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Shave of the Day Thread - 2020

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Brush: Yaqi 30mm tuxedo
Razor: Charcoal Goods Gen 1 L2 + Stinger V1 handle antique brass (P&C LE 2019/20 Charity Auction)
Blade: Bic Chrome (4)
Soap: A&G Lemon Myrtle
Pre: Shower
Bowl: Rover bowl
Post: Alum block // Suavecito Menthol Vanishing Creme
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS

A somewhat rough shave resulting in some mild irritation on my neck and a nick on a scar which luckily the Alum patched up. From memory the Bics worked great in the GC & 6S which I have since moved on... :rolleyes:
Soap performed a treat and the scent is pleasant but not as strong as originally it was.
Stay Safe & Happy Shaves!
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Squadron Soap Tim Keech Memorial shaving soap
Razor: Vintage Gillette L1 'Slim' (5)
Blade: Polsilver "Brown" (5)
Post-shave: Squadron Soap Tim Keech Memorial splash
Fragrance: N/A

Great kit, OK shave - operator error? Probably!


Prep: B&M Cool soap, Alt Innsbruck Emulsion
Brush: Shavemac 3-band Silvertip Badger
Cream: Musgo Real Spiced Citrus
Razor:Merkur Futur (2)
Blade: Polsilver (1)
Post: Alt Innsbruck Emulsion
Scent: Acca Kappa Muschio Bianco solid cologne

Mining Camp Shave, and a belter.
Pre: Shower
Razor: WR2 1.25
Blade: Gillette 7 O’clock Yellow
Brush: Yaqi 26mm Pony
Soap: A&E Kaizen
Post: A&E Kaizen Splash

Had a great shave with the WR2 today 😊 Rode the bar quite steep this morning, with the handle nearly parallel to the face and this resulted in the smoothest shave with the 1.25 to date.

Also added a second XTG pass across the lip area in the opposite direction then went a light ATG. The lip area was my worst with the razor but today the shave was excellent, resulted in BBS without any weepers or irritation.

I think I finally learnt to shave with this razor. If it wasn’t so pretty and good to hold I would of given up a while ago, but so happy I persisted. Will try a feather next!!

Date:- 27 November 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Butterscotch 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Mystic Water ~ Jeff's Lavender
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB Brass 'SB-B' / Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow SE #1
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (30 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Fragrance:- Tommy Hilfiger for Men
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: @Tony Forsyth P&C LE Charity Auction shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Noble Otter Two Kings shaving soap
Razor: Vintage Gillette L1 'Slim' (5)
Blade: Polsilver "Brown" (6)
Post-shave: Noble Otter Two Kings splash
Fragrance: Penhaligon's Halfeti EDP

We get so smitten by our new purchases - I'm definitely smitten by this soap and splash that go nicely with the Halfeti.

Soap/Cream: Noble Otter Two Kings shaving soap
...We get so smitten by our new purchases - I'm definitely smitten by this soap and splash that go nicely with the Halfeti.
I love this soap too - I went back and bought another 2 tubs to make sure I never run out. Interestingly, though, even though I don't have a "changeover day", I seem to be using it more as a winter soap.
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: @Tony Forsyth P&C LE Charity Auction shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Noble Otter Two Kings shaving soap
Razor: Vintage Gillette L1 'Slim' (5)
Blade: Polsilver "Brown" (6)
Post-shave: Noble Otter Two Kings splash
Fragrance: Penhaligon's Halfeti EDP

We get so smitten by our new purchases - I'm definitely smitten by this soap and splash that go nicely with the Halfeti.


more love for the soap/splash performance and scent 😍

been inspired to get mine out when I get back from my beach dog walk
I love this soap too - I went back and bought another 2 tubs to make sure I never run out. Interestingly, though, even though I don't have a "changeover day", I seem to be using it more as a winter soap.

Yes, I can see it working as a winter set, jsut using now as it is new :)

Pairs well with the Halfeti I think, finally found something to use easily with that!

more love for the soap/splash performance and scent 😍

been inspired to get mine out when I get back from my beach dog walk

It is nice, subtle but nice.

Pre-shave: Hot water
Brush: Forgotten Art custom "Southern Skies" 30mm Snow Leopard
Soap/Cream: Noble Otter Rawr shaving soap
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather Professional Super (1)
Post-shave: Shower, Nivea balm

A sublime shave. The Pro Super blade gives lots of blade feel with this razor, tamed to perfection by the Rawr.
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