Pre: Hot Shower, Nivea Skin & Stubble
Brush: Yaqi Moka
Soap: St James of London Black Pepper & Lime
Razor: Muhle Rocca
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock Super Platinum (1)
Post: Nivea Skin & Stubble, Aloe Vera
Hoo boy, one of the sharper blades I've used thus far. A teeny bit rough, but lets see how the next shave goes. A bit of burn under the chin but that's a problem area for me with most blades. A few nicks from buffing, but DFS+ tonight.
The St James soap certainly looked premium, coming in a nice box and glass jar. It's much softer than a croap; I followed its instructions and just slapped it on my face and lathered up. It lathered quickly, no doubt due to its initial form and easily became a nice beaten egg white consistency with soft peaks. Residual slickness is not up there with the likes of artisanal soaps, but a bit of water with the finger gives enough to do a light buff. However, it's soft form does mean it's very easy to just grab a dab, put on your face and do a quick top up lather with the brush. Probably wouldn't buy it at full price though.