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What do you have in the post right now?

The makers website is here if you are interested in their other products.

Thanks Mate. I got two of them. But am still interested in getting the Salt Lake if there is any available still
I have no idea what this is going to be like but I thought I'd give it a go. Aussie made Kangaroo Tallow Shave Soap.

I gave this a go last night. Using a super badger brush, which may have been too wet, I struggled to get a thick lather. It lathered ok, but not as thick as I would have liked. However, the lather it did produce, was probably the slickest feeling lather I've ever come across. It was so slick (how slick? I hear you ask), I was starting to worry that the razor was going to slip out of my hand. It was only $9 a puck, so I wasn't expecting too much, but I didn't mind it at all and it's something I'll probably buy again. I'll give it a go tonight with a boar brush and see how it goes.
I gave this a go last night. Using a super badger brush, which may have been too wet, I struggled to get a thick lather. It lathered ok, but not as thick as I would have liked. However, the lather it did produce, was probably the slickest feeling lather I've ever come across. It was so slick (how slick? I hear you ask), I was starting to worry that the razor was going to slip out of my hand. It was only $9 a puck, so I wasn't expecting too much, but I didn't mind it at all and it's something I'll probably buy again. I'll give it a go tonight with a boar brush and see how it goes.
Super slick you said?
Thats what I like for SR👍🏻
The “bay”as I hit Buy It Now, came up error as @Ebonysw45 got me by a second 🤔, 😂😂👍
Sorry, I 🤔 about those for a few days and finally gave in. The seller must have just accepted my offer. I also grabbed his duke 2. Thats me done. Don’t need anymore soap, brushes, aftershave, hones or razors. Someone got some nice tabac stick refills. I passed on those since even by my standards I have enough Tabac.
Sorry, I 🤔 about those for a few days and finally gave in. The seller must have just accepted my offer. I also grabbed his duke 2. Thats me done. Don’t need anymore soap, brushes, aftershave, hones or razors. Someone got some nice tabac stick refills. I passed on those since even by my standards I have enough Tabac.
Coming soon in the mail from Beard and Blade in Victoria

Coming soon in the mail from Beard and Blade in Victoria

Hmmm, I like how that scent profile reads. I didn't need any more soap, but suddenly I find I do. Well what's another $40?

So, done. Me too. :LOL:
Elite Razor Ringneck Pheasant Handle only



  • This razor handle is handcrafted by Robert Quinn from a poured acrylic resin surrounding the feathers of a Ringneck Pheasant, a well known game bird native to Asia. On March 13, 1881, approximately 60 Chinese ring-necked pheasants arrived in Port Townsend, Washington. United States consul general Owen Nickerson Denny and his wife shipped the pheasants from Shanghai in hopes of establishing a population in their home state of Oregon. The male of the species can grow to 3 feet from beak to tail and weight up to 7 pounds. The distinctive iridescent brown and gold feathering of the Ringneck Pheasant make it one of the most recognizable of the game birds.
  • This unique handle was cast by John Underhill, an award winning feather artist and resin caster. Each feather is painstakingly placed prior to casting in crystal clear acrylic resin. This is truly a “one of a kind” piece as, just like snowflakes, each feather has a different pattern, color shade and character.
  • This razor handle is 3.875 inches long and weighs 1.6 ounces.
  • Please note that all the feathers in this handle were acquired from domestic, pen-raised birds and are 100% legal. All the required tags and permits have been obtained.
Elite Razor Ringneck Pheasant Handle only



  • This razor handle is handcrafted by Robert Quinn from a poured acrylic resin surrounding the feathers of a Ringneck Pheasant, a well known game bird native to Asia. On March 13, 1881, approximately 60 Chinese ring-necked pheasants arrived in Port Townsend, Washington. United States consul general Owen Nickerson Denny and his wife shipped the pheasants from Shanghai in hopes of establishing a population in their home state of Oregon. The male of the species can grow to 3 feet from beak to tail and weight up to 7 pounds. The distinctive iridescent brown and gold feathering of the Ringneck Pheasant make it one of the most recognizable of the game birds.
  • This unique handle was cast by John Underhill, an award winning feather artist and resin caster. Each feather is painstakingly placed prior to casting in crystal clear acrylic resin. This is truly a “one of a kind” piece as, just like snowflakes, each feather has a different pattern, color shade and character.
  • This razor handle is 3.875 inches long and weighs 1.6 ounces.
  • Please note that all the feathers in this handle were acquired from domestic, pen-raised birds and are 100% legal. All the required tags and permits have been obtained.
That's neat! Very clever to put feathers in resin (y)