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Shave of the Day Thread - 2019

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Pre: Hot towel, Pre shave oil (Nico's home brew)
Razor: Timeless, S/S, 0.68 Scalloped base plate
Blade: Astra Superior Platinum Double Edge
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk2
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah
Post: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Coolabah Splash


Pre-Shave: Kiss my Face Olive Oil Soap, cold water
Razor: Hoffritz Travel Slant
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Doug Korn D7V
Lather: Mystic Water Lime
Post-Shave: Alum, Thayers Original Alcohol Free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Very satisfying shave after 6 days growth. This razor is truly magnificent - what a shame nobody has cloned it yet in a more durable material...

The wonderful Mystic Water lather just added to the perfect shave.

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday (y)
Fine Marvel w/nacet
Omega boar
Bath House - Cuban cedar & lime
Gaia ASB

Wonderful BBS!
It's so similar to the Karve that for all the Karve lovers, the marvel would be the ideal travel razor. It'll definitely be for me.

The finishing on a US$40 is poor though so keep that in mind.

The bath house soap is a delight! I just love the zingy scent!!

Long time without a SOTD here...

Pre: nothing
machine: Timeless 0.95 open scalloped / Ufro goliath prototype
blade + feather
brush: Doug korn / Nathan Clark Envy White
soap: Eufros Verum (LE)
splash: AP Reserve ozymandias


Amazing shave and I am smelling awesome!
Hope to post more often:)
Long time without a SOTD here...

Pre: nothing
machine: Timeless 0.95 open scalloped / Ufro goliath prototype
blade + feather
brush: Doug korn / Nathan Clark Envy White
soap: Eufros Verum (LE)
splash: AP Reserve ozymandias


Amazing shave and I am smelling awesome!
Hope to post more often:)

Welcome back my friend. :)
Long time without a SOTD here...

Pre: nothing
machine: Timeless 0.95 open scalloped / Ufro goliath prototype
blade + feather
brush: Doug korn / Nathan Clark Envy White
soap: Eufros Verum (LE)
splash: AP Reserve ozymandias


Amazing shave and I am smelling awesome!
Hope to post more often:)
Nice to see you again, Fer!
How’s work?
Pre-shave: Shower, Glycerine
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Tuxedo
Soap/Cream: Face Fat - Jaffa
Razor: Rockwell 6C, Ikon Bamboo Handle (3)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Post-shave: Cold water splash, Alum, TSW After Balm
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: The Stray Whisker Silvertip Badger
Soap: Barrister & Mann Seville
Razor: Rockwell 6C (#5)
Blade: Gillette Nacet (2)
Post: The Stray Whisker Alum block, Barrister and Mann Seville aftershave

Rockwell plate 5 with a Feather was too harsh for me, but two shaves with a Nacet have been decent thus far.
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Rooney shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Santa Maria Novella shaving soap
Razor: Vintage Gillette British Aristocrat '#15'
Blade: Vintage Gillette Super Stainless (4)
Post-shave: Santa Maria Novella Tabacco Toscano aftershave splash
Fragrance: Santa Maria Novella Tabacco Toscano EDC

Bellissimo! This really is nice :)

Barrister & March SOTD....


Pre: Hot Shower, Truefitt & Hill Oil....
Razor: Wolfman WR1-SB....
Blade: Feather....
Brush: Paladin El Dorado....
Soap: B&M Seville....
Post: B&M Seville Aftershave and EDT....

It’s somewhat fitting that I get my first use of the Wolfman WR1 on Grand Prix Weekend in Melbourne....
I can’t think of another item that has attracted so much of my attention as this razor has....
It is a marvel, it is beautiful, it is a sculpture, it is functional....

Wonderful three pass shave this morning for our first outing together....
Is the WR1 worth the money/time/effort to get - like blades, worth is subjective but for me after just one dance the answer is absolutely....
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