Foolish Possums are not Grand Poobahs
2018 Sabbatical
2019 Charity Auction Winner
2020 Charity Auction Winner
So I had to share the shower with my boy so the photo is a bit meh
Seville- first time trying this but I’m sold on it, awesome stuff!
Whipped dog silver tip
40’s super speed- probably my favourite.
Gillette stainless red
Eau Sauvage
took the day off work to spend the day with my wife, just the two of us.
Realised it’s been like 2 years since last we spent the whole day together and it’s been fantastic.
Not the most outrageous activities; went to the movies, bought some pants, had lunch and had a nap- amazing!
not that child ownership err I mean parenthood isn’t fantastic..
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