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Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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Brush: Chisel & Hound + Maggard 24mm SHD
Razor: ATT Windsor Pro SB90
Blade: GSB (2)
Lather: B&M Dickens Revisited
Post: Nivea Balm
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Forgotton Art - Bushman 26mm tuxedo
Soap/Cream: Tallow & Steel - Boreal
Razor: Blackland - Blackbird Ti
Blade: Gillette Stainless ( red & white) (13)
Post-shave: Tallow & Steel - Boreal AS splash / Stirling - Varen PS balm

2 pass WTG + touchups daily shave = DFS+.

Another round with Blackbird Ti and different blade. With 13 shaves on this blade it delivered the sharpness and efficiency similar to that experienced in the last shave, perhaps 0.5 notch more efficient. The smoothness however, has be turned up 1- 2 notches. The Gillette Stainless/Minora blade has added to this already super smooth shaver. This is one the smoothest per efficiency level razors I have used. Still for my shaving routine I like the efficiency to be up 1-2 notches for my daily shave. Ok ok, I will stop being stingy and use a Feather blade next.

The Tallow and Steel soap base is an excellent performer. If you get a chance, it definitely worth a try.
Urgent demand on my time this morning: a biggish tree just crashed down across the driveway, so no pic.

Pre-shave: Hot water, Pears soap
Brush: Forgotten Art "Southern Skies" 30mm Snow Leopard
Soap: Stirling Bergamot Lavender
Razor: RR SS Hawk V3
Blade: Feather Pro Super
Post-shave: No time, had to go... :(
COTD: None. :(

I had meant to take time to explore some more samples, but that didn't happen. When I'm in a hurry, I nearly always reach for The Green Tub, and today was no exception. A quick load 'n go 1½ pass DFS- then off to spend quality time with the chainsaws. Sigh. :rolleyes:

No rest for the wicked. Not even the very wicked.
27th July is National Scotch Day!!

Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Ash Wood 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Stirling Soap ~ Bay Rum
Razor/Blade:- Merkur 34G / Gillette Minora Stainless #15
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Tonight Lockdown Tipple:- Glen Grant The Major's Reserve

Pre: Warm water, Proraso white pre-shave cream
Brush: TF Woodrot, Rhodium
Soap: Squadron, Sweetheart
Razor: Gillette Fatboy 1960 (#5)
Blade: King C Gillette (2)
Post: Alum, Shower
Fragrance: APR, Acqua Di Sydney

Fatboy was probably better dialed back a notch or two for ATG pass.
A few little red spots appeared after the 3rd pass.
Live and learn with the new (to me) razor in the den.
Pretty damn close shave though(y)
Third time isn't (a charm :unsure:)
  • Prep: Hot Shower
  • Prep: Phoenix Shaving - Cube 2.0 Unscented
  • Razor: Yaqi - Stamford, Razorock - Lupo Aluminium
  • Blade: Derby Usta
  • Brush: Yaqi - Lucky Dice
  • Lather: Phoenix Shaving - Clubguy
  • Post-shave: Proraso - Alum Block
I'm very much having mixed feelings and experiences with my new Yaqi razor.

Tried another head shave with the Yaqi, and again even with just a few days growth, it failed to cut through a vast majority of my dome's growth. I resorted to my Razorock again to finish the job.

I have to look closer, but I almost wonder if the blade exposure on the Yaqi isn't enough to give me a clean cut, although I have only tried two blades with it so far. I might have to try a few more brands.

However the Yaqi worked well on my face with my last shave, so it really is a YMMV kind of razor.
no chance.. not even a r41 will get me there

if I run my hand downwards it feels bbs

but when running my hand upwards in that area can feel the hairs

hey your the boar man, any boar u can suggest for me?
I'm no expert as I only own 2 budget boar brushes but once you work them in they're great performers!

For a while there I was tempted to move away from badgers and stick with synths + boars but its good to have variety as each fibre works differently. Keen to see what you decide on. (y)
Last few shaves


Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Razor: Merkur 37C
Blade: Gillette Nacet (3)
Pre: Shower
Soap: MWF
Post: Nivea 2 Phase Post Shave Lotion // PAA Atomic Bay Rum travel splash
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS+


Brush: Yaqi 30mm Tuxedo
Razor: Merkur 37C
Blade: Gillette Nacet (4)
Pre: Shower
Soap: Wholly Kaw Timmerman (Siero) sample - thanks again @rhodes96
Post: Allum block // Nivea 2 Phase Post Shave Lotion // Sukin Hydration Biomarine Facial Serum
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS

Another busy week but really enjoying the milder shaves as the sharpness of the Nacet balances well with the slant. Strangely this mornings shave wasn't as even with some patches noticeable by lunch time... Go figure!?

What was impressive was the Wholly Kaw Siero as the tiny scoop managed to produce plenty of slick lather in small part to the 30mm Tuxedo knot but the soap base is certainly a vast improvement over the earlier version. The scent is quite nice too and overall a vast improvement over MWF which seems like it'll take me the remaining year to finish!!!

Stay Safe (Warm) & Happy Shaves!
Last shave with this gear.
Pre-shave:- Shower
Brush:- Semogue - Torga C3
Soap:- Squadron - Red Lead
Razor: ABC Pocket Edition
Blade:- Gillette Super Stainless (15)
Aftershave:- Squadron - Red Lead

Really enjoyed scent of Red Lead and has me wondering did I not enjoy the last few soaps?:unsure:
The Torga does not hold as much lather as other boars and a quick lick and lather is barely enough for 2 passes without scraping proto lather off the puck for 2nd pass
With the blade getting a bit tired and ABC providing such a quick and simple shave decided to go single pass DFS twice a day AM/PM and enjoyed being clean shaven for bed and work (y)
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