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Troy Tools Custom Brush Handles

@TroyTools as I'm not registered via Facebook, because, I don't trust faceđź’©book.

However, you can also expand your wet shaving brushes via https://www.etsy.com/au/

PS. I'm thinking about ordering my handle and knot of choice from you, because, I don't have access to faceđź’©book to see more details of your work, and would be nice to include your business via Etsy for those who don't like facebook.
Thank you for the feedback @SpeedyPC . I look forward to the day I see your PM through P&C to add one of my brushes to your vast and exclusive shave den.

Sometimes they are a few days apart, but all the handles and brushes I make are both on here at my pages, and on facebook for those people that aren't on P&C. I get that someone without "messenger" can't reach me through facebook's message system, but my email address is there for anyone genuinely interested in buying, which has actually been used by some people in the past. My facebook page is just a free webpage that anyone can browse through. If they're going to contact me, they will (hopefully). If not, they can't have wanted one of my brushes badly enough, which I'm OK with. Exclusivity is a positive in my opinion!

I'm thinking of starting my own Squarespace powered website, but I'll wait and see what spare time I have left over in a day after I return to the workforce this year. This could all slow right down for all I know at this point in time.

I get that from a consumer's perspective that etsy is great, but I believe it's a different story for vendors. I did look into etsy a while back, and don't want to rip too badly on it (...rip incoming,,,,,) but after discovering how costly it was for vendors, (25% from every sale, plus no opt out of any advertising program they dictate to sign you up to without your consent, and charge huge for the privilege) I decided it wasn't for me. I'm not going to pay some multinational corporate parasites to profit off the back of my hard work for not doing a single thing other than coming up with an idea that lets them profit off the back of hard working craftsmen. They are a "money for doing nothing" business platform that I won't be supporting. It will probably cost me by way of potentially unrealized sales, but I can live with that. I'll just do it the way things were done before etsy, which wasn't long ago.

Please know that I don't mean to rain down on your well intentioned suggestion to grow my little business, and I really do appreciate your support along with all the members of P&C, but I think a short explanation of why I have remained a little low key and haven't gone the obvious etsy route to mega success by now was probably due.

Plus, truth be told, I'm lazy & old, and just couldn't be arsed with running a virtual online shop and blah blah grumble grumble and all that shit. I just wanna play with all my tools in my mancave and make beautiful things. Fuck the computer (says this while typing on the computer, DUH!)

"Ask and you shall receive"
That's how you get one of my brushes
Old school, is how I roll. :cool: :cigar:
(...rip incoming,,,,,) ...
You forgot the (endrip) :D

But well said. I have a friend who used to sell her stuff through Etsy, and she had to shut it down, it was just too expensive. And the world has a superfluity of parasites.

@SpeedyPC, just contact Troy directly, you'll end up with the brush that suits you exactly, to your specifications, with no compromise. Just do it. You'll love yourself for it. (y)
@SpeedyPC, just contact Troy directly, you'll end up with the brush that suits you exactly, to your specifications, with no compromise. Just do it. You'll love yourself for it. (y)

I was the same as you @SpeedyPC I even mentioned it on here that I preferred a website to view brushes to buy because I don't like facebook.

I ended up sending Troy a PM because I wanted one after seeing so many on here and it was the best thing I did.

Troy makes it an extremely simple process to order exactly what you're after over a couple of PMs.

Now I own a few of them and will definitely be adding a lot more to my collection over time.

You won't regret it.
@TroyTools as I'm not registered via Facebook, because, I don't trust faceđź’©book.

However, you can also expand your wet shaving brushes via https://www.etsy.com/au/

PS. I'm thinking about ordering my handle and knot of choice from you, because, I don't have access to faceđź’©book to see more details of your work, and would be nice to include your business via Etsy for those who don't like facebook.

Not enough pics here of his work?
Woohoo, another colour changing chameleon handle (purple green gold), packaged and ready to be posted.
This has a 28mm boar knot sitting in it for photo purposes, but the lucky guy receiving this has has own 30mm boar for the job.








Following on with a recent colour scheme of purple gold and red, this one is 26mm.





Ooh. :love: this is one I really like. Mmmmm, I have the feeling my 2023 sabbatical is going to be blown fairly soon, especially since I have recently noticed this recent addition to AP Shave Co's product line... I guess that's what sabbaticals are for. To make me a laughing-stock. Just as well I don't mind being the butt of people's jokes... :D
Ooh. :love: this is one I really like. Mmmmm, I have the feeling my 2023 sabbatical is going to be blown fairly soon, especially since I have recently noticed this recent addition to AP Shave Co's product line... I guess that's what sabbaticals are for. To make me a laughing-stock. Just as well I don't mind being the butt of people's jokes... :D

Just do it.

My sabbatical was blown 5 minutes after I announced it ;)
Just do it.

My sabbatical was blown 5 minutes after I announced it ;)
go for it @Gargravarr, and you may well start a chain reaction :)
OK guys, well enabled. First steps...
Order that knot: done :rolleyes:
Get the imagination going to visualise Troy's next handle: OK...
Make sure I intercept packages at the mailbox before Mme G does: oh dear... :rolleyes:

In the meantime:
2023 Sabbatical Fail