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Shave of the Day Thread - 2020

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Razor: Rockwell 6s R4
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge
Soap: Ariana and Evans Peach & Cognac
Brush: Razorock Plissoft

First use of Ariana and Evans Peach & Cognac today. I must admit that I am slightly disappointed by the quality of the labels. The image itself is low quality and it appears to have been scratched in some areas. Not a deal breaker but there is definitely room for improvement. The soap itself is super soft and almost sticky. I loaded the brush for about 45 seconds which may have been too much. When taken to the face it was super thick, almost like glue. I painted water for about a minute before I even tried to build the lather. The soap is super thirsty took me a while to created a usable lather. I clearly didn't add enough water as the soap stuck to the razor. I can't judge slickness, residual slickness or post shave until I properly dial in the soap but based on this first use I'm sure its excellent across all parameters. I'm not sure how I feel about the scent. Off the puck is starts of quiet medicinal scent, like liquid cold medicine I used to take as a kid. This is fades away the scent becomes incredibly sweet and smells like something you would find in packet of Allen's Party Mix lollies. The sweetness overwhelms the scent I can't pick out any other notes. The scent is strong off the puck and while lathering. However, one rinsed off the scent is completely gone, unlike other artisan soaps like Fougere Angelique or Sellout which can be smelt for a while after the shave. Overall, the shave was fantastic and I'm excited to use this soap.
Next time when you loaded your brush for about 12 or 15 seconds, just make sure that the tip of your brush looks a bit pasty but not too pasty and don’t loaded up too much. Because this NEW formula from A&E will explode huge volume of lather, believe me it will explode huge volume of lather when you added water bit by bit as you go long.

The more soap you loaded up your brush with the new formula from A&E will get very thirsty, the more water you added the volume of lather will explode a huge monster of unbelievable amount of lather without even thinking.
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just read your write up..

the Kaizen base (which you have) is very thirsty, much more thirsty than the prior formula and 45 seconds is way to long. next time try a max 20 second load and try again, once this is dialed in it is an amazing lather
Next time when you loaded your brush for about 12 or 15 seconds, just make sure that the tip of your brush looks a bit pasty but not too pasty and don’t loaded up too much. Because this NEW formula from A&E will explode huge volume of lather, believe me it will explode huge volume of lather when you added water bit by bit as you go long.

The more soap you loaded up your brush with the new formula from A&E will get very thirsty, the more water you added the volume of lather will explode a huge monster of unbelievable amount of lather without even thinking.

Thanks for the advice. I'll take it into account for the next shave. @SpeedyPC interesting that you say the lather explodes. It may be because I over loaded and under hydrated but in my usage the volume of lather didn't increase significantly, rather remained quite thin but become very slick as I added water.

Brush: Alpha Shaving Co. T-400 Tribute 24mm Silvertip
Razor: Leaf
Blade: Gillette Nacet + Wizamet SI x 3
Pre: Shower
Soap: Declaration Grooming & Chatillon Lux Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli :love:
Post: The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 30 mL

Decided I'd shave the old noggin and what better opportunity than to follow @Blackie & @bernie01 by trying some Hyaluronic Acid seeing as my supply of APR Serum is running super low. Started off with a couple drops and so far my head feels nice. Interested to see if the misses notices any difference long term…? :giggle:
...the scent becomes incredibly sweet and smells like something you would find in packet of Allen's Party Mix lollies. The sweetness overwhelms the scent I can't pick out any other notes.
I've had limited experience with A&E products, but I often wonder if sweetness isn't a defining characteristic. It certainly seems to be the case that many of the most positive reviews I've read have been from people who appear to favour sweeter scents. I'll be happy to hear about exceptions, since that's what's putting me off buying A&E soaps at the moment.
I've had limited experience with A&E products, but I often wonder if sweetness isn't a defining characteristic. It certainly seems to be the case that many of the most positive reviews I've read have been from people who appear to favour sweeter scents. I'll be happy to hear about exceptions, since that's what's putting me off buying A&E soaps at the moment.

I like sweet things but not when it overwhelms everything else. I've only had one sweet smelling product and that was Chatillon Lux Bon Vivant. However, that scent was quite spicy which helped to detract from the sweetness and made it quite enjoyable. Peach & Cognac is just sweet with nothing else. I also bought Asian Plum which is darker and isn't as sweet. From what I've seen a lot of A&E's scents are dark masculine scents and often with a tobacco note. There other scents like L'Orange Verte, Pamplemousse, and SoCal Hipster which differ from the rest but they don't seem to be as popular.
I've had limited experience with A&E products, but I often wonder if sweetness isn't a defining characteristic. It certainly seems to be the case that many of the most positive reviews I've read have been from people who appear to favour sweeter scents. I'll be happy to hear about exceptions, since that's what's putting me off buying A&E soaps at the moment.
Maybe it has something to do with the fragrance oil that A&E uses, the sweetness can be used to mask the chemical/artificial smell
I like sweet things but not when it overwhelms everything else. I've only had one sweet smelling product and that was Chatillon Lux Bon Vivant. However, that scent was quite spicy which helped to detract from the sweetness and made it quite enjoyable. Peach & Cognac is just sweet with nothing else. I also bought Asian Plum which is darker and isn't as sweet. From what I've seen a lot of A&E's scents are dark masculine scents and often with a tobacco note. There other scents like L'Orange Verte, Pamplemousse, and SoCal Hipster which differ from the rest but they don't seem to be as popular.

Lol not a fan, let ya know what I think when I get it 👍

B&M Waves
Wee Scot, super badger
Charcoal Goods, level 1 + Astra SP

As always, great lather from the B&M and this was my first use with this tiny brush. Just loved it. Enough lather for three passes and allows you to be very specific about where you want your lather to go.​
Wow!! :wideyed: The most famous tiny pinky little Wee Scot. This would match 100% perfectly with the soap called A&E Which One's Pink.

Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Simpson LE Jubilee shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Squadron Soaps Empire shaving soap
Razor: Replated Gillette L1 'Slim' (6)
Blade: Vintage Gillette Super Stainless (6)
Post-shave: Squadron Soaps Empire splash
Fragrance: N/A

Should really have used a British Aristocrat ...

Change of scene here, away for a few days on the East Coast...

Pre-shave: Hot water
Brush: Yaqi 26mm Rainbow Pony
Soap/Cream: Stirling Bergamot Lavender
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather Professional Super
Post-shave: Shower, TND Witch Hazel, Nivea Balm

Crap view from the decking here:
Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Ash Wood 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Noble Otter ~ Bare
Razor/Blade:- Muhle Rocca R94 / Gillette Stainless (red & white pack) #7
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Tonight Tipple:- Glen Grant The Major's Reserve
I've had limited experience with A&E products, but I often wonder if sweetness isn't a defining characteristic. It certainly seems to be the case that many of the most positive reviews I've read have been from people who appear to favour sweeter scents. I'll be happy to hear about exceptions, since that's what's putting me off buying A&E soaps at the moment.

My 3 Favourite A&E scents are all masculine and on the dark side. The unfortunate issue is, none of them are available locally and will have to be imported from OS.
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