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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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WWB + Maggard SHD
Merkur 34c HD
DG Darkfall
Barrister’s Reserve - Waves

Great shave, post shave is unbelievable, the scent not really my jam
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Date:- 28 November 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Barrister & Mann ~ Cologne Russe
Razor/Blade:- Feather AS-D2 / Gillette Nacet #4
Post/After-shave: T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- Tommy Hilfiger for Men
Brush: Yaqi 30mm
Razor: Maggard V3A + MR1 handle
Blade: Gillette Rubie (2)
Pre: Shower
Bowl: Pereira's Destructible Shaving Bowl
Soap: Queen Charlotte Soaps Tangerine sample - thanks @Kaeckerut
Post: Thayers Aloe & Lemon Witch Hazel // Nivea for Men Creme

Another enjoyable shave with the Rubie blade. Its quickly becoming a favourite as it managed to tame the usually rough V3A head. Chasing a BBS I came away with a few minor weepers but the shave was super smooth and effortless. I had this sample hidding in my draw and decided to give it a go. Lathers up nice with no post shave issues. A get a fruity scent from the tub but not much whilst lathering but thats not a bad thing. Looking forward to tomorrows shave... Happy shaves!

Brush: Yaqi Betelgeuse 24mm Silvertip Badger
Razor: Karve Brass C Plate
Blade: Personna
Soap: Eufros Cronos Sampler from the recent Perth GTG
Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery
Post: TN Dickinsons witch hazel, Pens BB balm and EDT

The soap from the sampler was amazing, slick and smooth and shiny. I contacted Manuel to get some sent over. Lovely bloke, he says he doesn't make that concrete any more but his new stuff is much better!! I look forward the package from Spain
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Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: Karve Christopher Bradley, C plate
Blade: Feather
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk3
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah
Post: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah Splash
WTG, ATG, touch up with adjusted angles for my beard.

Brush: Yaqi 30mm
Razor: Maggard V3A + MR1 handle
Blade: Gillette Rubie (2)
Pre: Shower
Bowl: Pereira's Destructible Shaving Bowl
Soap: Queen Charlotte Soaps Tangerine sample - thanks @Kaeckerut
Post: Thayers Aloe & Lemon Witch Hazel // Nivea for Men Creme

Another enjoyable shave with the Rubie blade. Its quickly becoming a favourite as it managed to tame the usually rough V3A head. Chasing a BBS I came away with a few minor weepers but the shave was super smooth and effortless. I had this sample hidding in my draw and decided to give it a go. Lathers up nice with no post shave issues. A get a fruity scent from the tub but not much whilst lathering but thats not a bad thing. Looking forward to tomorrows shave... Happy shaves!
I think it was @Timmy Dee who brought the QCS. (y)
Hi guys,

I have been shaving but not all that regularly. Tonight was just so good though. I have 4 Russian blades and they are quite remarkable steel. The edge they take is really sensational. I think I had 5 days growth so the lather was formed by the whiskers more than the brush and provided wonderful glide. The big Semogue boar brush created a perfect shaving lather. The Russian blade tonight was an 11/16" and made in the mid '60s. After such an enjoyable shave I really should be doing it more often.


What was left of the almond failed to lather this morning, after 12 days just froth.
Got hit in the face by a snowman instead. So cold it burns! Thanks to @nav1
Pre-shave: Shower
Brush: Semogue - Excelsior 1460
Soap: Stirling - Frozen Tundra
Razor: Game Changer 84P
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Post-shave: Stirling - WHAM

What was left of the almond failed to lather this morning, after 12 days just froth.
Got hit in the face by a snowman instead. So cold it burns! Thanks to @nav1
Pre-shave: Shower
Brush: Semogue - Excelsior 1460
Soap: Stirling - Frozen Tundra
Razor: Game Changer 84P
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Post-shave: Stirling - WHAM

Glad you enjoyed that menthol burn!

Unfortunately I'm allergic to too much menthol...
I always feel I'm missing out big time during summer months!
Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Polsilver
Brush: Yaqi 26mm Rainbow Pony
Soap: Mystic Waters Adirondack Jack
Post: Wholly Kaw Chypre Rose Concerto

To be totally honest I am blown away by the slim, I never expected an old vintage razor to shave that well, totally shows things were built to last and built to a high quality.

Had another crack with the slim + feather combo, this time on setting 6. This setting resulted in a smoother shave than the last shave on setting 7 but just as efficient. A very smooth and comfy BBS was achieved.

I love this razor!!!


WWB + Maggard SHD
Merkur 34c
Feather (1)
B&M Clusterfig
APR Carnivale
Thayer’s Witch Hazel Original Toner

This was tremendous guys! Early shave before 6, then take my 1 year old out to play in the park. Beautiful, quiet, cool and cloudy morning with little bit of misty rain. Have a great day!

I had a really close shave with a new Feather blade. Applied Thayer’s Witch Hazel Original Toner one hour later after a walk in the park. Great post shave feel, zero irritation.
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Pre-shave: Shower
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Tuxedo
Soap/Cream: Shaver Heaven - Fig & Brown Sugar
Razor: Karve CB (C-SB)
Blade: Perma-Sharp Super (1)
Post-shave: Cold Water Splash, Alum, TSW After Balm

First shave with the Karve and all I can say is the same as just about every review I've read, a very nice smooth and efficient shave.
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