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Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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Pre: Warm water
Brush: TF Chamelion Burl Hybrid, 2 band MW
Soap: Muhle, Sea Buckthorn
Bowl: Troycraft Customs
Razor: Rockwell T2 (#3)
Blade: Gillette Minora (2)
Fragrance: Old Spice
How's the T2 are you enjoying it, before you change your mind to PIF the T2.
The T2 is great, just trying to dial in the most comfortable adjustment setting for daily shave. #3 seems on the money, but I'm trying partial increments either side of #3 to discover where close & nick free lies. There is no click setting on numbers, so there is scope to set between them for a tuned personal preference.
I've got no complaints with it. YMMV though of course.
I haven't had enough experience with other good razors to form a comparison opinion though.
Someone want to swap a Wolfman or such for a half dozen new brushes?:D
The T2 is great, just trying to dial in the most comfortable adjustment setting for daily shave. #3 seems on the money, but I'm trying partial increments either side of #3 to discover where close & nick free lies. There is no click setting on numbers, so there is scope to set between them for a tuned personal preference.
I've got no complaints with it. YMMV though of course.
I haven't had enough experience with other good razors to form a comparison opinion though.
Someone want to swap a Wolfman or such for a half dozen new brushes?:D

Put your name down now for the Wolfman of your own specification and it could be delivered by Christmas
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: WCS - Honeycomb white 26mm tuxedo
Soap/Cream: Imaginery Authors / Noble Otter - Telegrama
Razor: Blackland - Tradere SB
Blade: Gillette - Minora Stainless (35)
Post-shave: Imaginery Authors / Noble Otter - Telegrama AS splash / A&E - skin food nourishing cream

2 pass WTG + touchups daily shave = DFS+. Same razor, different blade to the previous days shave, and what a contrast. Practically a BBS with no irritation. It's remarkable how a razor blade with 35 shaves on it out performs a brand new blade of another brand in the same razor.

i dunno how you do it, even with the minora (which i love) i cant go past 4 shaves.. maybe its cos i chase BBS and always go ATG? dunno, but 35 shaves.. wow
Pre-shave:- Shower
Brush:- Shavemac Finest 23/46
Soap:- Murphy & McNeil - Triskele
Razor: Focus Slim Al
Aftershave:- Murphy & McNeil - Triskele

First shave with a shavette and a few weepers but nothing major. First time I have broken out the alum in a long while. Beautiful smooth 2 pass DFS+ not quite dolphin smooth all over
I am glad to have had the opportunity to try a shavette and will persevere until I have comfortably mastered the shave without nicking myself but feel it will never replace straights.
Well you’ve answered that question for me.(y)
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Hoffritz branded Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: P&B Spitfire soap
Razor: Vintage NEW head on TSW Bren handle
Blade: Super Iridium (6)
Post-shave: P&B Spitfire splash
Fragrance: P&B Spitfire solid cologne

Such a great brush, such a great razor, such a sensational soap and scent. [content]

Stop chasing BBS :)

It's an addcition, purchasing moar soaps cured mine.:LOL:

I have tried, many times... but i am weak :)

especially over the past couple of weeks... start with good intentions but then right at the end when i am about to wash up i go for it again, even though i know weepers will come (depending on what i use)

today, i will give it another go with the R41.. no ATG, no ATG, no ATG.... we'll see
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