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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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Soap: APR Bay City (thanks @SpeedyPC for the reminder)
Brush: SOC Cherry Boar
Razor: Gillette Rocket HD
Blade: KAI (2)
Post: Jojoba Oil
AS: Pb Bay/Lime
Nice combo. The Kai works well in the Rocket HD for an easy DFS.
Brush: yaqi synth
Razor: 6s
Soap: declaration colonia balsamica
Splash: no way
Frag: fresca intensa
Got a bit sunburnt yesterday so put the #2 baseplate in the razor and shaved gently and carefully.still got a nice result but wasn't game to use any splash I know it was going to sting like he'll.used plenty of sunscreen on today to prevent a repeat as well.

Pre-Shave: Kiss my Face Olive Oil Soap, cold water
Razor: Guerrilla
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Doug Korn D7V
Lather: Mystic Water Lime
Post-Shave: Alum, Thayers Original Alcohol Free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

One of the most underrated razors in my books...what a shame because it was so readily available. Just a superb shave - smooth and close - cannot ask for more.

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday (y)
Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: Wolfman WR1,SB Standard Gap, WR2 Handle
Blade: Feather
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk3
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah
Post: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah Splash
WTG, ATG, touch up with adjusted angles for my beard.
Excellent shave with this kit. Feeling refreshed and on my way out for the evening.

Date:- 02 November 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Barrister & Mann ~ Bay Rum
Razor/Blade:- Merkur 38C / Astra Superior Stainless #7
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- Davidoff Cool Water Wave

Soap: Meissner Tremonia - Strong 'N Scottish
What’s the scent and post shave like @Pbgoose ??

Couldn't wait to try out the goods acquired from Nav - thanks again!
Karve CB 'D' OC plate
Yaqi Rainbow Brown
SV Stella Alpina
APR/SS Fresca Intensa Splash

Great shave the 'D' plate is a little more aggressive than I'm used to (will persevere though), will also try the 'C' tomorrow. 1st time using a SV soap, impressed lathers really well, wonderful scent and performance.
Pre-shave: Proraso Sandalwood and Shea Butter pre shave cream
Brush: Omega 10048
Soap/Cream: Proraso green
Razor: Karve OC #4
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow (3)
Post-shave: Alum block, Witch hazel, Bulldog original aftershave balm, Myrsol Formula C
Hair Tonic: Eau de Portugal
Date:- 02 November 2019

What’s the scent and post shave like @Pbgoose ??

@SpeedyPC , there is a description of Strong N Scottish on Badger and Blade which reads:

'Strong & Scottish - A cursory scan over the ingredients reveals that this soap gains its earthiness from Scottish "whiskey" (presumably whisky ... no "e" in Scotch, unless you're in Motherwell) and juniperus oxycedrus wood tar, or juniper wood tar and not dissimilar to cade, which Thomas mixes with red clay to reinforce the earthiness resulting in a seriously heady, woody, ashy, peaty, burnt wood experience which is absolutely sublime. I had read about this soap being the worst scented soap ever, a scent which only its mother could love and a stink of stale ashtrays, all descriptions which I won't disagree with - yes, I get the ash, yes, I get that it is really quite unusual, earthy, mucky (not necessarily dirty) and I originally described the scent as having the same polarising effect as Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal. But, this is not a Marmite soap, one which divides opinion, but rather one with draws the absolute same opinion from all and it is the response from each that is of note - whether the person is reviled or whether the person is intrigued, even exhilarated. I am one who is exhilarated by this scent. As a sample in a plastic bag it gains the same effect as good drink in a snifter, the scent concentrated and alive for each of the constituent smells to be explored. This is not Marmite, this is oysters, this is caviar, this is that very special bottle of red wine that gives off a prolific farmyard smell upon breathing, this is Laphroaig. And on that final note, I don't think we're far from understanding the true nature of this soap - it is strong, it is peaty, it is almost medicinal. It is strong, it is Scottish. I get it ... and there it is: Thomas is a genuis; this soap is high connoisseur.'

I think that description is helpful as it emcompasses the experience as well as describing scent notes. I agree with the whisky, woody, ashy, peaty, burnt wood descriptions plus I'd say some leathery notes. It is very strong so I have to be in the right mood to take it on and generally enjoy the experience.
I enjoy using the Meissner Tremonia shave soaps and would be more than happy to add more of their collection to my stash. I like the lather and am happy with the post shave feel. It's not drying.
@SpeedyPC , there is a description of Strong N Scottish on Badger and Blade which reads:

'Strong & Scottish - A cursory scan over the ingredients reveals that this soap gains its earthiness from Scottish "whiskey" (presumably whisky ... no "e" in Scotch, unless you're in Motherwell) and juniperus oxycedrus wood tar, or juniper wood tar and not dissimilar to cade, which Thomas mixes with red clay to reinforce the earthiness resulting in a seriously heady, woody, ashy, peaty, burnt wood experience which is absolutely sublime. I had read about this soap being the worst scented soap ever, a scent which only its mother could love and a stink of stale ashtrays, all descriptions which I won't disagree with - yes, I get the ash, yes, I get that it is really quite unusual, earthy, mucky (not necessarily dirty) and I originally described the scent as having the same polarising effect as Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal. But, this is not a Marmite soap, one which divides opinion, but rather one with draws the absolute same opinion from all and it is the response from each that is of note - whether the person is reviled or whether the person is intrigued, even exhilarated. I am one who is exhilarated by this scent. As a sample in a plastic bag it gains the same effect as good drink in a snifter, the scent concentrated and alive for each of the constituent smells to be explored. This is not Marmite, this is oysters, this is caviar, this is that very special bottle of red wine that gives off a prolific farmyard smell upon breathing, this is Laphroaig. And on that final note, I don't think we're far from understanding the true nature of this soap - it is strong, it is peaty, it is almost medicinal. It is strong, it is Scottish. I get it ... and there it is: Thomas is a genuis; this soap is high connoisseur.'

I think that description is helpful as it emcompasses the experience as well as describing scent notes. I agree with the whisky, woody, ashy, peaty, burnt wood descriptions plus I'd say some leathery notes. It is very strong so I have to be in the right mood to take it on and generally enjoy the experience.
I enjoy using the Meissner Tremonia shave soaps and would be more than happy to add more of their collection to my stash. I like the lather and am happy with the post shave feel. It's not drying.
Added to my shopping list to get some samples, thanks @Pbgoose (y) and how’s your kissing booth box for Halloween 🎃
Pre-shave: My Beard Oil
Brush : NoName Silver tip
Razor: NoName black knurled EJ head
Blade Dorco ST300
Soap: Gillette "Pure"
A/S: Witch hazel/Aloe/tea tree blend


Spoiled myself with a bath and a hot flannel and got quite a nice close shave, can't say I'm super impressed with the Dorco blades. Not sure why as they seem plenty sharp but not the neatest finish/cut and got me 2 nicks. Not bad, far from good... Razor worked a treat as expected. Gillette Pure Gel was a surprise, my son tells me you don;t need to lather gel's lol...Opps... This one leathers like mad hahahaha, nice feel fresh, might have mint oil... I like it. Zero irritation... Can't wait for the next morning.
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