call to my wife and she had the blower started, leaving me standing in a resin dust storm, but rid of the majority of residue. It will probably be Tuesday before I try out the little piggy.

Oooohhhhhh, that is Psychedelic @Errol. Maggie is a rock star too. Terrific work mate, the fruits of your hard work and skill combined with Maggie's beautiful blanks is a winning combination. I'm waiting to see that blank in the centre with the waves of light blue turned into a handle soon.

I think it's time to rename these Maggie's Marvels.