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Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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Brush: Alpha Shaving BrushesT-400 AP Shave Co. 24/54mm SynBad Fan
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Personna Lab Blue (6)
Pre: Shower
Soap: Cella Red
Post: The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 30 ml // Imperial Leather A/S Lotion
WTG, ATG, Touchups = DFS

Considering the success I had with yesterday's shave I decided I'd keep things simple and only swap out the brush, razor & blade. Now as nice as the Merkur is it isn't a Rocca as evident by the lack of efficiency and patchy regrowth by lunch time. :( This knot is super soft and has the consistency of a wet boar when lathering and to my surprise the Imperial Leather scent lasted most of the day which was quite nice. Looking forward to the next shave...
Stay Safe & Happy Shaves!
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Culmak shave brush
Soap/Cream: Vitos Menthol & Eucalyptus shaving soap
Razor: Vintage British Gillette #15 Aristocrat
Blade: Vintage NOS English Wilkie (5)
Post-shave: Vitos 'Swiss' splash
Fragrance: N/A


Maggard 24mm SHD
Karve Brass C
Noble Otter - Northern Elixir
SpeedyPC mix (not the latest formula)

I have been digging the Northern Elixir soap throughout this summer.
Have a great day all!
Where did you get your green spray bottle from @MadFlava81 ??
Where did you get your green spray bottle from @MadFlava81 ??
I bought some 100ml frosted clear glass spray bottles off ebay. you can get them in a few colours - brown, green, maybe others. I use mine for Pinaud Clubman and another as a witch hazel spray/mister. you can also get refillable perfume bottles. highly recommended that you grab a few.
haven't shaved for a few days (strike one)
don't have a pic to post (strike two)
I guess my Pinaud Clubman post is strike three...

wfh so shaved mid-morning
Pre-shave: shower then light application of King of Shaves gel while working up my lather
Bowl/Scuttle: small porcelain bowl
Brush: Semogue 820 black
Soap/Cream: Arko Shaving Cream Sensitive with a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil - really worked the lather up, possibly a little dry but better than my previous effort that left me irritated with weepers
Razor/Blade: iKon slant head with SABI T1 handle and Astra blade
Post/After-shave: 1 - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel, 2- Nivea for Sensitive Men (that's me) Post Shave Balm
Fragrance: Ralph Polo blue
Passes: 2-pass, WTG and XTG - DFS, no weepers

was supposed to shave with a birth date Slim but on close inspection one of the doors was not closing properly so I grabbed a Fattie and it was also closing unevenly, unbelievable - both put aside for a weekend spa retreat comprising of a soak in citric acid followed by a few rounds in the ultrasonic, if that doesn't fix them they'll go on the 'bay. will swap another Slim into the rotation.

the iKon is a noisy razor you can really hear it scything through the whiskers. love shaving with a slant... :love:


RazoRock SLOC w/MÜHLE R41 baseplate
Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdge Yellow
WCS Two-Tone Tall 26mm BOSS Synthetic Knot
Barrister and Mann Le Grand Chypre Shaving Soap
Epsilon Blue Mediterranean Aftershave Splash
I had the mispleasure of sampling some when @Mark1966 brought it along to a Meet Up and the scent took ages to wash off and I only put on a tiny bit! :muted: Eud de Toilet! :eek:

It really should be a right of passage for ALL wet shavers.

I actually want to love it, but it simply doesn't love me :(
Pre-shave: Warm Water
Brush: Wolf Whiskers - custom 30mm blackwolf
Soap/Cream: A&E - Tibetan Temple
Razor: Karve Razorock - Lupo SS 95
Blade: Astra - Superior Platinum (2)
Post-shave: A&E - Tibetan Temple AS splash / A&E - Post Shave Serum

2 pass WTG = DFS + daily shave. Another great shave and very impressed with the intial use of the Lupo SS 95. ( actually more than impressed with a big grin :)). Intial impressions, this is my type of razor. Extra effcient, super smooth, a little blade feel to let you know your shaving, all the trimmings for a fine razor. Yes its a level above the effciency of the Rocca. Somewhere in the Karve CB - SB, E - F plate with the Astra used. No review yet, as I would like to get a feel for this razor and other blades.

The soap Ariana & Evans -Tibetan Temple. Scent is medium to strong off the tub and medium, for the splash. Scent Notes, Tobacco leaf, honey, iris, sandalwood, amber, musk, frankincense, myrh, smoke, rose, patchouli, Himalayan cedar and hay. This is a beautiful masculine dark refined woody oriental scent which could be used as an evening scent anytime of the year or for colder weather.

To me as I have a fairly wide variety of A&E soaps, it smells very similar to about 1/2 a dozen other soaps that have a similar dark sweet oriental type accord. (Khalifa, Chasing the Dragon, Amber Rose, Revolution, Grecian Horse, Novelist, Vanille de tabac, The Club) If you could take the best elements from the scents of those soaps and combine them together, this is what Tibetan Temple is.
This is 100% two thumbs up from me on the the soap and splash .(y)(y) I may like it more than Khalifa and Grecian horse.
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