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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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Brush: RR boar
Razor: Rockwell 6S (R4 plate)
Blade: Gillettre Nacet (4)
Pre: Shower
Bowl: Pereira's Destructible Shaving Bowl
Soap: Mike's Natural Soaps Lemongrass & Eucalyptus
Post: APR Laviolette splash // Vaseline Replenishing Moisturiser

A wonderful pre-CBR Meetup SOTD https://paste-and-cut.com.au/community/threads/christmas-meet-up-24-november.5916/#post-155912

Hope to see the CBR gang soon!
@todras how do you find the 1.05 feels compared to the 0.95. Got my order confirmation from James this morning and wrestling on what to go back with.

Well, that slight increase feels like a lot to me - the 1.05 personally feels like a BBS1 it's not hugely aggressive but for whatever reason is a little less smooth. It's a nice plate but I prefer the .095 as a daily driver and imho its the idea plate for the WR2 - Without a word of bullshit, I get 2 pass (WTG and XTG) perfect shaves every single time with this razor. I have an OC full tilt fancy stand polished WR2 on the way too - I am dead meat when the wife sees the cost of it :LOL:

Pre: Pb PSE
Soap; Pb 40 Thieves
Brush: Zenith boar
Razor: Ever Ready 1912
Blade: Blue Star GEM (2)
Lovely shave with the mildly mentholated soap and the vintage Ever Ready. Glad I got enabled into these old SE’s. The give a fantastic shave.
Date:- 24 November 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Barrister & Mann ~ Fougere Angelique (Limited Edition)
Razor/Blade:- RazoRock MJ-90A / Gillette Silver Blue #4
Post/After-shave: T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- L'Eau Bleue D'issey Pour Homme
Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: RAW RS-10, Mild Plate
Blade: Feather
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk3
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Martin de Candre Fougère
Post: Squadron Coronet Fougère splash
WTG, ATG, touch up with adjusted angles for my beard.

First shave for a few weeks.
Soap Body shop Maca root.
Razor 6S R4 with whatever blade was in it since my last shave.
Brush Sam & Son Silvertip.
Post Thayers Original with Body Shop Kistna balm.

Feels great to be rid of the seedy half beard, but I have to say it did work well for the 80s dress up party last night so all in all worth it.
Luckily minimal photographic evidence exists of my poor attempt at a beard.
Fresh from the Perth meetup, and have some wonderful samples to review, but first catching up on my SOTD from the preceding days:


Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap,Antica Barbieria Colla Almond Oil Pre-Shave Cream
Brush: Omega Pro 48 Boar
Soap: APR Winterfell
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Vintage NOS Gillette 'Swede' (7)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Antica Barbieria Colla Almond Oil Balm
Scent:APR Winterfell

A terrific shave. The big Omega is now really well broken in (after some secret techiques discussed at the Perth Meetup;)).
Lovely lather as always from APR, and the vintage Gillette Swede blade pairs beautifully with the AS-D2 razor.

The GC felt a bit light going through 3 days growth but it provided DFS after 2 x passes.
Silky smooth and irritation free shave. Shaving in the evening nowadays, so trialing different blades to see if sharper blade will provide longevity and smoothness between shaves
The almond is on Day 11 and doesn't seem to be going down much.
Pre-shave: Bloom water
Brush: Semogue - Excelsior 1460
Soap: Stirling - Island Man sample
Razor: Game Changer 84-P
Blade: Personna Red
Post-shave: Stirling - WHAM
OK, if you insist.

After the typical couple of lathers with detergent to remove the boar funk, an old Italian Barber trick is to soak your new boar brush in a mug of water placed inside the fridge overnight, then next day, remove the brush, shake it dry and then let dry naturally over a few hours. Repeat this cycle for three nights in a row. I did this when I first purchased my Omega 48 maybe 6 months ago, and it certainly made a big difference.
Then recently, I got to thinking - the ladies often complain that using a hairdryer can cause them split ends. Well, I thought, this is actually desirable in a Boar brush.

So, I repeated the three day cycle as described above, but instead of allowing to dry naturally, after the brush was shaken dry, I used a hairdryer with a concentrator (see photos below) and on the low heat setting to dry the tips of the brush, to deliberately dry them rapidly to encourage split ends. I was careful not to get the airflow too close to the brush - maybe a 10cm distance. Clearly, you do not want direct heat getting into the base of the brush, where glue exists. That is where the concentrator comes in, allowing a wide slot of air to flow across only the tips of the brush. The drying process each time for me was about 5 minutes. The brush shed a couple of hairs on first use after the procedure, but has been fine ever since. The difference in face feel (softness) was pretty amazing.

Now, I caution anyone thinking of also trying this method - do so at your own risk! I was happy to take a punt on a relatively inexpensive boar brush, and it has worked brilliantly for me. However, I have little doubt that the technique would horrify brush manufacturers, hence the warning. And I would not dream of risking it with any of my Badger brushes.

All the best,


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