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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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Pre-Shave: Kiss my Face Olive Oil Soap, cold water
Razor: Rex Ambassador (2.5/2)
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Shavemac ATG 2017 LE
Lather: Stirling Gin & Tonic
Post-Shave: Alum, Thayers Original Alcohol Free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Just a perfect mid-week shave with some perfect Stirling lather - happy days.

I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday (y)
Date: 19 February 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- RazoRock Plissoft Synth. 24/57mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Arko (4 shaving sticks grated into a 250ml plastic tub)
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Razor/Blade:- Gillette Fatboy Adjustable G2 1961 / Vintage NOS Gillette Super Stainless (spoiler) #1
Post-shave:- Thayers Witch Hazel & Tea Tree Oil / WAHL Bay Rum Aftershave Splash
Fragrance:- L'eau D'issey Pour Homme

9 days to go for the whole month of Arko February shave.
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February Slant/s SOTM

Brush: Omega 24mm
Head: Omnishaver
Razor: iKon X3 + OSS handle
Blade: Gillette Nacet (11)
Soap: RR xXx
Post: Thayer Aloe & Lemon + TSW balm

An enjoyable DFS with the X3. Enjoying the smoothness on the blade - no tugging but still efficient enough to give a satisfactory shave. Almost out of the xXx soap which is grand as it's seen me through almost 18 months :) Happy shaves!

First time out using one of these Aussie Spoilers thanks to @EJ_DE98. First thought was a very nice shave, but probably not much different to a standard current production Silver Blue or platinum blade. Will know more after a few more shaves how it holds up against the US made version.
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: The one, the only, ARKO! shaving soap
Razor: Vintage NEW head (replated) on TSW Bren handle
Blade: Vintage NOS Gillette Super Stainless (3)
Post-shave: TSW After Balm / Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve
Fragrance: N/A

Sometimes you forget how good products are when you don't use them regularly!

The After Balm was sensational, soothing, with a hint of fragrance but not enough to interfere and not oily. Following with the Special Reserve was a no sting just gentle caressing experience and the Special Reserve requires no further fragrance addition!

Date: 20 February 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- RazoRock Plissoft Synth. 24/57mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Arko (4 shaving sticks grated into a 250ml plastic tub)
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Razor/Blade:- Gillette Slim Adjustable G4 1961 / Vintage NOS Gillette Super Stainless (spoiler) #1
Post-shave:- Thayers Witch Hazel & Tea Tree Oil / WAHL Bay Rum Aftershave Splash
Fragrance:- L'Eau Bleue D'issey Pour Homme

8 days to go for the whole month of Arko February shave.
KarveD w/Gillette black ninja
EJ STF 23mm v1
CRSW - Puro Fresco
Gaia ASB

What an awesome shave! Very enjoyable experience with my favorite brush and the killer CRSW soap. Loved it!!

The result was BBS but with a little bit of extra work as the black ninja isn't quite as sharp as the Polsilver, but man is it smooooooth!!

@Rabid Badger
This brush is 6 years old and still probably my favorite!
Let's see if I can get it to 20 years :)

Pre-shave - Shower and Proraso Red pre-shave.
Brush - Mühle K35-252 Synthetic.
Soap - ARKO !
Razor - Rockwell 6C, plate 5.
Blade - Feather. (4)
Post-shave - Alum block and Geo F. Trumper, Limes Skin food.
Fragrance - Nothing.

20 days down, 1 week and 1 day to go with the Arko.
Pre-shave - Shower and Proraso Red pre-shave.
Brush - Mühle K35-252 Synthetic.
Soap - ARKO !
Razor - Rockwell 6C, plate 5.
Blade - Feather. (4)
Post-shave - Alum block and Geo F. Trumper, Limes Skin food.
Fragrance - Nothing.

20 days down, 1 week and 1 day to go with the Arko.
Hey rabbit do you need target practice to shoot at? cause I’ve got a whole box of 12 Arko sticks all lined up ready for you to shoot at
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