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Shave of the Day Thread - 2020

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Pre-shave: Hot water straight from the tap
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Tuxedo
Soap/Cream: PAA (CK6) - CAD
Bowl: Karen Goldberg Barber Pole
Razor: Karve CB (C-SB)
Blade: Astra SP (6)
Post-shave: Cold Water Splash, alum, TSW After Balm

A well hydrated lather (not quite @alfredus hydrated) and one weeper :banghead:
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Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Rooney
Soap/Cream: APR / Noble Otter TEXAUS shaving soap
Razor: Muhle R95 Rocca Birch Handle
Blade: Polsilver "Brown" (5)
Post-shave: APR / Noble Otter TEXAUS splash
Fragrance: N/A

Nice to be home, albeit with a cold and missing a filling that was basically a whole tooth (don't eat Kool Mints)


Pre: Coconut Oil
Soap: Pb Mirrors & Smoke
Brush: Semogue 1305
Razor: TI Flower Pattern
Shave Bowl: Bronze Warrior
Nothing like a freshly honed blade.:) I'm a fan of TI's carbonsong, beautiful steel to hone.
Another soap finished. I will make some more Mirrors & Smoke some time, but not on today's cook list.

Pre-shave: Shower/Bloom Water
Brush: Semogue - Excelsior 1460 Boar Brush
Soap: Stirling - Glastonbury
Razor: Timeless .68 SB - Scalloped Head
Blade: GSB (2)
Post-shave: AP Reserve Escentials 'Restoration'
Hydrating the brush and load that much it is better than goop from a can or cream from a tube
Smooth slick and silky (y)(y)
Date:- 15 February 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Barrister & Mann ~ Bay Rum
Razor/Blade:- Rockwell 6C-R3 / Vintage NOS Gillette Super Stainless (spoiler) #14
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20 drops) & Tea Tree Antiseptic (10)
Fragrance:- Hugo Boss (Original)

Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Razor/s: Rockwell 6S (R6) // RR Mamba // Yaqi DOC + RR halo handle
Blade: Feather (3)
Pre: Shower
Bowl: Pereira Shavery Lathering Bowl
Soap: APR Suitably Attired Australian LE
Post: APR Restoration Peptide Concentrate Serum 15ml Tester A

My last 3 shaves = effortless, smooth and comfortable. Almost finished the soap but thankfully I still have a tub of the Suitably Attired Summer which is an equally pleasant scent. Finished off with some wonderful Serum... Looking forward to a head shave tomorrow using the trusty Leaf razor... Happy shaves!

Superlative shave.

Wolfman Guerilla with a non-OEM handle (fabulous CNC on the handle with a lovely weight). I just have to remember where the handle originated from. But a very generous member of this forum sold both to me (thank you). Always wanted a Guerilla.

Paired very well with Polsilver blade ; Rockwell synthetic brush & Sandalwood shaving cream
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Soap/Cream: B&M Petriclor shaving soap
Razor: Muhle R95 Rocca Birch Handle
Blade: Polsilver "Brown" (1)
Post-shave: B&M Petriclor splash
Fragrance: N/A

Nice, as is the actually rain


Soap: Pb Brazilian Bay Thyme
Brush: Omega 10083
Razor: Timeless Bronze
Blade: Ladas (3)
Another one bites the dust. I'd be sad Bay Thyme is finished if I couldn't replace it.......but I can.....and I will.:)
Just for the record @tim33z , I'm not snubbing your finished products thread, my soaps have been heavily sampled for family and friends so it's not all my own work and am not sure that I've actually finished anything on my own.:) Good thing is I'm reasonably shaveapocalypse proof. That's the important thing.....right?

Soap: Pb Brazilian Bay Thyme
Brush: Omega 10083
Razor: Timeless Bronze
Blade: Ladas (3)
Another one bites the dust. I'd be sad Bay Thyme is finished if I couldn't replace it.......but I can.....and I will.:)
Just for the record @tim33z , I'm not snubbing your finished products thread, my soaps have been heavily sampled for family and friends so it's not all my own work and am not sure that I've actually finished anything on my own.:) Good thing is I'm reasonably shaveapocalypse proof. That's the important thing.....right?
No offence taken mate. Plenty of guys are starting to get in the “use this tub up” routine.
My real query is whether everyone else seems to “use one, buy 3 more?”
That’s what had me come unstuck. I used up around 8-9 full tubs in 2019, but bought well over 20 as well. This year is my year to turn that number around. I’ve used 1, binned 1 and 2 weeks away from finishing another (all within 2 months)

First shave with the Yaqui Knight’s Grill head I recently picked up for $10. I’m a big fan of blade feel and aggression and this efficient shave has a good amount of both. Strong audio feedback too which is great. BBS on four days growth.

It’s a keeper and a very handsome head unit... even though it’s chromed pot metal.
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Timeless, S/S, 0.68 Scalloped base plate with 14 mm x 85 mm dimpled handle
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Double Edge Blade
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk3
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Martin de Candre Fougère
Post: Squadron Coronet Fougère splash
WTG, ATG, touch ups with adjusted angles for my beard.
A Sunday arvo shave. The Timeless just does the job nicely.


Prep: Hot Shower
Brush: Declaration Jeffo B7 Peach
Razor: Gillette NEW SC
Blade: GSB (3)
Lather: Declaration Grooming - Massacre of the Innocents - Soap
Post Shave: Australian Private Reserve - Fenchurch - Aftershave
Fragrance: PdM Herod

Once again, this NEW SC impresses me with an extremely close shave with very little irritation. One nick on the chin. 85% BBS after the usual 3 passes (WTG, XTG, ATG) + minor clean up.

This B7 is both beautiful to look at and is fantastic to use. More on this new acquisition soon.

Milksteak makes life easy and MOTI is an all star scent. I draw from this well frequently.

Fenchurch is also in a league of its own and deserves a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame.
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