That is just insane!! I can't seem to get a blade past about 5 shaves without it becoming rough. But hat tip to you Sir!!
My stubble is very thick, nowhere near as a pussy cotton-floss, I’ve stopped chasing BBS for nearly two years now and I’m very happy with DFS or DFS+.There's a bit that you can do with your pre-shave to extend your blades, but ultimately it comes down to genetics - how tough your whiskers are. I suspect @SpeedyPC of having cotton-floss whiskers, there's no way most human beings get that many shaves out of a blade.
Though if you only shave above the upper lip, you don't wear out your blades as much as if you do both face and head. And it makes a difference whether you go for BBS or settle for SAS or DFS...
The secret is how good is your shaving technique and also your lather.