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Troy Tools Custom Brush Handles


Mine, all mine!

I couldn't believe it when Troy told me this one was still available. If I wasn't at work or in danger of throwing out a hip, I'd be doing a happy dance right now.

A big thank you to @TroyTools I can't wait to give it a try.

Mine, all mine!

I couldn't believe it when Troy told me this one was still available. If I wasn't at work or in danger of throwing out a hip, I'd be doing a happy dance right now.

A big thank you to @TroyTools I can't wait to give it a try.
You're very welcome mate(y) Looking forward to seeing it in the SOTD pages.

And the other thread too. (you'll work out what that means when you get the package:D:cool:)
Thanks Mate, it arrived last night so I'll set a knot in it over the weekend. It looks just as good in the flesh.

Troy has actually made me another brush handle from scratch that we've been discussing over DMs. It too looks truly amazing.

Is it ready to show pics? I also have one in the works now with Troy which wont be too far away. It will house a 24mm Lansky HD knot .. and have another project on the backburner which will be completed in due course for the highly rated 26mm G5C knot
Is it ready to show pics? I also have one in the works now with Troy which wont be too far away. It will house a 24mm Lansky HD knot .. and have another project on the backburner which will be completed in due course for the highly rated 26mm G5C knot

I do have a couple of pics but I'm waiting to see if Troy will take some really nice ones and post them up.
Thank you for the intro for this brush Gents.
Technically quite difficult, but very pleased with the result!
Pic 1 with a Cashmere knot for photoshoot purposes only.
This handle is now ready to ship to it's proud new owner;)
Pink/Pearl White/Clear resins, out in the beautiful QLD sunshine.
Congrats @Nanook , and I hope Mrs Nanook enjoys it too.



Thank you for the intro for this brush Gents.
Technically quite difficult, but very pleased with the result!
Pic 1 with a Cashmere knot for photoshoot purposes only.
This handle is now ready to ship to it's proud new owner;)
Pink/Pearl White/Clear resins, out in the beautiful QLD sunshine.
Congrats @Nanook , and I hope Mrs Nanook enjoys it too.



that looks fantastic, nice job @TroyTools love the shimmer and swirls... congrats @Nanook this one for the missus?

Yes mate, it is.

I was going to try and keep it a surprise for her but when Troy sent me through the first pics last night, I was so impressed with his work, I had to show it to her, and I'm happy to report, she absolutely loves it!
Thank you for the intro for this brush Gents.
Technically quite difficult, but very pleased with the result!
Pic 1 with a Cashmere knot for photoshoot purposes only.
This handle is now ready to ship to it's proud new owner;)
Pink/Pearl White/Clear resins, out in the beautiful QLD sunshine.
Congrats @Nanook , and I hope Mrs Nanook enjoys it too.



love that shape @TroyTools and @Nanook - congratulations.
@TroyTools I hope you kept measurements for future projects (y):)