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Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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I don't have Squadron/APR - Australians All - before I became a member but I do have some Aussie gear

Was thinking I have Squadron ✔ and TF Custom ✔ but no Aussie razor :unsure: ... 💡 DC blades 100% Aussie made razor, brush and kangaroo leather strop 🪒how dinkum is that


Brush: TF Customs Clear/Black/Yellow 26mm 2 Band Finest Bulb
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Personna Lab Blue (2)
Pre: Shower
Soap: AP Reserve Coolabah LE
Post: TSW After Balm // Neutrogena Hydro Boost SPF50
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS

Stay Safe & Cool - Happy Shaves!!!
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Culmak shave brush
Soap/Cream: APR Fougere Trois shaving soap
Razor: Vintage British Gillette #15 Aristocrat
Blade: Personna 'Lab Blue' (3)
Post-shave: APR Fougere Trois splash
Fragrance: N/A

Those days when the shave is just spot on? Today!

Hmmm, shaving by torchlight ...

Brush: APShave Co 24mm 2BED
Razor: Merkur 34c
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2)
Lather: Barrister Mann - Lyssa
Post: Witch Hazel
Light: Thrunite TC20
EDC: Maxpedition Mini Pocket Organizer (Foliage Green)

Hmmm, shaving by torchlight ...
He’s on the lookout and hunting for Zombies.

Soap: Pb Sorro
Brush: Platypus
Razor: Rex Ambassador (4,3,2)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'clock SharpEdge (3)
AS: Pb Sorro
Bit of roofing installation on a portable building this morning - careless placement of ladder - fall - shower - shave - and now to do something a little safer like painting (the ladder isn't as high:)). I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow.
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Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Taj Resin 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Noble Otter ~ Hamami
Razor/Blade:- Fatip Testina Gentile CC / Gillette Stainless (red & white pack) #1
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
What's the Japanese razor-like Loud Mouth?
Portuguese actua-ry!
It’s a mild one with the Masamune plate. Feels like Rockwell R2 but shaves like the 4. Super smooth with virtually no blade feel.
With the masamune cap and Nodachi base plate it’s still smooth and the efficiency would be comparable to R5 but feels like R3 probably.

Brush: Alpha Shaving Brushes T-400 24mm Silvertip
Head: Headblade Moto
Razor: Smart Helix Apollo H 0.50mm Mild Plate
Blade: Rockwell (1)
Pre: Shower
Soap: Squadron Soaps Empire
Post: Squadron Soaps Empire A/S Splash // Neutrogena Hydro Boost SPF50
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS+
Light: Led Lenser T7M

I managed to do some quick repairs to the top cap post as I await my replacement parts and had to try the mild plate with a milder blade. Whilst not the smoothest shave the Rockwell blade shaved close with a few nicks due to my sloppy technique. The scent and performance of the soap is very pleasant with plenty of slickness for the head shave.
I'm still on the fence with the Silvertip knot as its too floppy like a wet boar but once you workout the hydration it holds and lathers nicely.
Stay Safe & Happy Shaves!
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