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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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the synthetic kills the boar in every way, but this could be that my boar is still being broken in? dunno i guess time will tell...

I have also made an excellent lather with the yaqi silvertip badger, but that one loves to hog a lot of it and still not up to the quality of the synthetic. what synth did you use?
Simpsons shaving brushes collaboration with Vulfix. Hence SimFix. Dirt cheap, but does the job. It's my first synth
I never cease to amaze myself. Never commence a straight razor shave brimming with bliss and self confidence :)
Tonight was a great shave with an Invicta French point, however for some reason my face looked similar to a city map with highlighted locations of blood donation outlets. Defenitely not normal for me as blood letting is no longer on my shaving resume. See the second point about bliss and misplaced self confidence.

Still a good, very close DFS, Boar brush and Mitchell's wool fat. A good soap but it lacks something, I feel.

So I tried my Woolies bargain priced DE kit of a $15 razor and $7.50 brush. Down from $20 and $10 respectively. Both are marked Jack The Barber, by way of convincing you there's a nice bearded hipster somewhere pressing these out of lost zelmac and magic in a small hut.

As we also all know, you often get what you pay for in this hobby BUT the brush isn't terrible and the mild razor is actually very good with a feather blade.

Razor: The light handle can go for the next shave as it's light, a bit naff and slippy smooth but that head shape is easy to load, covers the tabs and doesn't have any tricky alignment issues. BBS in three passes on three days growth.

Brush: It's soft and thin. Works fine for bowl lathering but is shedding. Handle design is okay. Look, if it is your first brush it will certainly do the job but I'd move to a Yaqi with better knot pretty soon.

As I did it as a test for some new shaver friends, I limited myself to products easy purchased in-store in Perth. This is a pretty good combo!!

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: M&F / Brad Sears Finest Badger
Soap: I Coloniali
Razor: Wolfman WR1
Blade: NOS Gillette Spoiler (5)
Post: Thursday Plantation Tea Tree & Witch Hazel, Musgo Real Aftershave Balm
Scent: Guerlain L'Homme Ideal

Simply beautiful lather from the I Coloniali soap. As thirsty as they come, once this soap is adequately hydrated, it can duke it out with the best in the business.
Three very comfortable passes for a BBS result.
Almost the same as yesterday but switched out the brush. This soap is so soft, I know I’ve mentioned it before but it almost moves around while loading. Care is needed to load the brush, or scooping to a bowl would work fine. Performance is still right up there with the big boys.
I never cease to amaze myself. Never commence a straight razor shave brimming with bliss and self confidence :)
Tonight was a great shave with an Invicta French point, however for some reason my face looked similar to a city map with highlighted locations of blood donation outlets. Defenitely not normal for me as blood letting is no longer on my shaving resume. See the second point about bliss and misplaced self confidence.

Still a good, very close DFS, Boar brush and Mitchell's wool fat. A good soap but it lacks something, I feel.

thanks for giving me reasons to never SE shave :)
Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: JAWS
Blade: Polsiver (?)
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Tuxedo
Soap: B&M Reserve - Lavender
Post: A&E Vanille de Tabac

Now that’s what I call a shave.. BBS zen!!! To me, the JAWS is the perfect combination of smoothness, efficiency, maneuverability and weight.. I absolutely love this razor. Paired it with a Polsilver and an amazingly slick B&M reserve lather results in a most pleasant shave.

What a way to end the working week..

happy shaves peoples!!!

@Rabid Badger …. Without doubt synthetics + reserve = amazing slick lather in abundance

Brush: RR 400
Razor: Merkur 37C
Blade: Polsilver SI (2)
Pre: Shower + Nivea Face Wash
Soap: APR Alfredus Choice
Post: APR Bay City splash

A super quick prework BBS this morning. Swapped out the 37C for the 34C and achieved great results. Decided on the APR and scent is refreshing. Matched with the Bay City for what I hope will be a pleasant day... JINX! Happy shaves :)
Took one for the team today. Single pass, no use of brush, slightly menthol, forgettable

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Brush: yaqi synth
Razor: 6s
Soap: fresca intensa
Splash: fresca intensa
Couldn't wait to give this set a run.the soap is a bit funky smelling but it is an admirable performer just exploding into a nice thick and slick lather that takes a fair bit of water but very little work. The scent for me is somewhere between fresca o.g and last year's intensa and just excellent.i still prefer the original over the other 2 but that's just personnel preference.

B&M Cologne Russe
ATT, S2 - Charcoal Goods, LVL1
Floris Pure Badger
Having done 4 shaves with the reserve base this week I wanted to end the week with a classic. I love the scent of this soap and it performed very well indeed. However, It is not quite as slick as the reserve base. I used the ATT on the first pass and then the Charcoal Goods on the second pass. End result, super smooth and very happy.
Took one for the tram today. Single pass, no use of brush, slightly menthol, forgettable

Gotta say I've never seen Soap, Body Lotion and Shaving Cream dispensers on a Tram before. That's a little weird. Probably should get yourself back to NSW (that's New South Wales, probably for my benefit more than yours as I'm acronymically challenged) for some normalisation pronto.
Gotta say I've never seen Soap, Body Lotion and Shaving Cream dispensers on a Tram before. That's a little weird. Probably should get yourself back to NSW (that's New South Wales, probably for my benefit more than yours as I'm acronymically challenged) for some normalisation pronto.

OOPS - team, not tram. In the hotel in Gympie. Never seen shave cream like this before either.
Gotta say I've never seen Soap, Body Lotion and Shaving Cream dispensers on a Tram before. That's a little weird. Probably should get yourself back to NSW (that's New South Wales, probably for my benefit more than yours as I'm acronymically challenged) for some normalisation pronto.
OOPS - team, not tram. In the hotel in Gympie. Never seen shave cream like this before either.
Since living in Melbourne the last 9 and a bit years, i HAVE seen some similar looking cream on trams and indeed trains...
Merkur 1904 clone with Personna Lab Blue (5)
Platypus 26mm fan
GFT Rose Cream
Nivea ASB
CK Obsession

While I usually prefer big boars to badgers, this cream is one notable exception where the badger is noticeably better as it just holds more of the original lather and the cream has no guts to build anymore lather for later passes. My soaps generally don't have this problem...
Date:- 20 September 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Muhle Synth. v2.0 Silvertip Fibre Faux Horn 25/60mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Ariana & Evans ~ Grecian Horse
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB SS 'C' / Vintage NOS Gillette Super Stainless (spoiler) #12
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10), Lavender (15) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- Davidoff Cool Water Wave
Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: RAW RS-10, Mild Plate
Blade: Feather
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk3
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah
Post: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah Splash
WTG, ATG, touch up with adjusted angles for my beard.

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