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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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KarveD w/Polsilver
Semogue 1800 boar
SV Stella Alpina
Gaia ASB

Much better result than yesterday with the SV but still struggled a little with lather hydration.

I'll load much lighter next time as it seems this soap is bizzaro concentrated!!

KarveD w/Polsilver
Semogue 1800 boar
SV Stella Alpina
Gaia ASB

Much better result than yesterday with the SV but still struggled a little with lather hydration.

I'll load much lighter next time as it seems this soap is bizzaro concentrated!!
I had a similar experience with the Felca soap, I only loaded for maybe 20 seconds and felt like I was adding water forever to get the lather right. I'll try a 10 second load next time!

Brush: Omega 24mm
Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
Razor: RR Mamba
Bowl: Pereira's Unbreakable bowl
Soap: APR Fresca
Pre: Shower + Washpool Cleansing Bar
Post: APR Bombora splash

Brush: Omega 24mm
Blade: Gillette Nacet (2)
Razor: RR Mamba
Bowl: Pereira's Unbreakable bowl
Soap: APR Collabah LE
Pre: PAA Cube
Post: APR Passione splash

Not a great photo but never the less two fantastice DFS... The Fresca/Bombora combo was a winner but no complaining :) Happy shaves!
I had a similar experience with the Felca soap, I only loaded for maybe 20 seconds and felt like I was adding water forever to get the lather right. I'll try a 10 second load next time!

I have 4 other SV soaps (including felce) and dialed them in by loading fairly less compared to other soaps.

The Stella is on another level...I'll take your lead and load for ten seconds next time and see how it goes. Perhaps I'll try a larger badger knot too.
I surprised myself this morning. I hadn't been bothered lately with a "deadline" shave for a time critical appointment but said appointment occured today. I was contemplating a safety razor shave but that would be a straight razor shave I missed out on. All done and dusted in under 10 minutes from a few passes on the leather, prep to final rinse. I prefer evening shaves but this one has been comfortable all day. If I was still working a regular day job I would happily contemplate a daily morning shave with a straight.

Happy with the new soap as it loves a boar brush.
Semogue 830 Boar.
Tanifuji 1958 6/8" Square point
Cold water wash to finish
Single pass DFS.
Pre: Warm water, Proraso Green
Razor: RAW RS-10, Mild Plate
Blade: Feather
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Proraso Green
Post: Proraso Green splash.

Date: 08 April 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- Maseto Silvertip Badger Fan Horn 30/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Wholly Kaw ~ Dance of Agrumes Special Edition
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB 'C' / Vintage NOS Gillette Stainless #3
Post-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed with Tea Tree, Lavender & Peppermint / Lucky Tiger Aftershave & Face Tonic
Fragrance:- Hugo Boss Intense

Rolls Razor (honed on my stones, not from the box)
APR Fougere Trois
Simpsons, Manchurian 58

Much better result from the Rolls Razor this time around. I took the time over the weekend to give it a proper hone. It is an enjoyable tool, falling between a safety razor and a straight. Sorry for the crappy pic
I surprised myself this morning. I hadn't been bothered lately with a "deadline" shave for a time critical appointment but said appointment occured today. I was contemplating a safety razor shave but that would be a straight razor shave I missed out on. All done and dusted in under 10 minutes from a few passes on the leather, prep to final rinse. I prefer evening shaves but this one has been comfortable all day. If I was still working a regular day job I would happily contemplate a daily morning shave with a straight.

Happy with the new soap as it loves a boar brush.
Semogue 830 Boar.
Tanifuji 1958 6/8" Square point
Cold water wash to finish
Single pass DFS.
10 minute shave!!! Single pass!! I'm confused.., sure you're not bald as speedy?
I surprised myself this morning. I hadn't been bothered lately with a "deadline" shave for a time critical appointment but said appointment occured today. I was contemplating a safety razor shave but that would be a straight razor shave I missed out on. All done and dusted in under 10 minutes from a few passes on the leather, prep to final rinse. I prefer evening shaves but this one has been comfortable all day. If I was still working a regular day job I would happily contemplate a daily morning shave with a straight.

Happy with the new soap as it loves a boar brush.
Semogue 830 Boar.
Tanifuji 1958 6/8" Square point
Cold water wash to finish
Single pass DFS.
10 minute shave!!! Single pass!! I'm confused.., sure you're not bald as speedy?
I can do a 10 minute shave using the Muhle R41 only the first pass shave, which is close enough throughout the whole day for a DFS, it won’t be a BBS and it’s good enough to have a clean face ready for any important meetings.
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Fougere Bourbon Rose shaving soap
Razor: Gillette NEW head on TSW Bren handle
Blade: NOS Gillette 'Super Stainless' (2)
Post-shave: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Fougere Bourbon Rose aftershave splash
Fragrance: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Fougere Bourbon Rose EDP

Ahhh, so nice - I used it twice!


My favourite smelling bit of kit! End of story.

Need to strategically use this combo as there is no restocking. It is fanbloodytastic....

Took a step down to the Karve B plate and did 2 passes plus small touch ups for a great shave.

Now to post to social media and make some international guys jealous 🤪

Pre: Coconut Oil
Soap: Phoenix & Beau - Iceni
Brush: 20mm Master Badger
Razor: Friodur Henckels 72
Post: Calendula Balm
AS: APR Alfredus Choice
First run with the Iceni. Very nice. :) A little different to what I expected. Some subtle astringency from citronella notes and subtle musk. Overall a little lighter scent than what I thought it would be and I'm probably starting to look for a bit more weight in the scents in Autumn. The soap lathers easily and produces a fine lather consistent with the rest of the P&B range.
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