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Shave of the Day Thread - 2020

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The Game Changer .84-P is a fantastic razor in my den and the only disappointment I don't like is the blade loaded onto the base plate is a real pain in the ass when removing and loading the blade by hand.

I strongly prefer the blade should be loaded onto the top cap and not onto the base plate.
I haven’t removed a blade yet but did think it’s a weird method to load the blade onto the plate!

Brush: Vulfix 403 Pure Badger
Razor: EJ 3one6
Blade: Elka Super Stainless (14)
Soap: Erasmic
A/S: Tabac
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Tony Forsyth P&C LE Platypus
Soap/Cream: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire soap
Razor: Vintage Gillette L1 Slim Adjustable (5)
Blade: Vintage Gillette Super Stainless "Aussie Spoiler" (2)
Post-shave: Phoenix & Beau Spitfiresplash
Fragrance: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire solid cologne

So nice ...


Pre: Pb PSE
Soap: Pb Drachenblut
Brush: 26mm TF KBBB
Razor: RazoRock Old Type OC
Blade: French Nacet (4)
Post: Calendula Balm
I had given this razor to my son to try a couple of years ago and he took a liking to it. I loaned him my GC .84 OC and that got taken to Sydney and the Old Type left at home. Brilliant shave, not as efficient as the GC but I can't argue with the results. Not sure how much it has to do with the Nacet. I've used these before but seem to be having a good run with this blade.
Pre-shave:- Shower/Bloom Water
Brush:- Omega - 10065 Natural Bristle
Soap:- Murphy & McNeil - Ouroboros
Razor:- Fatip - Grande
Blade:- Astra SP(1)
Balm:- Stirling – Ben Franklin

Enjoyed the Karve OC-D so much decided to give the other open combs a run and compare. Initial comparison beside the obvious Zamac vs Brass or Stainless. The Fatip Grande appears to be a bit more aggressive with some minor burn/irritation on the neck (not R41/JAWS level), more blade feel and feedback than Karve OC-D, and maybe a tad less effective under the jawline. Still a beautiful close and efficient shave.
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: RAW RS-10 Mild Plate
Blade: Feather
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk3
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Fenchurch
Post: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Fenchurch Splash
WTG, ATG, touch ups with adjusted angles for my beard.
This shave is dedicated to my friends and colleagues in the US.

Date:- 13 April 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Barrister & Mann ~ Promises
Razor/Blade:- Rockwell 6C-R3 / Kai Stainless #4
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20 drops) & Tea Tree Antiseptic (10)

Razor: Wolfman WR2 SB WRH7 SS
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Tony Forsyth Matilda Prototype Rhodium knots 2-band Silvertip
Lather: Mike's Bay Rum
Post: APR post-shave serum

What a beautiful early autumn day here and the perfect excuse to capture the beauty of the Matilda in natural light - can't get much better than this - happy days!

I hope you are all safe (y)
The Game Changer .84-P is a fantastic razor in my den and the only disappointment I don't like is the blade loaded onto the base plate is a real pain in the ass when removing and loading the blade by hand.

I strongly prefer the blade should be loaded onto the top cap and not onto the base plate.
+1 (y)
Easter Long Weekend Shaves

Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Head: Leaf Razor
Face: Yaqi DOC // Italian Barber Game Changer .84P // Muhle R41
Blade: Polsilver SI (3 blade) // Rockwell (5) // Gillette Rubie Platinum (3)
Pre: Shower
Bowl: Pereira Shavery Lathering Bowl
Soap: Cella
Post: APR Escentials Restoration Serum // Palmers Olive Butter Lotion // Stirling Soap Co. Unscented balm

I hope you all had a pleasant Easter Long Weekend as I did. I've been super lazy getting the camera phone out but I managed to have a few shaves with some positive results. I find it hard to go past the Rubie blades as they work excellently with mild to super aggressive DEs in my collection. Had a quick head shave Good Friday with no fuss - the Leaf is now my go-to head shaver!
Still using the Cella as it lathers up well and provides consistently good performance. Three really enjoyable face shaves with the DOC, .84P and beastly R41... Happy shaves!
Pre: Warm Shower
Razor: WR2 1.25
Blade: Polsilver
Brush: Yaqi silvertip badger
Soap: Executive Man
Executive Man splash

Four days growth effortlessly gone, this blade gives the wolf a very soft smooth feel and by far my favorite. gave the badger another go and got a decent lather from it, will persist with some badger training!!

hope you all had a safe Easter break

Thought I would give a feather another go, got a very close shave at the expense of a few weepers, felt slightly tender at the time and the splash reconfirmed this.. an hour later and the skin has settled nicely and man what a close shave..

Hi mate, do you think the 1.25 a little too aggressive "the weepers"?
Four days growth effortlessly gone, this blade gives the wolf a very soft smooth feel and by far my favorite. gave the badger another go and got a decent lather from it, will persist with some badger training!!
Hi mate, do you think the 1.25 a little too aggressive "the weepers"?
Trust me @Holiday ..... @StratMan LOVES weepers.. he's a huge fan of Norman Gunston who always nick himself during his shave and he keeps wasting toilet paper... @StratMan was born to love aggressive razors.

Hi mate, do you think the 1.25 a little too aggressive "the weepers"?

it’s been a long while but I copped it that day.. didn’t end up an issue all good in couple hours like it never happened

no way is it too aggressive but if u don’t respect it, especially with a couple of drinks n a feather, it can bite lol

but treat it well and the 1.25 will give you loads of smoothness with excellent efficiency

used the polsilvers today, perfect combo for me, but as speedy said I do like efficient razors
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Tony Forsyth P&C LE Platypus
Soap/Cream: Henri et Victoria Cognac & Cuban Cigars soap
Razor: Vintage Gillette L1 Slim Adjustable (5)
Blade: Vintage Gillette Super Stainless "Aussie Spoiler" (3)
Post-shave: Henri et Victoria Cognac & Cuban Cigars splash
Fragrance: Henri et Victoria Cognac & Cuban Cigars EDP

Another great winter scent and, finally, I think I can get some quality lather out of this soap! It has taken me a while to "master" and I think I only persisted as it smells so good.

Happy back to work Tuesday!

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