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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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@Nico and @SpeedyPC you know that barbershop scent is something that does not exist. For me is a serious and classic scent, so nice. I am sure you Nico would love it (and If not I can trade yours for another soap from my small collection if you don't like, but I doubt you wont like it).
If you think about a classic barbershop having on mind B&M seville, it is not!. Seville is a pleasant scent of not so acid citrus, nice, sure (I have almost emptied a splash bottle already), but seville is certainly not a classic barbershop, not even close to the scent of barbershop placed in Seville town up there in Spain.. The warden is more woody-dark-floral?, with the bergamota entering.... Sorry I cannot describe scents :(
And the label is ridiculously great!!!.
I have only own coronet fougere and the warden from The squadron soap, and even if both are good, The warden is a have to try soap!
cheers and sorry for trying to enable. It is very good shit!!!
Feb. 1, 2019 - Friday

Prep: Shower
Brush: Declaration Grooming - Nebula Franklin - 30mm B3
Razor: Anodized Aluminum Wolfman WR-1DC on WRH-2 (Black & Purple)
Blade: Polsilver SI
Lather: Chatillon Lux/Tallow + Steel - Vide Poche - Soap
Post Shave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche - Aftershave
Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche - Eau de Parfrum


Went a bit old school today.

Hot shower
Gillette fat handle pre war tech
Mitchells wool fat
Astra sp
Muhle silver tip badger
Tn dicksons witch hazel
Bay rum aftershave

These old techs sure get the job done and smoothly. They can handle the sharpest blades too. The only head that gets under my nose with absolute ease. BBS effortless shave .

Ahhh weekend shaves with no rush and tunes on.
Date: 02 February 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- RazoRock Plissoft Synth. 24/57mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Arko (4 shaving sticks grated into a 250ml plastic tub)
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Razor/Blade:- PAA Starling SE v2.0 (Close Comb) / GEM Personna SS PTFE Coated #1
Post-shave:- Thayers Witch Hazel & Tea Tree Oil / WAHL Bay Rum Aftershave Splash
Fragrance:- N/A
Pre-shave - Shower and Proraso Red.
Brush - Mühle 35K252 synthetic.
Soap - ARKO !
Razor - Rockwell 6C, plate 4.
Blade - Feather. (3)
Post-shave - Geo F. Trumper Sandalwood Skin food.
Fragrance - TOBS Sandalwood Aftershave Splash.

3 Passes, no irritation & BBS.

25 days to go with the Arko.
February Slant/s SOTM

Brush: Omega 24mm
Razor: iKon X3 + OSS handle
Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
Soap: RR xXx
Post: Thayer Aloe & Lemon + Australian Lemon & Tea Tree face cream

Mixing things up this month with February dedicated to shaving with my mini collection of Slants. Disregarding the PAA bakelite versions as they massacre my face and the iKon 102 as it resembles the Maggard version. I aim to use the same brush/soap and blades for optimal results... Happy shaves!
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