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Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Rooney shaving brush
Soap/Cream: APR Skye Fall soap
Razor: Vintage NEW head on TSW Bren handle
Blade: Super Iridium (14)
Post-shave: APR Skye Fall splash
Fragrance: APR Skye Fall EDT

14 shaves will do that blade, time for a change!

Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Rooney shaving brush
Soap/Cream: APR Skye Fall soap
Razor: Vintage NEW head on TSW Bren handle
Blade: Super Iridium (14)
Post-shave: APR Skye Fall splash
Fragrance: APR Skye Fall EDT

14 shaves will do that blade, time for a change!

Rooney? Looks like a TF platypus to me - not that there's anything wrong with that... :whistle:

Pre-shave: Hot water, Pears soap
Brush: Forgotten Art "Southern Skies" 30mm Snow Leopard
Soap: Castle Forbes Lavender
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Schick Proline
Post-shave: Shower, homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+
COTD: Yemen Hamasil Village

The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray :whistle: after having collected 20,000 litres of rainwater off the roof in just two days...
Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Taj Resin 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Stirling Soap ~ Bay Rum
Razor/Blade:- Merkur 34G / Gillette Minora Stainless #16
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)

Soap: Pb Camphorwood Rocker
Brush: Omega 10083
Razor: Wapienica (hollowed wedge)
Time to look some more gear out that had been packed away. Lovely shave. Missed yesterdays shave so the Wapienica was the perfect choice for two days growth. Nice to give the 10083 run as well, probably my favourite boar brush, only because the Zenith was a prolific shedder. :)
Damn! You got a time machine? It was a smooth efficient shave, this was my first use of these things, it came with a bunch of razors I bought.
Keep searching on evil bay and you might get lucky for a reasonable price in BULK!!!
Last few shaves


Brush: Yaqi 30mm Tuxedo
Razor: iKon 102 Shavecraft Slant + OSS Handle
Blade: Wizamet SI (1)
Pre: Shower
Soap: Murphy & McNeil Barbershop De Los Muertos (Kodiak) - thanks again @rhodes96
Post: Alum Block // Nivea 2 Phase Post Shave Lotion // Sukin Hydration Biomarine Facial Serum
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS

First shave with this razor/blade combo and very close shave with some minor irritation on the neck plus the odd nick. Great performance from this soap sample with a lovely scent...


Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Razor: iKon 102 Shavecraft Slant + OSS Handle
Blade: Wizamet SI (2)
Pre: Shower
Soap: MWF
Post: Alum Block // Nivea 2 Phase Post Shave Lotion // Sukin Hydration Biomarine Facial Serum
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS

Similarly close shave with this combo but less blood letting...


Brush: Proraso Omega
Razor: Muhle Rocca V4 R94
Blade: Wizamet SI (3)
Head: Headblade Moto
Pre: Shower
Soap: Oaken Lab Earth of Mankind (V3) - thanks again @rhodes96
Post: Nivea 2 Phase Post Shave Lotion // PAA Atomic Bay Rum travel splash
WTG, ATG, Touchups = BBS

Inspired by our Olympics Swimmers, todays head/face shave was pure Gold! Gold! Gold!

Stay Safe (Warm) & Happy Shaves!

Pre-shave: Pure Shea Butter, Hot towel
Brush: Simpson PJ2
Soap: SV Felce Aromatica
Razor: Fatip Piccolo Special Edition, Gentile Head
Blade: Timor
Post-shave: Cold towel, SV Felce Aromatica

First time using this razor: it's beautiful and it has a nice grip. I shaved with the closed comb today and there is definitely more blade feel compared to the Muhle closed comb. I shaved with a much lighter touch. The end result was a smooth shave. I'll have to try with different blades to find the best pair. I think it will be a while before I attempt to use the open comb.
A fourth try
  • Prep: Hot Shower
  • Prep: Phoenix Shaving – Cube 2.0 Unscented
  • Razor: Yaqi – Stamford
  • Blade: Derby Usta
  • Brush: Stray Whisker – 452/24 Synthetic
  • Lather: Phoenix Shaving – Clubguy
  • Post-shave: Proraso – Alum Block
The mixed feelings and experiences with the Yaqi razor are confusing me, although I think I have worked them out.

I think I can only get a decent face shave with the Yaqi Stamford but not a head shave. Clearly the Yaqi works well with the flexibility of my face skin rather than the hard inflexible skin up on my noggin.

For now, I’ll have to keep the Yaqi for face shaves only, and use my other razors for up on the dome.
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