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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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KarveD w/Gillette black
EJ STFv1 25mm
SV - Felce Aromatica
DIY lemon myrtle oil/Sacred Earth splash

A very enjoyable "SV Sunday" shave!

The blade however, is nowhere near as efficient as the Polsilver. I still achieved a smooth shave but it took a lot of extra swipes and still not the glass like finish I get with the Polsilver.


Pre-Shave: Kiss my Face Olive Oil Soap, cold water
Razor: Guerrilla
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Vie-Long Epsilon Horse
Lather: Stirling Bay Rum
Post-Shave: Alum, Thayers Original Alcohol Free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend (y)

Koraat Knives, 8/8 The White Queen
Dovo silvertip
Giles Shaving Scuttle
Haslinger Sandelholz
First use of the scuttle in a while and it was just lovely to have some warm lather for this morning's shave. Three delightful passes later and BBS. Happy days.

The tallow Haslinger is an excellent soap, not particularly strong on fragrance but the performance is so good it does not need much else.
Pre: Hot towel, Aloe vera gel
Razor: Wolfman WR1,SB Standard Gap, WR2 Handle
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blades
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Squadron Coronet Fougere
Post: Squadron Coronet Fougere splash
Two pass shave WTG and ATG is all that's needed with the Wolfman for a DFS+

Pre: Hot towel, Aloe vera gel
Razor: Wolfman WR1,SB Standard Gap, WR2 Handle
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blades
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Squadron Coronet Fougere
Post: Squadron Coronet Fougere splash
Two pass shave WTG and ATG is all that's needed with the Wolfman for a DFS+

Now that is one nice razor!
Pre: Hot towel, Aloe vera gel
Razor: Wolfman WR1,SB Standard Gap, WR2 Handle
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blades
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Squadron Coronet Fougere
Post: Squadron Coronet Fougere splash
Two pass shave WTG and ATG is all that's needed with the Wolfman for a DFS+

How are you enjoying the Astra Superior Stainless so far against the Astra Superior Platinum??
How are you enjoying the Astra Superior Stainless so far against the Astra Superior Platinum??

To date I found the Astra Superior Stainless work best in the Wolfman for me. The Astra Superior Platinum perform better in the Karve C.B and Gillette adjustables. Feather blades in the Raw RS-10 and Timeless 0.68 are sublime .
To date I found the Astra Superior Stainless work best in the Wolfman for me. The Astra Superior Platinum perform better in the Karve C.B and Gillette adjustables. Feather blades in the Raw RS-10 and Timeless 0.68 are sublime .
Have you tried the Karve D base plate???
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage, butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: B&M Cologne Russe shaving soap
Razor: Vintage L 1 Gillette 'Slim" adjustable (5)
Blade: Polsilver 'Brown' (1)
Post-shave: B&M Cologne Russe splash
Fragrance: N/A

Imgur seems to be making life difficult on my PC :( hitting an old school favourite for the next couple of days.


Monday shave with the open comb D plate. This thing is very efficient and paired with the Voskhod blade on its second use, let’s just say that the first pass was tough. Felt like it was tugging or that the lather wasn’t slick (which it was) but I persisted and on the second pass, all seemed good with the universe.

A few touch ups on the chin and we have a very nice shave.

Determined to see the Floid finished off on weekday shaves now.
Razor: 6s
Brush: yaqi moka express
Soap: proraso green
Post: nivea sensitive
Edp: velours noir
New week with a new setup.the balm is on it's last legs but hopefully will see the week out and giving the badger another run to see if I have changed my mind on it.
Pre-shave: Proraso Eucalytpus and Menthol cream
Brush: Omega 10048
Soap/Cream: Milestone Shave Cream
Razor: Gillette New LC
Blade: Gillette Platinum (3)
Post-shave: Alum block, Witch hazel, Bulldog original aftershave balm, Myrsol Formula C
Hair Tonic: Jeris
Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: RazoRock Game Changer with .84 head & Barber pole handle
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blades
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Tabac original
Post: Tabac original cologne splash

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