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Shave of the Day - 2025


Bug Bountyhunter
2025 Sabbattical
Another year, means a new SOTD thread!

There is no set format, although, in case this helps, include:

Pre-shave: if applicable
Razor: (setting in parenthesis if adjustable)
Blade: (shave in brackets)
(EDT, EDC or EDP) if applicable

Photos, of any quality, are encouraged but not essential. We don't host images directly on the forum. You will need to host on sites like Flickr or Imgur and use them to generate a BBCode link, see instructions for Flickr and Imgur respectively. Alternatively you can use services like TinyPic, use 'IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards' or imgbb.com, and generate links.

In all cases it is helpful to resize images with the last two sites recommending 640 x 480 for forums - max 800 x 600 to help our mobile users

Thoughts and reflections on the shave are most welcome too, as are general comments du jour.

Happy shaving in 2025
Looks like I am kicking this off. First shave of 2025, sabbatical year for me.

This was amazing. Superb JNat edge that I couldn't feel at all. Like shaving with a smooth, heavy piece of steel massaging my face. Just delightful!

Rigarazor 8/8 Quarter Hollow - Semogue OC Boar - Eufros Vetiver de Haití - Mazilia Vetyver - Sukin Moisturiser
The first shave of the New Year had to be with the Facharbeit dressed in red acrylic scales.
2024 was a big year in terms of shaving hardware expenditure and so a 2025 sabbatical for me it is.
Here’s wishing you all a healthy and prosperous New Year.
01 January - SR shave No. 1840

Pre-shave = wash with Pears transparent and thorough rinse
Lather = Palmolive cream face lathered with no-brand Chinese guaranteed pure best badger synthetic reset in custom made timber handle
Razor = Titan ACRO T.H-70 finished and maintained on a hard black Arkansas whetstone and dressed in African black wood timber scales
Post-shave = thorough rinse with warm fresh water
Splash = private mix of Wahl bay rum (80%) and Dickinson's witch hazel (20%)
