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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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SV Sunday
DIY lemon myrtle pre shave oil
KarveD/OC w/Polsilver
Yaqi ruby red two band
SV Tundra Artica
Thayers Lemon​


Soap: Pb Artemisia
Brush: Bernard
Razor: Schick Adjustable (6)
Blade: Personna (2)
Post: Jojoba Oil
AS: APR Fougere Trois
The Schick was once again an amazingly easy shave. Bernard has become a favourite, I think it's my quickest latherer with no sacrifice in lather quality as long as you don't mind feeding it a generous portion of soap.:)
Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: Wolfman WR1,SB Standard Gap, WR2 Handle
Blade: Kai
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Skye Fall
Post: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Skye Fall Splash
A nice Sunday arvo shave.


Brush: Ever-Ready 200
Soap: PB Artemisia
Razor: Le Coq
Blade: Le Coq
Post: Sqaudron, Le Warden
This razor works quite well with a modern Gem but with the freshly honed wedge it takes it to another level!
Thanks again to @Pbgoose who also, very kindly, sent this soap sample. Excellent scent, lather, cushion and slickness but I especially noticed how good the face felt aftrerwards!
An exceptional shave, Fantastique!!

(y) Nice to see some fresh edges bringing some classic old razors to life. Glad you are enjoying.:)
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage, butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Australian Private Reserve (APR) / Noble Otter LE Collaboration TEXAUS shaving soap
Razor: Vintage L 1 Gillette 'Slim" adjustable (5)
Blade: Personna 'Lab Blue' (5)
Post-shave: Australian Private Reserve (APR) / Noble Otter LE Collaboration TEXAUS splash
Fragrance: N/A

Another great shave from a great performing soap and splash.

Still trying to imagine what it would be like to own one of these LE sets? Oh, you can -

Australian Private Reserve / Noble Otter Limited Edition Texaus Set

If you were really lucky you might have slipped one of these into your razor -

Box (100) of Gillette Bleue Extra DE blades

Razor did you say? How about owning this one of a kind -

One of a kind Charcoal Goods Generation 1 Level 2 solid brass Paste & Cut razor

Or for those if you with a straight inclination it would be this -

DC Blades 8/8” Gentleman's Monkey straight razor

Of course you would have lathered with one of these -

One of a kind Paladin Raised Beehive Honey Noir 28 mm Paste & Cut brush

Tony Forsyth Custom Gold/Pearl Manchurian 2 Band Finest 24mm Shaving Brush

Tony Forsyth Custom Megaton High Mountain White 24mm Fan Shaving Brush

Tony Forsyth Custom Shades of Blue & Gold Tuxedo Shaving Brush

Maybe even making that lather in this -

Limited Edition Paste & Cut Shaving Bowl (Grey)

After such a great shave, surely time for a great coffee! Got that covered too -

Fairtrade Organic Honduras Coffee Beans - 930g

Not long now people! :)

Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Blade: Gillette Nacet (5)
Razor: RR Mamba
Bowl: Fine Lather bowl
Soap: Squadron Soap Dispatch Rider
Pre: Shower
Post: Brut splash // Vaseline Intense Care mouisteriser

Happy bidding!
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage, butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Squadron Soaps LE Tim Keech Memorial Auction 2018 shaving soap
Razor: Vintage L 1 Gillette 'Slim" adjustable (5)
Blade: Personna 'Lab Blue' (1)
Post-shave: Squadron Soaps LE Tim Keech Memorial Auction 2018 splash
Fragrance: N/A

Faith in humanity restored - amazing effort equally from those who won and those who pushed them along the way. Special thanks for all the hard work of @alfredus in making in happen and @Monsta_AU in letting it happen.

Tip of the hat to Tim today as well, not forgotten.


Pre: Pb PSE
Soap: Pb 35.1
Brush: Semogue 1305
Razor: Fatip Piccolo
Blade: Dorco Prime (1)
Post: Jojoba Oil
Not convinced the narrower blade made a noticeable difference. Efficient but not the most comfortable, so maybe not the best pair.
Timeless cut through the weekends growth with exceptional smoothness. Have to say i am really loving this badger brush, have not picked up a synthetic since but will probably do so tomorrow so i can compare.

Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: Timeless 0.95 SB + R41 Hanle
Blade: Polsilver SI (1)
Brush: Yaqi Silvertip Badger
Soap: Mystic Waters – Coconut & Sandalwood
Post: A&E Signature Splash

Blade: Dorco Prime (1)
Not convinced the narrower blade made a noticeable difference. Efficient but not the most comfortable, so maybe not the best pair.
Give it another try as the coating has degraded a little bit more, now hopefully smoother. If not bin it.
The sun is out in Melbourne! Time to pretend that summer is just around the corner.
Pre: Glycerine Soap
Soap: B&M Latha Oceana
Brush: Muhle Silvertip Badger Chrome M89
Razor: Rockwell Model T
Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux (2)
Bowl: Timeless
Toner: Thayer's Cucumber Witch Hazel
Balm: Stirling Unscented
Cologne: Royal Copenhagen (mmm the memories)

Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: Timeless, S/S, 0.68 Scalloped base plate with14mm x 85mm dimpled handle.
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blades
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Fenchurch
Post: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Fenchurch Splash
It just doesn't get better than this.

Date:- 29 July 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- Muhle Synth. v2.0 Silvertip Fibre Faux Horn 25/60mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Barrister & Mann ~ 42 .......(Whale Vomit)
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB Brass 'B' / Polsilver Super Iridium #9
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10), Lavender (15) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- Proraso Wood & Spice
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage, butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Squadron Soaps LE Tim Keech Memorial Auction 2018 shaving soap
Razor: Vintage L 1 Gillette 'Slim" adjustable (5)
Blade: Personna 'Lab Blue' (2)
Post-shave: Squadron Soaps LE Tim Keech Memorial Auction 2018 splash
Fragrance: N/A

Still basking in the warm afterglow of the wonderful $4,347.20 effort in the 2019 auction - well done, dare I say it, gentlemen!

Have about 6 'dummy' lathers with the boar to begin the break in process but couldnt wait any longer, had to get it out for a run. At this present time there is no comparison to the badger. Lather produced by the badger is far more superior and has a much more luxurious feel to the face in compared to the scritchy boar.. I think this is to be expected as it will take a while to break in.

The Timeless handle (89g)on the R41 head (33g)was amazing, i love fat heavy handles i think which i feel gave the R41 a slight increased level of efficiency which has resulted in killer BBS goodness :)

Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: Muhle R41 + Timeless Barbershop Handle
Blade: Polsilver SI (1)
Brush: Omega Boar Brush
Soap: Mystic Waters – Coconut & Sandalwood
Post: A &E Signature Splash

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