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Troy Tools Custom Brush Handles

After much digital ping pong messaging with Troy and a bit of photoshopping with frankenbrushes on my behalf Troy brought it to life.
Made to exact specifications and fits my boney long appendages like a glove and the chisel work is stunning



The evolution of Frank from my very first TF brush to be completed by TF Legacy in @TroyTools


Oooh. :love: A bit of a beehive influence there? If so, this is the first time I've ever liked a beehive handle. Stunning.
Oooh. :love: A bit of a beehive influence there? If so, this is the first time I've ever liked a beehive handle. Stunning.
I had to do a practice beehive before cutting into @Holiday big brush handle. Then we went with grooves and flats anyway, but that's cool, I got to play with rarely used chisels for a while in the meantime.
Couple pieces of good matching colours, and this what I did. Sparkling Dark Red Candy with a Gold top.:cool: (see what I did there?):D
This pic was going to wait until after the auction, but hey, here we are.
After much digital ping pong messaging with Troy and a bit of photoshopping with frankenbrushes on my behalf Troy brought it to life.
Made to exact specifications and fits my boney long appendages like a glove and the chisel work is stunning



The evolution of Frank from my very first TF brush to be completed by TF Legacy in @TroyTools


That looks amazing Holiday.. congratulations on ya new brush..

Nice job Troy 👍
True that, The Rainbow Falls blanks weren't poured by Tony or myself. They were done by his master pourer, cuz you know, black magic is needed to do those blanks.:unsure:
Difficulty level, a million!
They are definitely unique, so get em while you can!
Cheers for the clarification as whoever poured the blanks is a master. :)
Some eye candy for you all. These are the result of my recent efforts at the lathe.
The badger knots are not glued, they are just sitting in the socket. Some of the synthetics are glued in and will be sold that way.
Some might have been seen before (I can't remember what I've already posted before today)
Not an easy feat to say the least, i find the more choice one has the more difficult decisions become.. the possibilities and combinations are endless
Ultimately I wish to add a Rainbow Falls + boar brush as have always loved that blank but also have 2 x synth knots that need a handle and finding the right colour scheme is hard as some truly stunning examples on this Thread.... :unsure:
Just about anything can be done mate. ;)

I really like the shape of the middle one and the colours look good too.
First one looks nice but the photo doesn't really show what colours are in the blank and the Rainbow Falls one is absolutely stunning and high on my wish list! :love::love::love:
I'll be sure to PM you ideas once I get some spare $$$ and discuss the option of using my own knots as need some advice on how to incorporate a 24mm G4 knot that's dense and has a big glue bump... :unsure: