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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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Soap: Pb Drachenblut
Brush: Semogue 1800
Razor: Brucke
Post: Jojoba Oil
AS: PAA Sangre de Drago

Much Exactly the same again. Except for the blade. Switched out a Gillette Platinum which oddly gave a smoother shave on one side of the blade than the other.

Today i threw in a Voskhod and can see where this blade gets it reputation for low QC. Going back a year or more, i got some of these somewhere (maybe vshod) and loved them. Smooth and forgiving but sharp as well. Then around late last year i bought 30 more from razorbladesclub and have so far used 1 tuck (4 blades actually). The first 3 blades felt crappy and tossed after 2 shaves each. But today's blade just felt perfect! Like butter smooth and comfortable. Will see how many i get from this particular blade.
Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: RazoRock JAWS OC
Blade: Naceet (1)
Brush: Yaqi Silvertip Badger
Soap: Tabac
Post: A&E Signature Splash

Tried a Nacet in the JAWS this morning and WOW!!! Super smooth and sharp, this may just off now become my favorite blade. Very surprised because I had tried the Nacet a couple of times in my Timeless and Rockwell 6C and didn’t care for it at all.

Previously found them very sharp but also quite rough, this time around very sharp and very smooth. Not 100% sure it if is my technique that has improved, the razor that takes this blade better or a combination of both but I will be trying a Nacet again in the timeless this week to confirm.

Been using the Omega boar for a week or so now and like it, but today's shave with the Silvertip Badger was pure luxury. Very soft feeling brush that makes an awesome creamy lather, at this time my favorite brush for sure.


Route 66 Barbershop Hop SS
The King badger by @Vlasta
Suribachi bowl and cool water
Ming Shi 2000s, Gillette Silver Blue
Pinaud Clubman AS Lotion

Got the urge for a barber shop scented shave. Could have been folks grousing about The Clubman. Just might use The Veg next. I enjoy a soap with lanolin for the post shave feel and this one has that powdery Floyd The Barber scent. Whipped up well with one of Steve's chubby brushes. Been using the Futur clone long enough the setting is on Max all the time now. It's a good one for the hard to catch lower neck stubble. Finished with that powdery goodness of Pinaud's finest.
Date:- 13 August 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- Edwin Jagger Synth. v2.0 Silvertip Fibre Faux Horn 25/58mm knot
Soap/Cream:- The Club ~ Signature
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB SS 'D' / Vintage NOS Gillette Super Stainless (spoiler) #5
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10), Lavender (15) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- L'Occitane Baux

The Signature is a very sophisticated scent straight from the tub and pretty strong in the face. The scent is mixed with two different types of Sandalwood, which are Arabian Sandalwood and Tunisian Sandalwood which I'm unable to tell the difference from each scent alone. However, I can smell Tobacco and Bourbon in the background behind the strong Sandalwood is pretty mild, because, both Arabian and Tunisian Sandalwood take over pretty strong in the face.
Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: RAW RS-10, Mild Plate
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blades
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: RazoRock Blue Barbershop
Post: RazoRock Blue Barbershop Splash
WTG, ATG, touch up with adjusted angles for my beard

Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: RazoRock JAWS OC
Blade: Nacet (1)
Brush: Yaqi Silvertip Badger
Soap: Tabac
Post: APR Florian Splash + Thayers Witch Hazel Cucumber

Got excited and went a little sideways today chasing the BBS hard… 4 passes plus touch ups with JAWS + Nacet. Goal was achieved, but to the price of slight, just slight burn. The burn is barely noticeable but I know it is there, hence the Witch hazel. Was it worth it? absolutely cannot feel a whisker on the face :)


Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Head: Head Blade Moto
Face: Timeless Bronze SB
Blade: Astra Blue (4)
Bowl: Perreira Unbreakable bowl
Pre: Shower + Washpool Face Cleansing bar
Soap: APR Skye Fall
Post: APR Skye Fall splash // Vaseline Intensive Care moisturiser

:love: Those times when you wish it could be winter ALL THE TIME x2!!! :love:
First shave since the arrival of the newborn. What better way to relax with a 7 day old than a shave?

Tony Forsythe badger brush. Such phenomenal value for money ... and such quality. APR Auction brush but it's so soft. I like it so much I haven't bothered taking the Paladin I bought recently out of the box.

Sandalwood shaving cream so easy to load and swirl with a wet brush in a bowl. I didn't have time to prep a soap so this would do. With the Prosaro pre-shave it actually is very, very smooth and cushions well.

Timeless Bronze + feather blade 0.38 - I just seem to get really good shaves out of this. I'm starting to think I like it better than titanium.


SOTD 14/08/2019

Pre: Hot Shower
Brush: Muhle Silver Tip
Bowl: KMart
Razor: Thiers Issard Special-Coiffeur 5/8" Round point
Post: Proraso Sandal Wood and Shea Splash, Proraso Sensitive Balm

Same cream, same brush but bowl lathered this time. Much better! Large almond amount interspersed with a few drops of water during the build yields a peaky glossy lather which holds in the bowl and on the face, not bad for $10!
Maybe a synthetic brush is the go for a face lather with this particular cream?​
I'm adjusting to this whole retirement thing really well but I do keep forgetting to shave. :)
I'm not certain how many days since my last shave but the 6/8" Tanifuji made very light work of my growth.
Brush Semogue 2000 Boar
Mitchell's Wool fat - not too bad.
Alcohol splash. - No irritation [at all]
Great single pass, I should do this more often !! :)
Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: Timeless, S/S, 0.68 Scalloped base plate
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blades
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Tabac original
Post: Tabac original cologne splash
WTG, ATG, touch up with adjusted angles for my beard

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