I embarked on this sabbatical with the clear intention of running down my soap stash, but of course there are a few niggles I'll probably have to consider next year. I foolishly left myself out of stock of Castle Forbes Lavender, which was a bit silly. I'll live with that. And I should have thought to get in a tub of MdC Natural so I could flavour it how I like. Bummer. 
But of course my mind is turning to future shopping lists, so:
I have read that an Ethos shaving soap for Her is scented to emulate the fabled Yardley. Any thoughts on this? I've tried other Ethos soap samples and found them to be really excellent.
Someone mentioned that the Truefitt & Hill St James was a worthy consideration, so I'd be interested to hear any feedback on these soaps. I'm not holding my breath on that, given the current trend for reformulations. (I'm quite sure my latest puck of DRH doesn't perform as well as the stuff I had a couple of years back.) But I do like the idea of non-plastic containers.
I have, of course, read the various lavender shoot-out type threads. So, if anyone has words of wisdom to offer...?
But of course my mind is turning to future shopping lists, so:
I have read that an Ethos shaving soap for Her is scented to emulate the fabled Yardley. Any thoughts on this? I've tried other Ethos soap samples and found them to be really excellent.
Someone mentioned that the Truefitt & Hill St James was a worthy consideration, so I'd be interested to hear any feedback on these soaps. I'm not holding my breath on that, given the current trend for reformulations. (I'm quite sure my latest puck of DRH doesn't perform as well as the stuff I had a couple of years back.) But I do like the idea of non-plastic containers.
I have, of course, read the various lavender shoot-out type threads. So, if anyone has words of wisdom to offer...?