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Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Ash Wood 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Stirling Soap ~ Baker Street
Razor/Blade:- Merkur 34G / Gillette Minora Stainless #11
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Pre-shave: Proraso White, 5min hot towel
Brush: P&C Matilda
Soap/Cream: Shaver Heaven - Fig & Brown Sugar
Razor: Karve CB (C-SB)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock Black SP (8)
Post-shave: Cold Water Splash, Alum, TSW After Balm
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Wolf Whiskers - Bluberry Pie 24mm blackwolf
Soap/Cream: Australian Private Reserve - Ozymandias
Razor: Muhle - R41 Grande
Blade: Gillette - Minora Stainless (31)
Post-shave: APR - Ozymandias AS splash / A&E skin food nourishing cream.

2 pass WTG daily shave = DFS+. What possessed me to dust off this retired dinosaur of a razor, I don't know. Soap, brush, blade, AS, and balm I cannot fault, all performaned great. The R41 still feels like a tractor using it. A noticeable lack of smoothness especially on the first pass from this razor.

Still a good shave. :)
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Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Hoffritz branded Simpson brush
Soap/Cream: APR Fougere Bourbon Rose soap
Razor: Vintage Wilkinson Sword 'Sticky'
Blade: Vintage NOS Schick Krona (11)
Post-shave: APR Fougere Bourbon Rose splash
Fragrance: N/A

Nice to be home


Pre-shave: Hot water, Pears soap
Brush: CaYuen "Copper Ore" 30mm SynBad
Soap/Cream: D.R. Harris - Windsor (y) @rhodes96
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Kai PINK
Post-shave: Shower, Homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+.
COTD: Yemen Hamasil Village

In the grip of choice paralysis for soap selection, just decided to use the same as yesterday's, just a change of razor and blade. Works for me...

Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: TF Custom/26mm Oumo SHD LotusTip
Soap/Cream: Blue Devil ‘Devil Bay’
Razor: Karve CB SB-F
Gillette Stainless Red+White (3)
Post-shave: Alum block, Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve, Jovan
I’ve been cycling through some Aussie soaps (APR Raconteur, Squadron Sweetheart, Blue Devil) and while Raconteur’s fragrance is one of the few that I can actually smell and distinguish some of the claimed notes, the Blue Devil glide is so hard to beat. I could easily go all Aussie with a few additions like Whisper from the Woods and maybe Salt Lake Soaps. The Karve with SB-F is amazing, I’m getting DFS+ shaves every time with low risk aggression. The Red+White is another factor in the smoothness of this shave; fantastic!
I’ve been cycling through some Aussie soaps (APR Raconteur, Squadron Sweetheart, Blue Devil) and while Raconteur’s fragrance is one of the few that I can actually smell and distinguish some of the claimed notes, the Blue Devil glide is so hard to beat....

So if you want to pass on that Raconteur soap (and splash) I'm first in line - that way you will have more room for the Blue Devil!
#15 Aristocrat
Brush:- TroyTools "Mink Nebula"
Soap:- Noble Otter - Two Kings
Razor:- Gillette Aristocrat Open Comb #15
Blade :- Gillette Super Stainless (3)
Post shave:- Noble Otter - Two Kings
Due to time pressures and work was not able to enjoy a straight shave today but have used the Aristocrat for the past two days and gladly it has exceeded expectations. May be the best open comb razor I have used, with a perfect balance of smoothness, aggression and efficiency. Regrowth does not last as long as many other razors but DFS is good enough.

Edit: yes there are some alignment issues and it has a drop knob that I was aware of before buying but I could not wait until these were fixed before shaving. Hopefully it shaves as good if not better once these are fixed
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